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9. Sales Training


Customers Desire Up Selling

One of the common blocks for most sales people is

that they perceive up selling as irritating & undesirable to customer

On the contrary customers desire cross selling & up-

88 % of customers value service reps who suggest alternative products

or services that better meet their needs 73 % are interested in learning about new products or services the company is promoting 61 %t tend to ask service reps about these products and alternatives Customers not only engage in sales discussions with service reps, but they also buy 42 % of customers said they purchased additional products or services sometimes or frequently
Worldwide Survey of Consumers by The Forum Corp.


Up Selling Helps the Customer

When you Up-sell it's a way to further help your

customerto be more powerful, to enjoy more benefits, to maximize the usefulness of the products or services You are making informed suggestions as a knowledgeable representative
Why dont you open an FD to put in your excess cash in the bank


You are apprising customers of options they may not be

aware of
Offer Buy 2, Get 1 Free

You are often anticipating future needs A tie to go with the 3 piece suit that you have brought


Up-selling is Complete Selling

Up selling is "complete" selling If you are selling a matching tie with the three piece suit, uncovering a need by asking the question leads to complete selling From the customer's standpoint, completing a satisfactory purchase
Saving his an additional trip to buy the tie


Complete Selling: Types

Sell more of what your customers are already buying
Customers have certain buying habits OR generally there are some hot

selling items (based on sales data)

Other music CDs featuring your customers' favourite artists Software companies are buying training in grooming & etiquette

Sell complementary products and services

Products that can be sold in conjunction with other products Fries/Potato Wedges with Burger Easy up-sell that can be made at the point of purchase Music CD + CD carrying case

Introduce non-complementary products and services

Current customers possess a degree of trust in your business and this can

be converted into sales of products not directly related to the customers' existing purchases
customer who typically buys music CDs can be introduced to videotapes and



Complete Selling :Points to Note

Ensure that the customer is satisfied with first sale

Factors most strongly affect their willingness to consider purchasing additional products or services.
1. Satisfaction with current purchase 2. How well additional products or services fit the customers needs 3. Price

Focus on customer needs-not yours. Sell with integrity

Don't try to sell the customer something you wouldn't buy if you were them
Since it's done after the customer has decided to go ahead with a purchase, the hard part of the sales conversation has already been done. You've got to assume that the customer will naturally want this. Begin the up sell with a brief benefit, then if possible, add something unique about what you're selling. Up-selling is just presenting the information in a "by-the-way" assumptive manner

Its easy . It is a by the way presentation


Complete Selling: Points to Note

Be prepared with positive aspects when selling expensive

alternatives. Customers will ask why they should choose these

Why should I buy Polaroid glasses instead of plain

Recognizing sales opportunities is a matter of observing body

language and reading customers

Signals to look for : uncertain body language, looking around,

scanning the counter , hesitation in ordering, or studying menus for a long time Excellent service would be to go and sell to these customers
Remain in Control
One of the key phrases that will end a large, multiple-item sale with

a whimper rather than a bang isWould you like anything else?' This is not proactive and does not put you in control." Instead, says salespeople should take the lead. Some phrases :
Would you like [product X] with your [product Y].

(Example: A Pepsi to go with Crisps.)


Three Mistakes in Complete Selling

The 3 biggest mistakes : 1. No attempt is made to up-sell or cross-sell 2. The salesperson comes across as being pushy

To avoid sounding pushy, particularly if the up-sell requires some elaboration, ask for the customer's permission to describe it Continuing to sell after the customer says hes not interested

3. The up-sell is made in an unconvincing manner so the customer

generally refuses

Service through sales not ingrained Little product knowledge Emphasizing features rather than benefits Selling something that the salesman would not buy himself



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