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The Young Women Project

Project (Becky) read Jesus the Christ, bore her testimony about Him and focused more during the sacrament about the Atonement.

Required experiences:
1. 2. 3. PRAYER - establish habit of morning and evening prayer for 3 weeks (Heather) MOTHERS ROLE - discuss qualities a woman needs in order to teach children faith and base their decisions on gospel truths (Grace) FAITH - choose a gospel principle such as prayer, tithing, fasting, repentance, and prepare a FHE lesson about how faith helps you live that gospel principle. (Heather: Can Sign Faith is Like a Little Seed, Atonement He Sent His Son, Plan of Salvation I Lived in Heaven)

Additional experiences

1. SACRAMENT - establish a pattern of pondering during the sacrament by listening to prayers and hymns. Do at least 3 weeks (Allyse) 2. ATONEMENT - read scriptures, journal, share feelings in testimony meeting. (Kortney, Natalie) 3. PLAN OF SALVATION - learn and discuss with class, family, or friend 4. TITHING - pay tithing for 3 months (Bella, Amanda, Irene, Jaycie, Mary)

Divine Nature
Project- (Sylvia) Creativity is part of our divine nature. Sylvia used her creativity to make ancestor histories for her children for Christmas.

Required experiences: 1. DIVINE QUALITIES - read, ponder, record (Heather: Signs Im Trying to be Like Jesus and shares her love with others through her actionswith hugs and smiling) 2. FEMININE QUALITIES - ask a mother what she thinks are important attributes for being a mother. Choose one, strive to develop it for 2 weeks (Jaycie) 3. HOME LIFE BETTER - for 2 weeks make a special effort to strengthen your relationship with a family member (Heather: makes a daily effort to strengthen & help her mom and help her by unloading the dishwasher, cleaning up, takes care of her own medical supplies, hair suppliesa wonderful helper!)
Additional experiences: 1. SACRAMENT PRAYERS - memorize the sacrament prayers and for 2 weeks practice keeping your covenant of always remembering the Savior (Alleigh) 2. OBEDIENCE - strive to be obedient to parents for 2 weeks (Allyse) 3. DIVINE QUALITIES - select 1 quality and work on developing it for 2 weeks (Bella, Amanda, Jaycie) 4. PEACEMAKER - be a peacemaker for 2 weeks

Individual Worth
Project - (Becky) picked 10 people and spent at least one hour on each of them doing things for them that helped them see their individual worth. Required experiences: 1. DAUGHTER OF HEAVENLY FATHER - read and record (Heather: Knows who she is and invites the Spirit in her home EVERY SINGLE MONTH when the home teachers come she puts her hands on her head and signs Please? and asks the home teachers to give her a blessing.) 2. PATRIARCHAL BLESSINGS - prepare to receive blessing (Alleigh, Hailey, Sadie) 3. BUILD OTHERS AND MAKE THEM FEEL OF WORTH - everyday for 2 weeks, acknowledge others worthwhile qualities verbally or in writing (Heather: express love and appreciation when she writes thank you notes and even personally delivers some to those who have brought her gifts when she is in the hospital or not feeling so good.) Additional experiences: 1. YOUR FUTURE - list hopes, dreams, goals for your future. Make a plan and share the plan ( Jaycie, Angie) 2. SELF CONFIDENCE - participate in dance, speech, music or drama performance (Amanda, Allyse) 3. FAMILY HISTORY - visit with living relatives, complete pedigree chart (Amanda, Kortney, Natalie) 4. SPECIAL GIFTS - ask someone to write down the positive qualities the Lord has given you. Record how you can develop these gifts. 5. Sylvia decorated guest bedroom into ancestor bedroom full of keepsakes.

Project- (Pat) learned how to and made dolls for her granddaughters for Christmas. Required experiences: 1. IMPORTANCE OF KNOWLEDGE - read, record, and discuss (Heather: Reads many, many books every day and loves to learn at home and school) 2. TALENTS - learn a new skill or talent (Heather: Performed at her Special Needs YW Talent Night.Signed I Know My Savior Loves Me and shared her own personal skills) 3. ARTICLE OF FAITH #13 - memorize and recite A of F attend a performance and use A of F as a guide to evaluate what you saw and heard (Audrey) Additional experiences: 1. SELECT A GOSPEL PRINCIPLE - (ex: faith, repentance, eternal family) prepare a 5 minute talk and present it. 2. AREA OF WORK - talk to someone in that field and educate yourself (Amanda, Alleigh) 3. HYMNS - memorize 2 hymns and conduct them 2 times (Heather: Signs Search, Ponder and Pray and Love One Another) 4. (Kim: Wrote and carried out a ward Christmas program that illustrated her faith and knowledge in Jesus Christ.) 5. (Irene: Learned how to knit.)

Choice and Accountability

Project- (Mary) Chooses to spend her time for Heather in making her a

blanket and pillow in the yw value colors.

Required experiences: 1. GOOD CHOICES - follow pattern of regular scripture study and prayer (Bella) 2. FSOY - read FSOY pamphlet and choose three standards to improve on for 3 weeks. (Jaycie, Grace) 3. AGENCY - read, discuss, record (Natalie) Additional experiences: 1. REPENTANCE - read, record, and apply in daily life 2. HOLY GHOST - read, record, pray (Jaycie) 3. YW THEME - study the theme, record daily habits (Heather: Chooses good music when she only listens to her Primary Song CDs in the car and asks her nurse and Michael to play Primary Songs on the piano) 4. CHOICES - make a budget, pay tithing for 3 months (Audrey ?)

Good Works
Project (Irene) served her neighbor, Amy, for many months while she was pregnant with a very difficult pregnancy.

Required experiences: 1. SERVICE - for two weeks notice others quiet acts of service and acknowledge their service in a meaningful way. (Grace) 2. SERVICE IN YOUR FAMILY - help plan and prepare family meals for two weeks (Grace) 3. COMFORT OTHERS - list three ways to help others bear their burdens (Grace, Jaycie)
Additional experiences: 1. SERVICE - teach a lesson on service for FHE 2. SERVICE - choose a family member to serve for one month (Allyse, Jaycie) 3. SERVICE - spend at least three hours giving service outside your family (Lori & Sadie: preparing this powerpoint and tracking personal progress for Heather) 4. (Heather: gets to go the temple and witness family baptisms)

Project (Irene and Pat) are temple ordinance workers each week (Mary and Natalie) attend the temple weekly

Required experiences: 1. INTEGRITY - read, record a plan to stay morally clean and worthy to attend the temple. Keep that plan for at least one month (Alleigh) 2. PERSONAL INTEGRITY - evaluate your own integrity. Pray daily for strength, record in journal (Jaycie) 3. SAVIORS EXAMPLE - think of a time when you had the courage to show integrity, share experience in a lesson or testimony meeting (Jaycie, Grace
Additional experiences: 1. INTEGRITY - interview a women you respect and make a list of what it means to have integrity (Grace) 2. STAND AS A WITNESS - choose a personal behavior that you need to improve, practice for three weeks (Rhonda) 3. LAW OF FAST - have a meaningful fast and contribute to fast offering (Alleigh, Grace, Jaycie) 4. FAMILY - list problems that weaken the family, reading, record your plan to strengthen your family. (FHE lesson, devotional, scripture study..) (Jaycie 5. (Heather: Dresses modestly. At a church activity, she made a doll and dressed her in modest clothes to help her learn the value of modesty.)

Project- (Heather) - read Book Of Mormon Required experiences: 1. CHASTITY AND VIRTUE - study and read, record your commitment to be chaste. 2. HOLY GHOST - read, record a time when you felt the guidance of the Holy Ghost (Amanda, Angie, Rhonda) 3. TEMPLE - read Alma 5. list the questions Alma asks then answer the questions for yourself (Bella, Grace, Alleigh, Sadie, Kortney) 4. REPENTANCE - read, partake worthily of the sacrament, record a plan to become more like the Savior (Jaycie, Grace)

Important Information!
Select any experience you would like to work on and complete. If you are yw age, your goal can go toward your own personal progress as well as for Heather. For those not in yws, you can look up the complete experience online or get your hands on a personal progress book. It will explain the goal in its entirety. Whatever you choose to complete, you need to be willing to write up little summary of your experience and take a picture to go with it. We will be making a scrapbook for Heather of our experiences in her name. You can either turn in the pictures and summaries to Aunt Lori or you can choose to make the 12 x 12 scrapbook page yourself of the experience. Whatever you would like to do. Deadline date to have experiences completed and summaries/photos to Aunt Lori: Memorial Weekend - May 27th If you have any questions, ideas, comments let us know. Email addresses: or

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