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At SMAN 4 Banda Aceh 27-04-2013
Coaches: Mr. Smongky Yuliana Anggraeni

Daftar Isi
1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. Klarifikasi Review Apa-apa yang perlu diperhatikan How to define How to analyze How to justify Masukan Tambahan Adjudication Tips and Tricks Keunggulan yang Sudah Dimiliki


Setelah dipikir-pikir, sudah benar penempatan limitasi pada deskriminasi yaitu 10 tahun ke atas (ten upward/onward/forward atau up to ten backward bukan up to ten hehe). Tapi tetap ini jadinya aneh karena kontradiksi dengan keselurahan mosi. Baiknya, limitasi jangan sampai kontradiksi dengan mosi. Contohnya ketika kita memberikan limitasi bahwa kita tidak ingin mendiskriminasi remaja atau anak-anak yang di atas 10 tahun saja, sebenarnya kita tetap aja mendiskriminasi orang yang lebih tua dari para remaja atau anak itu. Selain itu pula, area debat nya jadi sangat terbatas sehingga argumen yang disampaikan pun tidak padat dan sedikit. Hal ini akan dibahas lebih lanjut di slide berikutnya. Jadi intinya, penempatan limitasinya sudah benar, hanya saja jadi terkesan aneh dan cenderung membuat debatnya berkualitas rendah. Walaupun tinggi rendahnya kualitas debat itu tidak menentukan siapa yang menang atau kalah, tapi sangat menentukan skor di speaker standing kita.

Prime Minister: 1. Defines; job seeker: One who looking for job, discrimination: Thing(s) that differ people according to their age. 2. States, Kids are more reliable then adults, because; they have high motivation on achieving their goals their souls are not like adults who had been blended with crime and so on and so far.. Deputy Prime Minister: 1. Justifies, everyone (adults) also need helps so do kids. 2. Argues, they are also talking about major problem in such company scale that also could affects whole population. 3. Provides, the extension of how skillful kids are by different overview and deeper analyzes. 4. Informs, children is much better than adults even they could win against adults. Therefore it is balance (?) 5. States, children in developing countries were educated poorly its better for them to work rather than to stay at home and do nothing.
Head of Opposition: 1. Clarifies; job seeker: One that through general recruitment process in such company and has to compete with others. The recruitment is opened for public, requests, the clarity of discrimination-is-about because it had been defined too general. 2. Argues, the Prime Ministers statement that his statement, whereby kids are better than adults, was also a kind of discriminatory towards the adults, showing their argument opposed their main idea. 3. States, no such discriminatory within the status quo; Children couldnt be accepted because they prefer playing rather than working. Those who are overage, couldnt do many works. Thus, they are not too productive to be hired. In the end there shall be no discriminatory both children and elders because they dont feel so. 4. States, there is a possibility for third parties (e.g. parents) to impose children to work. Laboring children is unjust. This showing the idea of government will merely bring harm towards children itself. 5. States, productivity is all matter in this case. Giving a situation whereby productivity is much essential. Speaks, the underage employers (kids) need help much which means far away from being productive. Therefore, allowing underage or overage employers will decrease the productivity that will portray the instability to the investors. Says, the situation will be growing up to the whole population matter.

Member of Opposition: 1. Justifies, only few kids are extraordinary, thus the case can not represent common situations. Moreover these children were hired through special recruitment that has different process of selection. 2. Explains, delta wave which controls maturity within humans brain is proportional to increasing age. Therefore to be able to perform well for the company, particular requirement for age is essential to be satisfied by job seekers 3. States, sometimes its not all about the age, but on how these human resources shall be able to be qualified enough in skill (?)


How To Define


Bukan kamus terjemahan.

Kalau ini namanya bukan definisi tapi deskripsi. Hehe..

Opening Speech (biasanya masuk dalam bentuk philosophical debate)

Contoh definisi
Definisi dari; job seeker: One who looking for job, discrimination: Thing(s) that differ people according to their age.

We find two keywords to define, they are; The Job Seeker and Discrimination. job seeker is the one that through general recruitment process in such company and has to compete with others. The recruitment is opened for public. To pass the screening process, applicants (job seeker) shall satisfy the requirement. One of the common requirement is applicants age. This is problematic, where the demand for high quality human resources is huge, yet we cant recruit or even we terminate many of qualified applicants opportunities, because they are shut in by age factor. This is the kind of discriminatory we want to put away.

How To Analyze




Societies Companies Crisis

Status Quo (in coming crisis)
Clash Underage Applicants Qualified Applicants Overage Applicants

Investors Employers


Jumlah Variabel = 6

How To Justify
Why? How could this be acceptable/ right?

Contoh :

Well, I think cannibalism should just be allowed? I think its just ok.

WT*! Eww.. dude.. How do you justify it?

It helps to solve overpopulation problem. Then it will also help those who are in hunger crisis

Masukan tambahan
Jauh-jauh dari asumsi
Peringatan! Asumsi dapat menyebabkan argumen tidak valid, turunnya kualitas debat, terjurumus dalam debat tak jelas, ngomong ngaco, hipotensi, gagal jantung, kangker paru-paru dan kelainan janin.

Contoh: belum tentu sistem demokrasi itu bagus.

Jangan jauh dari praktek riilnya

Contoh: memberikan otoritas untuk mengambil suatu wilayah kekuasaan (sebut saja karena alasan konflik) kepada PBB.

Rajin-rajin cari fakta, jadi bisa buat stok fakta untuk debat.

Argumennya di iket jangan sampe lari kemana-mana.

Contoh: Kalau mosinya tentang hukum ya, kasi porsi besar membahas hukumnya. Walaupun ada beberapa hal yang memang punya efek diluar topik hukum. Kalau mosinya tentang bisnis kaya tadi, ya banyakin argumen tentang bisnisnya. Jadi ga lari-lari entar.

Mosinya jangan dimutilasi pleasee

Contoh: Misalnya kaya mosi menghalalkan membunuh para koruptor. Yang dibahas asik tentang pembunuhannya aja. Sayang koruptornya ngga disinggung. Atau argumennya kadang di buat macam dua debat, satu bahas kejamnya pembunuhan, satu bahas tentang jeleknya koruptor. Jadi seolah-olah mosinya dimutilasi, padahal yang harus dikaji adalah pembunuhan terhadap koruptor itu harus dikaji secara bersamaan, tidak dipisah. Contoh yang benarnya seperti ini ,karena koruptor itu sudah menyebabkan banyak orang mati kelaparan, sehingga boleh-boleh aja, siapa saja untuk membunuh mereka. Atau Pembunuhan itu kejam, sama macam manusia ga punya otak, kalo kita bunuh itu koruptor lalu apa yang buat kita lebih baik dari dia? Ga ada kan? Makanya mengahalalkan membunuh koruptor itu salah.

Did you know?

Pembatasan umur terhadap calon pegawai bukanlah hal yang bisa dianggap sepele. Kenapa suatu perusahaan mematok umur tertentu dalam perekrutan pegawainya? Umumnya masa produktif adalah sekitar 40 keatas. Pekerja yang direkrut lebih dini (sebelum 40thn) dimaksudkan sebagai persiapan. Supaya pada usia 40thn mereka dapat menduduki posisi-posisi strategis (lebih tinggi) sehingga sumber daya mereka dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Dengan demikian umur pegawai merupakan salah satu variabel produktivitas dan stabilitas suatu perusahaan. Hal tersebut juga merupakan salah satu faktor utama menyangkut ketenagakerjaan. Contoh, ketika umur nya dibuka untuk yang lebih muda, otomatis persaingan akan meningkat, akhirnya banyak yang umurnya pas-pasan kehilangan kesempatan mereka untuk bekerja, jadi pengangguran bertambah. Nah begitulah, besar sekali demand dari issue debate ini sebenarnya.

Adjudication Tips & Tricks

Awali dengan bismillah, akhiri dengan alhamdulillah

Analisis justfikasi, demand, urgency, dan burden of proof suatu argument. Clash itu biasanya diawali dengan whether or not Misalnya: whether or not kids are skillful enough to be employed.

As simple as that, so good luck ;)

Keunggulan yang Telah Dimiliki

1. Yang paling penting kalian basiknya udah tau. Dan kalo mau kedepannya gampanglah tu. Istilahnya cap debaternya udah ada, tinggal dipoles sikit. 2. Analisis mosinya udah bagus. Apalagi bisa menemukan kata kunci yang tepat untuk didefinisikan, itu udah bagus banget kalo menurut aku. 3. Kalian orangnya mau belajar, itu lah yang bisa buat orang siapapun dia, menjadi orang besar (seperti saya badannya besar). 4. Overall kalian udah bagus, I mean it.

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