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Learning Objectives:

Understand what Organisations are Develop a Perspective on Organisations in India Explain what is Organisational Behaviour (OB)

and how it has evolved Discover what Disciplines Contribute to and are Related to Knowledge in OB Examine our Framework Adopted by this book to Understand OB

Work Organisations: among different types of organisations that are all around us Organisations have goals, membership criteria and membership is contractual
Social Organisation (E.g. Family) Work Organisations


A social membership which limits or closes admission of outsiders by rules ... so far as its order is enforced by the action of specific individuals.

A continuing system Differentiated and coordinated human activities Utilizing, transforming and combining A specific set of human, material, capital, ideational and natural resources Into a unique problem-solving whole Engaged in satisfying particular human needs In interaction with other systems of human activities and resources in the environment.

Powerful tool, controlled by humans Versatile, greater potential than individuals Longer life Not open for everybody Complex , formal systems With life cycles Rational and non-rational Hierarchical Created for stability and control

Organisational Behaviour as one of the approaches to Management

Quantita tive Approac h Systems Approac h

Process Approach

Managerial effort and outcomes

Desired outcomes ? New problem or Opportunity

Organisation al Behaviour Approach

Conti ngen cy Appr oach

A Problem or an Unrealized opportunity

Why is OB Relevant?
Process approach popular in stable, predictable

environment Earlier competitive advantages of capital and technology eroding Environmental change, uncertainty require quick adaptation, knowledge and creativity rely on people

Features of OB:
A field of scientific study of behaviour, resulting

knowledge applied to attain organisational effectiveness Focus on behaviour within the organisation Humanistic and Optimistic Importance of Groups Ongoing Process

1922: Max Weber gives the concept o Bureaucracy 1925: Mary Parker Follette writes on Power, conflict and leadership 1938: Chester Bernard writes about Functions of Executive

1939: Hawthorn studies are carried out and its findings are published
1960: Douglas McGregor gives theories X and Y

1985: Peter F. Drucker gives the concept of MBO

1990: Peter Senge writes about Learning and Change

Belief in Direct Applicability of Ancient Indian Wisdom Purist Belief in Transnational and Universal Thought Modifying Basic Western Concepts to Suit Indian Requirement Basic Indian Tradition modified to serve as foundation for integrative management practices Crossvergence Contributing Disciplines
Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology,

Political Science, Management Science Sister disciplines: Organisation Theory, Organisation Development and Human Resources Management

Individual Dynamics
Attitudes Personality and Values Perception Motivation

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Individual Effectiveness

Effectiveness of Organisational Roles

Group Effectiveness

Leading for Desired Organisational Outcomes Through understanding, and managing human behaviour at work Organisational

Group Dynamics
Communication Conflict and Stress and Negotiation Decision-making Power & Politics

Organisational Dynamics
Organisational Design Organisational Structure Organisational Culture Effectiveness of Leading Styles and Competencies

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