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Business Communication Adapted from

Sehgal & Khetarpal

The word Communication originates from the Latin word

communis, which means common and the word Business stands for any economic activity which is undertaken with a view to earn profits.

The communication undertaken in the process of this

Definition - Communication is defined as giving,

economic activity is termed as Business Communication.

receiving or exchanging information, opinions / ideas by writing ,speech or visual means so that the content or material communicated is completely understood by everyone concerned.

Nature of Communication
* It is a process - Identifiable flow of interrelated events * It is inevitable - Essential physical, social & psychological exercise * It is a dynamic process - Ever changing * It is meaning based - Link words to create meaning * It could be intentional / unintentional - Intended or unintended * It is systematic - All components are interrelated & affect one another * It is a twoway process - Involves 2 people and must create a response. * It is a social process - Helps people interact & socialize * It is a continuous process - Repeated to achieve desired results * It involves interaction and transaction - Share, exchange & influence

* Needs proper understanding - for common meaning. * Leads to achievement of the organizational objective - helps reach object ( pri. & sec ) * It is contextual - Same Words may give different meanings. * Dispels misunderstanding - To provide Clear understanding, and build Camaraderie * It has four specific skills - Read, Write, Speak & Listen (all equally important) * It is all pervasive - Important at all levels, types of organizations * It is spiraling process - Level & Growth not same it is not linear and static * It helps share thoughts and ideas, which produce response - otherwise it will not called communication * It is the life blood of business - For Existence, Growth & Survival

The phenomenal power of the human mind I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg in the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.
NOTE: I read this somewhere and I just had to pass it

around. The origins of the text is unknown.

Forms of communication
Three broad Categories * 1. Internal - Operational 2. External Operational 3. Personal * 1. VERBAL & NON-VERBAL 2. Verbal - a. oral b. written

Classification of Communication
Intrapersonal Interpersonal Group Mass Verbal - Oral & Written Non-verbal : Body Language , Non-verbal Cues Meta Communication Formal & Informal Upward, Downward, Diagonal & Horizontal

Importance of communication
To help the smooth functioning of Business To help business thrive, survive & be viable To give directives & achieve results/objectives To help prompt D/M & Implementation To create awareness of products & services and increase sales thereby ensure business growth. To build human relations and enhance morale & keep employees motivated To maintain good external contacts with outside world To serve as a basis for all managerial functions.

Communication Network
- It is the Flow pattern of communication - An Analogy of the human body can be drawn
Communication network basis 1. Direction - Upward ,Downward, Horizontal, Diagonal 2. Expression Oral & Written 3. Organization Structure Formal & Informal Wheel, Y , Chain, Kite, Slash & All channel network.

The process of communication involves two or more persons participating through a medium that carries the information or message for a particular purpose which is mutually understood by both the sender and receiver. Only when these conditions are fulfilled, a significant communicative situation will take shape.

Elements of the Communication Process

For the communication process to materialize, it is essential that the basic elements of communication be identified. These elements are: Sender/Encoder/Speaker Receiver/Decoder/Listener Message Medium Feedback

Working of the Process of Communication




Two Way Process


Encoding Idea Sender Decoding of Feedback

Channel Receiver


Encoding of Response


Perceived Meaning & Internal Response


Communication has unlimited scope which can be understood under two broad headings: External dimension - Build relations with external agencies & stake holders Internal dimension- within the firm - Vision , Policy, Inter departmental exchange of information
In addition to external and internal dimensions, the scope of communication can be further expanded to include: Oral and Non-verbal communication. Interpersonal, intrapersonal and mass communication. Reading, writing, speaking and listening.

The objectives of business communication would include the following: To inform To persuade To educate To train To motivate To integrate To relate To entertain


Information sharing - Groups / organizations Feedback - Performance /achievements Influence - Develop congenial work

relationships Problem solving - Conflicting issues in organization Assists in decision making Critical inputs Facilitating change - Spontaneous Group building Build relationships Gate keeping Security to build linkages of organization with outside world Conveying the right message Well understood

Helps in coordination of effort to minimize differences Development of managerial skills Ensuring effectiveness of policies Motivating people Performance Feedback Job instruction Controlling people Spreading rumors Emotive function Good industrial Relations

7 Cs & 4 Ss of communication

Courtesy - Politeness to improve relations. Clarity - Easy understanding Correctness - Ensures confidence Consistency - Continuity & Stability Concreteness - Confidence reinforcement Conciseness - Brevity Credibility - Trust Building
Simple - Simplicity in Usage of words & ideas Sincerity - Genuine & make believe situation, Short - Economy & brevity, avoid superfluous language. Strength - Conviction of message.

Benefits of Effective Communication

Less misunderstanding
Increased Awareness Improved customer relations

Healthier business relationships

Quick Problem solving & Decision - making Increased Productivity

Enhanced Professional image

Better quality of documents

Essentials of effective communication

Conceptual clarity Language Mood & Receptivity Planning & Positive approach Feedback Proper channel Cost effective Time factor Well informed Target audience


Communication effectiveness can be examined in relation to the following criteria: Fidelity of communication Economy Congruence Influence Relationship building

The communication system serves as the vehicle by which

an organization is embedded in its environment. It keeps the members of the organization informed about the internal and external happenings which are relevant and of interest to the organization.
Information to be Communicated in an Organization
Broadly, all business communications can be divided into five types of information : Statutory information Regular work-situation Major policy or operational change information Information bulletin Communication by expectancy

Importance of Communication in Management

Management as a discipline includes every conceivable

form of communication. Some Important Functions of Managing

Forecasting Planning Organizing Instructing Coordinating Controlling

Oral Communication Characteristics

Instant two-way process One off exercise no record or reference. Day to day language used Sender & Receiver Principles Clarity, Brevity & Accuracy Influence of body language & voice modulation Cannot be rectified/mended

Methods of oral communication Individuals

Face to face conversations Interviews Telephone conversations Grapevine


Negotiations Meetings Lectures , Speeches, Presentations Conferences, Speeches & Seminars

Need for oral communication

Problem Solving Conflict Resolving Influencing & Persuading Developing Listening skills

An individual who can think and not express what he thinks is at the same level as an individual who cannot think .

Advantages of oral communication

Immediate feed back
Better Relationships Time Saving Tool for persuasion Tool for group communication Economical & ideal for emergencies Check for effectiveness immediately

Disadvantages of oral communication

Lack of retention & documentation Distortions Legal validity nil Possibility of misunderstandings Unsuitable for lengthy information Constraint of physical barriers Difficult to assign responsibility Not feasible for a spread out target group.

Written Communication Characteristics

Formal & conventional Can document Circulation Creative Activity Presence of sender & receiver not required at same place & time Fewer cycles No fixed time limit

Methods of written communication

Letters Memorandums Notices Minutes Circulars Manuals Reports Contracts Complaints Manuals


Ready reference permanent nature. Legal Validity Promotes Uniformity Mass Access Distance communication Accuracy with no ambiguity Assign responsibility Revision & re revision of text.

Limited to literates only
Time consuming & no immediate clarification Paper work Expertise of expression Lack of immediate feedback Expensive - Stationery, dispatch & man hours utilized

Communication Needs in Different Jobs

Job Title Communication Skills

Secretary Finance Associate/Finance

Proficiency and writing skills. Ability to communicate clearly

with clients and others.

Product Manager
Sales Representative

Develop and communicate product strategies. Excellent oral communication, follow up skills and ability to
draft proposals.

Personnel Manager

General knowledge of proposal preparation: good oral/ written

communication skills.

Production Manager

Ability to write and read, listening to grievances, ability to

conduct interviews.

Contracts Administrator

Ability to communicate precisely to employees working under

his supervision.

Colors also Communicate

Red - Danger, Stop. Green - Growth, Go

Yellow - Friendship
White - Peace, Purity Black - Evil, Dark

Blue Calm , Serene

Non verbal communication

No words are used.
Use of symbols, signs, sounds & expressions Communication thru body movements, physical

appearance, voice quality, space touch & territory.

Non verbal Communication characteristics

Instinctive in nature - Attitudes, Feelings No conscious effort - less deliberate Subtle - Need skills to understand Complements Verbal communication Part of overall communication activity

Many times non verbal communication speaks louder than words

Communication is a process of sharing &

understanding information meaningfully Is a important component of all activities in work & non-work life. Sender, Message, Receiver, Channel & feedback are elements of communication process, as also encoding & decoding. Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening are the all important 4 skills of communication It facilitates all management functions It is considered the Lifeblood of an organization.

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