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Who Is Mohammad
Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him)is the last messenger of God. He
received the last divine revelation fromALLAH (God of the universe), that is the Qur'an
(the holy book of Moslems). He was sent to all human beings; white and black, red and
yellow; Oh, you - human beings - I am the messenger of God to all of you, that heavens
and earth belong to him, no God but him, who gives and takes life, believe in God and
.his messenger and follow him so that you may be guided
His followers (the Moslems) whatever their race is, are ordered to believe in all
prophets, (ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad) and in all other prophets. All the
prophets invited people to the meaning of theOneness of ALLAH ,the sole God of the
whole universe. Say ALLAH is just one,ALLAH is the one worthy to be asked. He never
had children, never born, no body at all is equal to Him or like Him. For those who ever
heard about Mohammad, no Paradise at all without believing that there is no God but
ALLAH and that Mohammad is the last messenger of .ALLAH
Mohammad's mercy and humanity
Muhammad (the messenger) has been sent by the Lord of the universe just as
a mercy for all creatures. He taught his followers thatALLAH (almighty) would
mercify only those who are merciful and a person who doesn't mercify will not be
mercified byALLAH (God of the universe), and the nearest human heart from
ALLAH is the merciful heart and that the farthest is the cruel one. He said,
"Mercify those on the earth, so that the One in the heavens (God) may
."mercifies you
Messenger Mohammad(peace and blessings be upon him) taught his
followers to help those who are weak and poor, and to share sadness with those
who are suffering. He said,"The one who may work to help an orphan or a
widow is like the one who struggles for the sake of ALLAH". He also said,
"The one who cares of an orphan is with me in Paradise like two adjacent
fingers". He ordered his followers to be kind even with animals. In one of his
journeys, he watched a bird keeping flying around the head of his companions, he
said,"who terrified this poor bird in her little chick?......return her baby
chick to her". Another time he saw a camel with his tears going down, he said,
"Fear ALLAH(your lord)in these animals, this camel is telling me that his
."food is little and his work is too much
Muhammad's modesty
Muhammad, the messenger, was very modest. He used to sleep on a very
simple bed with a palm-lufa cushion, and sit on the floor with a straw ground
cover. He mended his old clothes and shoes by himself. He used also to
sweep floor dust by his own hands, and to help in house work. He accepted
the invitation of his servant and shared simple food with him. He used to stop
on the road for any poor person who wanted to ask him or talk to him
concerning anything. People were not prevented by any doorkeeper at his
door. He said"Don't praise me too much as Nasaara (Christians)
extremely praised Jesus, the son of Mary but call me servant of God and
his messenger" . He also taught his followers saying,"ALLAH made me a
".thankful servant and not an insisting tyrant
Mohammad's manners
Messenger Mohammad taught his followers that the heaviest thing in one's
balance on the day of judgment is good manners. He said that the main reason for
entering paradise is fearingALLAH and good manners. He said,"I guarantee a
"palace in the highest place in paradise for the one with good manners
God described him in the Qur'an (the holy book of Moslems) by saying,« and
you are on great manners » . He also said,"I have been sent to integrate good
manners, your smile in your brother's face is an alm, save yourselves from
Hell-fire by saying a good word to your brother (all Moslems are considered
brothers and sisters)" . He was ordered in Qur'an (the revelation)« Get the extra
(money) from them as alm, order for good deeds and avoid the impolite
ignorants » . Good people were described in the Qur'an« and when they are
.« insulted by the impolite ignorants they would say: peace on you
Mohammad's advice
Messenger Mohammad advised his followers as saying,"Spread peace, feed
he hungry, keep kindful contact with your relatives, pray during the night
while others are asleep so that you may peacefully enter the paradise". He
also said,"preach people and don't push them away" . He said,"Be honest
with every body and don't trait who traited you" . He also said,"Mercify those
on the earth, so that the One in the heavens (God) may mercifies you". He
also said,"Treat others with justice, never be unjust, injustice will be
darkness on the day of judgment." he added,"I have been ordered to forgive
those who were unjust to with me, to give those who deprived me and to
"keep on good relations with relatives who ignored me
Mohammad's life
Messenger Mohammad(peace and blessings be upon him) lived as poor,
he was never full of delicious food. His food was mainly barley bread, water,
dates, and milk. It passed month after month with no setting fire for cooking in
his house. his goals in life were nothing but to take people out of darkness to
light, guide them to the straight path of theOneness of God, purity and real
happiness in his life and in the hereafter. As he lived as poor, he also died as
poor. At the moment of his death he repeated,"keep on prayers and care for
".the weak
When he died his honorable body was wrapped in three pieces of simple
cloth of poor. He didn't leave any money as legacy for his relatives .His shield
was mortgaged with a jewish man for some barley. A person who wants to be
one of his followers ,has to testify that there is no God butALLAH, and that the
Qur'an is the last divine revelation. He has to pray the five prayers a day, fast
the month of Ramadan every year, give the alms of his money, and make
pilgrimage to Macca once in his life whenever possible, and stop drinking,
.gambling, stealing, illegal intercourse, lying and all other dirt
The poor to the mercy
,of his Lord
Dr. Yahya Azab

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