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Dowry or Dahej is the payment in cash or/and kind by the bride's family to the bridegroom' s family along with

the giving away of the bride ( called Kanyadaan) in Indian marriage . Kanyadanam is an important part of Hindu marital rites. Kanya means daughter, and dana means gift.

Dowry originated in upper caste families as the wedding gift to the bride from her family. The dowry was later given to help with marriage expenses and became a form of insurance in the case that her in-laws mistreated her. Although the dowry was legally prohibited in 1961, it continues to be highly institutionalized. The groom often demands a dowry consisting of a large sum of money, farm animal. Though prohibited by law in 1961, the extraction of DOWRY from the bride's family prior to marriage still occurs. When the dowry amount is not considered sufficient or is not forthcoming, the bride is often harassed, abused and made miserable.s, furniture, and electronics.

The official records of these incidents are low because they are often reported as accidents or suicides by the family. In Delhi, a woman is burned to death almost eve In 1988, 2,209 women were killed in dowry related incidents and in 1990, 4,835 were killed ry twelve hours .

Because of the Illiteracy, most the people are unaware

of effect of dowry. Narrow mentality behind the dowry system. Negative attitude towards the women Lack of womens Education in Families is the reason for giving dowry. In a town, people think that giving dowry in a marriage creating more status in society. Women spend a good life in husbands house if dowry paid in marriage. In a village, most of the people think Dowry is their legal right which has to pay the daughters family in a marriage.

In the village if brides are not beautiful to look at or if

they get late married then they are to give a lot of money as dowry to the bridegroom.

Start practicing dowry prohibition in your family. Educate the members of your family with the provisions of law that demanding and accepting or giving dowry is an offense. The registration of marriage should be made compulsory. The women and their parents should refuse the men who want dowry. Men and women should promise against the dowry system. We should create a movement and strong public opinion against the dowry system.

Besides, government and NGOs should be involved in

the movement against the course. People who practice dowry system should be socially boycotted. To ensure the legal action against dowry.

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