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ESTEBAN MOSCOSO 5 B 02-05-2013

DEFINITION Samba is a happy music genre of Brazil, It is recognized around the world as a symbol of Brazil and the Brazilian Carnival. Considered one of the most popular Brazilian cultural expressions.

Today Samba is very popular in

Rio. During carnival time there are "schools of Samba" involving thousands of people which use different costumes. The Bahian Samba de Roda, which became a UNESCO Heritage of Humanity in 2005.

ORIGIN Is a Brazilian dance and musical genre originating in Bahia, Brazil, and with its roots in Rio de Janeiro and Africa through the West African slave trade and African religious traditions.

"Pelo Telefone" was the first composition to achieve great success with the style of samba and to contribute to the dissemination and popularization of the genre.

ETIMOLOGY There are several theories about the origin of the word samba. One of them says that samba came from the word Zumba or Zamba, both coming from Arabic.

Another theory says it originated

from one of many African languages, possibly the Kimbundu, where semba means "divine mother". In Brazil, folklorists suggest that the word samba comes of the Kikongo word Semba, translated in Portuguese, as "a moviment with the belly button".

There are many versions of the Samba as, Mesemba, Carioca, a Baion, Conga, Carnivale etc. Each is similar with the difference mostly in the time played and variation in the technique.

Also, we can find various

variations of this genre attached with other music genres, like; Samba no p, Samba de Gafieira, Samba Pagode, Samba Ax, Samba Reggae, Samba-rock, Samba de roda

Carnival samba ( samba batucada and

samba enredo) Characterized by heavy percussion, songs about themes presents in Carnival. (Year-round) samba Characterized by light percussion, accompaniment of guitar, cavaquinho, the songs often are satiric, witty, improvised.

The first movement consists in as a

preparatory step, then count Tap, UpDown, Place; Tap, Up-Down, Place etc. The Tap refers to stepping onto your foot (big toe), the Up-Down motion results from partially changing the weight onto the leg. The Place refers to changing the weight onto the opposing leg.

Back Basic Movement Right, Place. Step slightly back, on the 1st beat of the music. Toe first, slide your Right foot back and change weight onto the Right leg. Don't move your Left foot.

Forward Basic Movement Left, Place. Step slightly forward, on the 1st beat of the music. Toe first, slide your Left foot Forward and change weight onto the Left leg. Don't move your Right foot.

2/4 time, emphasis on second beat.
Percussion plays interlocking lines.

Songs are strophic; major or minor

keys; usually easy to sing. Chords limited to triads or seven chords.

Traditionally, the samba is played

by strings instruments (as cavaquinho and various types of guitar) and various percussion instruments such as tamborim. Influenced by the cultural impact of US music post-war, samba began to use trombones, trumpets, choros, flutes, and clarinets.

We can find this genre around the

world, but the samba is frequently associated with Brazil, the soccer and Carnival. Bossa Nova was a famous group that had success in many countries around the world, expanding this genre.

The success of the samba in Europe and

Japan only confirms its ability to win fans, regardless of their language. Actually, there are hundreds of samba schools in European countries like Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Sweden, Italy and Switzerland. In Latin America, in countries like; Mexico, Panama, Honduras, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, etc.

A samba school is a club or dancing

school. They practice and often perform in huge square-compounds named "quadras de samba", devoted to practicing and exhibiting samba.


schools are traditionally associated with a particular neighborhoods, named "favelas". Throughout the year the samba schools have various events, most important of which are rehearsals for the main event which is the yearly carnival.


parades during carnival are a showcase of each "escola" with the participation of celebrities, fans and guests who often pay large sums of money for their costumes. Each school presents glamour in colorful costumes and floats with special effects and is organized into different segments named "alas".

The "alas" represent different

components of the school's theme, named "enredos", they dance in homage to a myth, historic event or figure, or express their view on a social, environmental or international issue.

The costumes are dramatic and attention-grabbing. Costume styles

vary. Types of costumes include: Bikini-style Samba costumes Bikini and skirt combinations Longer Samba skirt with bra top Samba pants and tops

Additional Samba costume elements include: Elaborate head pieces little skirts Gloves or armlettes colourful feathers Neck pieces Heeled sandals or boots Laces

Mainly colors: green, yellow, orange, blue, white, purple, red


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