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Presented By: Nengah Sastrawan Imran Hidayat Made Dwi Payana Gede Agus Budi Artawan

What is Vowel?
Phonetic Phonology

--sound in which is there is no obstruction to the flow of the air as it passes from the larynx to the lips (Roach, 1983)--

How do we make English Vowel Sounds?



How do we shape the vowel sounds? The quality of vowel: position of our lips position of our tongue The shape of the mouth position of the soft palate

Vowels Diagrams

Monophthong or Pure vowel is the quality of a vowel stays unchanged. in standard British pronunciation of : [e]--red, [a]-- car, [i]-- sit, etc.


DIPTHONGS is the term that is used to refer the change of the vowel because of the vowel glide. If 2 auditory elements are involved. TRIPTHONGS is the term that is used to refer the change of the vowel because of the vowel glide. And If 3 elements are involved.

Cardinal vowels is a set of standard reference points, devised by the British phonetician Daniel Jones (1881-1967), to provide a precise means of identifying the vowel sound of language. The cardinal vowels system is based on the combination of articulator and auditory judgment.

2 Types of Cardinal Vowels

Primary Cardinal Vowels There are 8 vowels in primary cardinal vowels, which are denoted by the following numbers and symbols: 1, [i]; 2, [e]; 3, []; 4, [a]; 5, []; 6, []; 7, [o]; and 8, [u]. Secondary Cardinal Vowels [ Secondary cardinal vowels is less familiar. ]

the cardinal vowel diagram

English has several number of vowel sounds. In terms of its length, English vowels can be divided into two different vowels; they are the Short and Long
Short Vowels : are vowels which are produced with relatively shorter duration than the long vowels. long vowels : are vowels which are produced with Longer duration than short vowels (long vowel will be transcribed with diacritic8 [:]).


, e, , , , , .

( I ) This vowel is in the close area, compared with cardinal vowel no. 1 [i], it is more open, and nearer to the center. The lips are slightly spread. Example Words : - bit, - pin - fish

( e ) This is a front vowel between cardinal vowel no. 2[e], and no. 3 []. The lips are slightly spread. Example Words : - bet, - men - yes

( ) This vowel is front, but not quite as open as cardinal vowel no. 4 [a]. The lips are slightly spread. Example Words : - bat, -man - gas

( ) This is a central vowel, more open than the half open tongue height. The lips position is neutral. Example Words: - but - some - rush

( ) This vowel is not quite fully back, and between half-open and open tongue height. The lips are slightly rounded.

Example Words: - pot - gone - cross

( ) The nearest cardinal vowel is cardinal vowel no. 8 [u], but it is more open and nearer to central. Example Words: - put - pull - push

( ) This vowel is known as schwa or neutral vowel, a center vowel, between half close and halfopen tongue height. The lips position is neutral.

Example Words: - about - oppose - perhaps

Long Vowels
The English long vowels are i:, :, :, :, u: the examples of English long vowels and their examples (taken from Roach, 1983). 1. [i:] Example Words : - beat - mean - peace

2. [ :] Example words:
bird fern purse

3. [:] Example words: - card - half -pass

4. [:] Example words: - board - torn - horse.

5. [u:] Example words: - food - soon - loose

Diphthong is a sound which is produced by a gliding from one vowel to another.

In English there are eight diphthongs are exist. They are: , e, , e, a, ,, a.

Centering Diphthong
Centering diphthongs are diphthongs which involve a glide toward the center of the mouth
1. beard, Ian, fierce 2. e aired, cairn, scarce

3. moored mourn tour

Closing Diphthong
Closing diphthongs are diphthongs that begin with relatively more open vowel and ends with a glide toward a closer vowel.

(1) Closing diphthongs that end with glide toward vowel , and (2) Closing diphthongs that end with vowel . 1 e paid pain face

2 void loin voice 3 a tide time nice

Closing diphthongs that end with vowel

load home most a loud gown house

Triphthong is a glide from one vowel to the second and then to a third, all produced rapidly without any interruption.

e+ = e + = a+ = a + = a+ = a

e --layer, player -- loyal, royal a--liar, fire -- lower, mower a-- power, hour

Discussion Section..



Shanti,Shanti,Shanti Om

Thank You.

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