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Presented By: Sujaya Thapa KVC, Vth Semester

Concept & Meaning of Motivation

It is a willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal or reward. Dale S. Beach It is a desire or aspiration for achieving a goal combined with efforts to work towards goal. It involves forces like biological, emotional, social & cognitive that activate behavior. Intrinsic motivation includes responsibility, sense of achievement, self-esteem, challenge. Extrinsic motivation includes money, trophies, social recognition, respect, power & promotion.

Types of Motivation
Positive Motivation
It is a process of attempting to influence others to do your will through possibility of incentive or reward.

Negative Motivation
It means forcing people to work by holding out threats or punishment such as threat of demotion, fear of loss of job etc.

Features & Importance of Motivation

Features 1. Psychological Process 2. Continuous Process 3. Complex & Unpredictable 4. Influence the Behavior 5. Positive or Negative Importance 1. Lead to Profitable Operation 2. High Level of Productivity 3. Remedy for Resistance to Change 4. Effective use of Human Resources 5. Basis of Coordination

Simple Model of Motivation

Need Hierarchy Theory
Developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. Based on theory of Hierarchy of Motivation; Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Actualization need. It is based on following assumptions;
Human needs & motives are complex Needs form a hierarchy Unsatisfied needs motivate workers People seek growth & development

Five Hierarchies of need

Self actualization need Needs Esteem need Social need Higher

Security needs
Physiological needs

Lower Needs

1. Physiological Needs:
Basic essential to survive includes, food, shelter, clothing, water, air etc. Lower level needs basically salary, good working environment satisfy this needs in organization

2. Safety Needs:
It includes protection against danger, threats on or off the job. For instance-job security, financial security, family security, health security.

3. Social Needs:
It includes affection, sense of belonging, acceptance and friendship. Informal groups, friends at work, employees club motivate and fulfill the social needs.

4. Esteem or Ego Needs:
Internal esteem are self respect, confidence, competence, achievement and freedom. External esteem are power, status, attention and admiration. For eg. Nepalese boss expects Namaste from his workers.

5. Self-Actualization Need:
Related to personal growth, self-fulfillment and realization of ones full potential. It is desire to become what one is capable of becoming.

Two Factor/Motivational Hygiene Theory

Fredrick Herzberg developed two factor theory by conducting interviews with 200 engineers & accountants. Hygiene Factor:
Its presence doesnt motivate employees but absence cause dissatisfaction. It includes; policy, supervision, relationships, status, salary, working conditions

Motivation Factor:
Its presence cause high motivation but absence doesnt cause high dissatisfaction. It includes; achievement, recognition, responsibility.

Theory X & Theory Y

Douglas McGregor developed in year 1960s. Theory X explains negative views & Theory Y explains positive views.
Theory X 1. Employees resist to change 2. Employees needs formal direction 3. Employees dislike responsibilities 4. Employees seek job-security 5. Employees try to avoid work Theory Y 1. Employees are committed & loyal 2. Employees needs freedom 3. Employees seek responsibilities 4. Employees seek reward 5. Employees are creative & innovative

Alderfers ERG Theory

Clayton Alderfers developed Existence, Relatedness, & Growth theory built upon Maslows hierarchy of needs theory. a) Existence: includes physiological, safety needs. b) Relatedness: includes social needs. c) Growth: includes esteem & selfactualization.

Equity Theory
Developed by J. Stacy Adams who says equity exists when workers perceive that rewards equal efforts. Employees who are treated inequality creates; less effort, comparison, transfer & quitting jobs. Rewards perceived as equitable results job satisfaction & perceived inequitable results job dissatisfaction.

Expectancy Theory
Proposed by Victor Vroom of Yale School of Management in 1964. This theory based on two factors;
How much we want something How likely we think we are to get it

He stated employee will be motivate when:

Effort will lead to a good performance appraisal. A good appraisal will lead to organizational rewards. The organizational rewards will satisfy his or her personal goals.

Reinforcement Theory
Developed by E.L. Thorndikes law of effect. It states that behavior that leads to positive consequences should be repeated & behavior leads to punishment consequences is less likely repeated. Based on behavior & its consequences relationship. Techniques that modify behaviors are;
Positive reinforcement strengthening behavior by reward Avoidance strengthening behavior by avoiding unpleasant consequences Punishment weaken undesired behavior by negative outcome Extinction weaken undesired behavior by ignoring

Motivational Tools and Their Application

A. Monetary & Non-Monetary rewards
Monetary reward:
Given in terms of money to employees other than normal income. It includes; salary, provident fund, profit sharing

Non-monetary reward:
Non-monetary & directly targeted at providing psychological benefits. It includes; recognition, appreciation, leadership

Techniques/Tools for Improving Employee Motivation

1. Financial Incentives:
Money as a symbol of social prestige, recognition.

2. Participation:
Involvement in planning, decision making.

3. Delegation of Authority:
Assigned tasks & given authority to accomplish task.

4. Job Security:
Employees continue on same job in same organization.

5. Job enlargement:
Motivates by reducing monotony of repetitive job.

sJob Design
According to Mathis and Jackson, Job Design refers to organizing tasks into a productive unit of work. It is the process of determining specific tasks to be included in a job and the methods of performing that tasks.

Methods of Job Design

Job Enlargement
It refers to broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks to be performed. There is only horizontal expansion of job in it.

Job enrichment
It increases the contents of a job or upgrading of responsibility, scope & challenge in work. It leads to vertically enhanced job by adding functions.

Job rotation
It is a shifting of people from one job to another within a working group. Allow employee to work in various departments

Quality of work life

Indicates relationship between total work environment & the employees. Emphasizes on fulfilling employees needs & wellbeing to improve productivity & higher level job satisfaction

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