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Sensor Deployment
Article By: Guiling Wang, Guohong Cao, Tom La Porta

Presented By: Julia Myers, Trivikram Kulkarni

Wireless sensor networks (WSN)
 Tiny, low-power devices

Sensing units, transceiver, actuators

Gather and process environmental information
 Monitoring and Controlling physical environment.

Bridging the gap between physical and virtual

Sensor deployment is a critical issue
because it affects the cost and detection
capability of a wireless sensor network
A good sensor deployment should
consider both coverage and connectivity.
Sensor Deployment Issues
Sensor deployment problem:
 In unknown harsh environment, sensor

deployment cannot be performed manually.

Sensor placement problem:
 Coverage maybe inferior

(need more work on this slide)

Sensor Deployment Problem
How to maximize the sensor coverage
With lesser time
Movement distance
Message complexity
Using Voronoi Diagram to discover
coverage holes.
Design three movement-assisted sensor
deployment protocols
Three movement-assisted
Design three movement-assisted sensor
deployment protocols

VEC (VECtor-based)

VOR (VORonoi-based)

Minimax based

Evaluate protocols from various aspects

 Coverage
 Deployment Time
 Moving Distance
 Scalability (on initial deployment)
 Communication Range
Voronoi Diagram
Represents proximity
information about
geometric nodes.
A metric space determined
by distances to a specified
discrete set of objects in
the space
e.g., by a discrete set of
Voronoi Diagram, Voronoi Polygon
The voronoi diagram of a
collection of nodes
partitions the space into
Every point in polygon is
closer to the node in this
polygon than any other
Voronoi Diagram
Sensor Deployment protocol is based on
Voronoi diagram
Each sensor, represented by a number, is
enclosed by Voronoi polygon
Polygons job is to cover given target field
Points inside one polygon are closer to
sensor inside of this polygon, than
 No detection if this point fails to detect.
Voronoi Diagram
Each sensor responsible for sensing task
in its own Voronoi polygon

Each sensor covers hole locally
 Monitors small area
Each sensor must know exisstance of its
Voronoi neighbors
 Reduces communication complexity.
VECtor-based Algorithm (VEC)
VEC is motivated by the attributes of electro-magnetic
 When two electro-magnetic particles are too close to each other,
expelling forces pushes them apart.

E.g., Distance between sensors = d(si, sj) Average

distance = dave
Virtual force will push them away
(dave – d(si, sj))/2

VEC is a proactive algorithm, which tries to relocate

sensors to be evenly distributed
VECtor-based Algorithm (VEC)
Movement-adjustment scheme
 Try to reduce error of virtual-force
 Sensor determines target location  checks whether
coverage could be increased.
Although the direction of the movement is
correct, coverage may not increased, since
location is too far away.
 Sensor chooses midpoint between target and current
 If coverage increased, sensor will move or it stays.
VECtor-based Algorithm (VEC)

Round 0: Deployment of 35 sensors, Initial

coverage about 75%
Round 1: About 92%
Round 2: About 95%
VORonoi-based Algorithm (VOR)
VOR is pull-based algorithm, which pulls
sensors to their maximum coverage holes.
When sensor detects the existence of
coverage holes, it moves to the farthest
Voronoi vertex.
VORonoi-based Algorithm (VOR)
VOR is a “greedy” algorithm, tries to fix the largest hole.
Oscillation control

Avoids created of new holes

Does not allow sensors to move backwards immediately

Before moving, it checks if direction is opposite in previous

If yes, it stops for one round
The Minimax Algorithm
Same as VOR, it fixes holes by moving closer to the farthest
Voronoi vertex, But Doesn’t move as far as VOR.
Chooses, target location as the point inside the Voronoi polygon
whose distance to the farthest Voronoi vertex is minimized.
When it reduces the variance of distances to the Vornoi vertices, it
results into a more regular shaped Voronoi polygon.
Compare with VOR, Minimax considers more information and it is
more conservative.

( NEED MORE WORK ON IT, probably comparison chart between

VOR and Minimax)
The Minimax Algorithm
Original Coverage: 75%
Round 1: 93%
Round 2: 97%
Optimal Movement vs
Sensing Area
Questions ?

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