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By Kyle Hall 6B1

Is the NHS the best form of healthcare for U.K

Why did I choose this

So why does our healthcare policy matter?


we live in the U.K our healthcare for the majority is through the NHS will be taxed to run this service


So what is meant by healthcare and its system ?


is the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession


system is defined as "program by which health care is made available to the population and financed by government, private enterprise, or both

So how did I go about my project

I created a spider diagram on the issue and the factors that need to be resolved such as quality of service and financial cost then looked on the WHO (world health organisation) and looked at the countries with high life expectancy along with similar GDP,


So what did my research show?


are 4 basic health care systems that are adjusted and used by the majority of countries Beveridge Model (NHS model) Bismarck Model (Sickness funds) health insurance model (NHI) Private insurance model

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Conclusions of my project?

privatised healthcare system would be regressive as it goes against the Hippocratic oath and leaves people without care Bismarck and NHI model provide the same quality of care and slightly cheaper but causes greater pressure for the doctors cost to overhaul the system and change it wouldnt be finacially viable



Can healthcare be made viable


has a higher life expectancy than western countries and spends less money but uses a Bismarck system culture and food choice means they have a better diet so have a lower fat intake government tie in pharmaceuticals companies into 5 year contracts at fixed price keeping the price down

Japanese Japanese

What went well in my project?


was able to find to reliable sources from government sources was able to follow my essay plan effectively

What didnt go so well?


was to much contradicting information from government statistics and they weren't all from the same time did not keep to my original time scale that was on my gantt chart and had to be revised title that I first choose was to vague and wasnt objective was difficult to factor out different countries attitude to healthcare from it effectiveness

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How would I do this again?


would try to get surveys for the countries I used to see if they wished to changed there healthcare system would look at how these system change with how economically developed the country is and which stage of the demographic transition model the country is in

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