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More than 400 years ago, Giordano Bruno, an Italian monk, wrote that "In space there are

numberless earths circling around other suns, which may bear upon them creatures similar or even superior to those upon our human Earth." Bruno deserves to be remembered in the millennium year because he was burnt at the stake, in Rome, in the year 1600. If intelligent aliens were common, should not they have visited us already? Some people, of course, claim that aliens have indeed visited us.

We have no idea what intelligent aliens would look like because it depends on the habitat that their `home planet` offered. Even if intelligent aliens existed, they may not be transmitting any signals; and their brains and senses may be so different from ours that we could not recognise them. But in July 1969, Neil Armstrong says 'one small step' made space travel a reality.

There was great excitement in the media when a group of scientists from NASA announced they had found evidence of life on Mars. Are we alone in the Universe? One way or another, I can't help but suspect that we are not completely alone.

But is such a hope realistic? Is there a justifiable reason for suspecting that planets suitable to life exist elsewhere in the Universe?

Do aliens actually exist?

Mankind has asked this question since we first stared up into the night sky wondering if there is anyone else out there.

How can we possibly think that we are unique or special? Dr. John E. Mack recently attracted worldwide attention with his collection of cases of people claiming they were abducted by aliens.

Unidentified flying object (commonly abbreviated as UFO or U.F.O.) is the popular term for any apparent aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily or immediately identified by the observer.

Famous cases
Famous Canadian case In the Shag Harbour incident, a large object sequentially flashing lights was seen and heard to dive into the water by multiple witnesses. British investigation

On October 20, 2008 more UFO files were released. One case released detailed that in 1991 an Alitalia passenger aircraft was approaching Heathrow Airport when the pilots saw what they described as a "cruise missile" flew extremely close to the cockpit. The pilots believed that a collision was imminent. UFO expert David Clarke says that this is one of the most convincing cases for a UFO .
Uruguayan investigation The unexplained cases include abductions, cattle mutilations, and physical landing trace evidence.

UFO, Fact Or Fiction

Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, as they're fondly called, are one of the century's most intriguing and controversial mysteries. Are these "flying saucers" a figment of our imagination? Or, are they a genuine reality ?We prefer to dismiss because we fear the scary truth. These are a few of the many pertinent UFO questions that the mature individual must address.

Many UFO theorists, like astronomer Morris Jessup contends that the UFO phenomenon is the missing link between Biblical supernatural accounts of miracles. Jessup explains that "nothing is supernatural and nothing is outside nature ." He continues that the Bible is full of UFO accounts, various descriptions like: angels, the burning bush and many revelations.

Other more common and more understable theories explain that aliens are well intentioned. An eerie complement of UFO sightings are these strange and exact circular patches of parched.Such mysterious circles are believed to be the place of the saucers' landing. Even more interesting, the circles can't bear any vegetable growth for many years afterwards. Dr. Jacobs claimed to have found many reasons the aliens "gave" for such abductions: scientific research and general observance of the human condition. He also "discovered" many underlying messages from the aliens: They mean no harm. They care and respect humans and do only that is necessary.

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