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Def : aesthetic

/stk or, especially Brit., is-/ Show Spelled[es-thet-ik or, especially Brit., ees-] Show IPA adjective 1. pertaining to a sense of the beautiful or to the science of aesthetics. 2. having a sense of the beautiful; characterized by a love of beauty. 3. pertaining to, involving, or concerned with pure emotion and sensation as opposed to pure intellectuality

Linguistics Features

The scientific study of language or of particular languages

Techniques & Strategies :

Using Questioning In Techniques Teaching Text Part Aesthetic Associations Values / Hypothesizing Literature Performance

Using Questioning Techniques

Comparison What are the differences between the history of Canada Day and the history of Bastille Day? How are Lennie and Candy's dog similar in Of Mice and Men?

Using Questioning Techniques

Based on Romeo's infatuation with Rosaline, his obsession with Juliet, and his preoccupation with death, what can we conclude? Based on Lennie's past, what can we conclude will happen in Soledad?

Using Questioning Techniques

Deduction Based on the rules of the ranch, what do you conclude will happen to Lennie and George? Based on the rules of tragedy, what do you think will happen at the end of this play? What must happen for the conspirators plot to work?

Using Questioning Techniques

Classification What qualities do the ranch workers all share in Of Mice and Men? In what ways does Juliet go against the expected role of daughters?

Is Julius Caesar a work of tragedy or history?

Using Questioning Techniques

Error Analysis
What errors in judgment does Friar Lawrence make while counseling Romeo and Juliet?

Why does the town of Sighet fail to realize they need to escape in Night?

Using Questioning Techniques

Abstraction What pattern does Romeo demonstrate with his decision making? Is there anyone else we've read about that demonstrates the same pattern? How can you avoid demonstrating this pattern in your life?

Using Questioning Techniques

Analyzing Perspectives Why would Juliet's father react so angrily to Juliet's denial of Paris? How might Capulet react if he discovers Juliet's marriage to Romeo?

Using Questioning Techniques

How to Teach Literature by Teaching Questioning Techniques ?

Write the above information on the board and have students copy it in their notebooks.. Spend an entire class period discussing questioning techniques and providing typical answers (feel free to discuss professions where questioning is essential: doctors, teachers, lawyers, financial planners, etc.)

Using Questioning Techniques

Arrange students in groups and have them come up with one question for each type. Discuss questions as a class. Read a literary selection of your choice and have them complete the following assignment (the above examples should give you an idea of what to look for)

Text Part

Textual related to texts Textual Analysis An analysis based on texts


Relating to the same ideas or things.


To suggest a way of explaining something when you do not definitely know about it.


The act of performing a play, concert or some other form of entertainment.

Techniques & Strategies :

Explanations In Print and Teaching Language Linguistics Content Analysis


A Clarification

Print and Language

Differences and Similarities

Content Analysis

Analyzing content and relate to ones life.


The Cultural Model The Language Model

The Personal Growth Model

The Cultural Model

This model represents the traditional approach to

teaching literature. Such a model requires learners to explore and interpret the social, political, literary and historical context of a specific text. By using such a model to teach literature we not only reveal the universality of such thoughts and ideas but encourage learners to understand different cultures and ideologies in relation to their own. This model is largely rejected by those in TEFL since not only does it tend to be teachercentred but there is little opportunity for extended language work

The Language Model

The most common approach to literature in the

EFL classroom is what Carter and Long (1991) refer to as the language-based approach. Such an approach enables learners to access a text in a systematic and methodical way in order to exemplify specific linguistic features e.g. literal and figurative language, direct and indirect speech. This approach lends itself well to the repertoire of strategies used in language teaching - cloze procedure, prediction exercises, jumbled sentences, summary writing, creative writing and role play - which all form part of the repertoire of EFL activities used by teachers to deconstruct

The Personal Growth Model

This model attempts to bridge the cultural model

and the language model by focusing on the particular use of language in a text, as well as placing it in a specific cultural context. Learners are encouraged to express their opinions, feelings and opinions and make connections between their own personal and cultural experiences and those expressed in the text. Another aspect of this model is that it helps learners develop knowledge of ideas and language content and formal schemata through different themes and topics.


How stories / Literature can be used to teach Language and Literature ?

Group Task
Identify a story book you could use to develop a drama performance.
Why is the book suitable ?

What are the benefits of such activities ?

Group Task

Using the same book, create three language focused activities for worksheets

The End

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