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The primary function of the intelligence officer is to keep the Commander informed about: - the enemy - area of operations - the unknowns He also assists the Commander in the formulation and supervision of counterintelligence activities within the command.

# Essential Elements of Info # Other Intelligence Requirements # Collection Worksheet Intel Plan or Annex Orders and Request Dissemination: # Intel estimate # Rpts & Studies # Daily Intel Briefs Commanders Use: Mission # Comdrs Estimate # Staff Estimates # Other Comds

# Troops # Intelligence Specialist # Special Units

# Recording and Sorting # Evaluation # Interpretation

# Essential Elements of Info # Other Intelligence Requirements # Collection Worksheet Intel Plan or Annex Orders and Request Dissemination: # Intel estimate # Rpts & Studies # Daily Intel Briefs Commanders Use: Mission # Comdrs Estimate # Staff Estimates # Other Comds

# Troops # Intelligence Specialist # Special Units

# Recording and Sorting # Evaluation # Interpretation

Planning of the Collection Effort


Determine intelligence requirements Determine intelligence priorities Determine enemy activities, characteristics of the area of operations Select collection agencies to be employed Supervisethe execution of order and requests

Planning of the Collection Effort

Depending on the mission, the Commander and his staff require intelligence and information . . .

To arrive at sound and timely decision. To protect the command. To assist in the processing of other information.

# Essential Elements of Info # Other Intelligence Requirements # Collection Worksheet Intel Plan or Annex Orders and Request Dissemination: # Intel estimate # Rpts & Studies # Daily Intel Briefs Commanders Use: Mission # Comdrs Estimate # Staff Estimates # Other Comds

# Troops # Intelligence Specialist # Special Units

# Recording and Sorting # Evaluation # Interpretation

Collection of Information
Collection is the systematic exploitation of sources of information by collection agencies and the delivery of the information obtained to the proper intelligence section.
Sources of information are persons, things or actions from which enemy, weather, or terrain information is derived.

Collection of Information
Major Sources include:

Enemy activities Enemy prisoners of war (POW) Captured enemy documents and materials Enemy communication Civilians Maps Weather Forecasts Studies prepared by friendly units Intelligence reports

Collection of Information
A Collection Agency is an individual, organization or unit that has access to sources of information and the capability of collecting information from them. It include

Troops - The primary mission of a unit determines the amount of information that it can provide Intelligence Specialists - They are valuable collectors of information and especially trained personnel Special Units - These units have various specific collection mission significant to the overall collection effort.

# Essential Elements of Info # Other Intelligence Requirements # Collection Worksheet Intel Plan or Annex Orders and Request Dissemination: # Intel estimate # Rpts & Studies # Daily Intel Briefs Commanders Use: Mission # Comdrs Estimate # Staff Estimates # Other Comds

# Troops # Intelligence Specialist # Special Units

# Recording and Sorting # Evaluation # Interpretation

Processing of Information
Processing is the step by which intelligence is created from the raw material of information. Steps:

Recording - It is consists of reducing information to writing or some form of graphical representation. Evaluation of Information - The information is examined to determine its pertinence, reliability of the source and the collection agency, and accuracy of the information. Interpretation of Information - It determines the significance and meaning of information.

Processing of Information
The purpose of recording is to facilitate the task of the intelligence officer. Basically, there are three (3) general aids by which recording is accomplished:

Intelligence Journal - is the permanent, official, chronological record of operations of the intelligence section. Intelligence Workbook - is a device which provides a means of systematic arrangement of information by type of subjects. Enemy Situation Map - is a temporary graphic record of the current disposition and major activities of the enemy.

Processing of Information

WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY & HOW MIIOT - Most important information on top Other details

Processing of Information
This determines the pertinence, reliability and accuracy of information:

Pertinence - The S2 first examine info to determine the degree to which it I relevant, and its possible value. Reliability - The basis for this consideration is the intelligence officers experience with, and knowledge of the source and agency. Accuracy - Information is judged for accuracy to establish the probable truth of information.

Processing of Information
The standard evaluation table is as follows:
Reliability of Source/Agency A - Completely Reliable B - Usually Reliable C - Fairly Reliable D - Not usually reliable E - Unreliable F - Reliability cannot be judged Accuracy of Information 1 - Confirmed by other sources 2 - Probably true 3 - Possibly true 4 - Doubtfully true 5 - Improbable 6 - Truth cannot be judged

Processing of Information
The standard evaluation table is as follows:
Source of Information S - SIGINT T - Commander U - Intelligence Operatives V - Troops engaged in operation/encounter W - Captured enemy X - Government civilian employee Y - Populace Z - Documents

# Essential Elements of Info # Other Intelligence Requirements # Collection Worksheet Intel Plan or Annex Orders and Request Dissemination: # Intel estimate # Rpts & Studies # Daily Intel Briefs Commanders Use: Mission # Comdrs Estimate # Staff Estimates # Other Comds

# Troops # Intelligence Specialist # Special Units

# Recording and Sorting # Evaluation # Interpretation

Dissemination & Use of Intelligence

Dissemination is the timely distribution of intelligence to those who need it, and in the most suitable form. Basic means of dissemination:

Intelligence Estimate Messages Personal Contact Intelligence Documents Periodic Reports Analyses of Area of Operations Studies

Dissemination & Use of Intelligence

Primary means of Disseminating Intelligence

Intelligence Estimate Spot Reports Intelligence Summary Operations Orders Intelligence Annex Daily Intelligence Briefs


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