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Amity Business School


BY: Ruhi (B06) Ankita (B07) Pooja (B08) Roshni (B09) Smriti (B10)

Amity Business School

Quotations By Famous People

Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a mans growth without destroying his roots - Frank A. Clark Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing - Aristotle

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The practice of judging the merits and faults of something or someone in, sometimes, a negative, intelligible or articulate way.

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Types of Criticism
Concerned Criticism This criticism is based on concern for you as person. The person giving the critique genuinely cares about your well-being. Concerned criticism is tactful and gentle. It is helpful, considerate and usually easy to accept.
Constructive Criticism This type of criticism is focused on improving your behaviour. It points out what is wrong in order to help you do better. Constructive criticism moves beyond the problem and suggests alternative behaviours. It then provides encouragement and support for the new behaviours.

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Casual Criticism Casual or uncaring criticism is difficult to receive. It is often blunt or harsh. It is frequently a result of poor judgment and based on lack of knowledge and understanding. It may be more false than true. Confrontational Criticism This criticism is hostile and may be based on anger, fear, jealously or similar negative emotions. It often has an ulterior motive or hidden agenda. It is the most difficult criticism to handle and need not be taken seriously.

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Handling Criticism

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Substitute Criticism For Feedback

To perceive criticism, as feedback, you may be able to give and receive it more effectively.
The word feedback sounds better than the word criticism. Feedback (in this context, as it pertains to criticism) is defined as - A statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation.

Amity Business School

Acknowledge The Critic

Acknowledge that you heard the person - with a pause (buys time for both of you to cool off), a nod, or a verbal acknowledgment demonstrating you heard. Whether the criticism is justified or not, an attempt to avoid discussing it will loom large in the minds of bystanders and stick to you like flypaper as you attempt to move on. Do not disagree or counterattack.

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Concede Goodwill or Ignorance

Take criticism as friendly. This attitude is for your peace of mind, not your critic's.
When you concede goodwill, you disarm any negative attitude in the critic and encourage him to become an ally.

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Be Objective, and Seek Common Ground

Examine the reasons behind the criticism. Is it deserved?
Ask yourself, what is the amount of truth in this criticism? Ask a friend if he thinks the criticism is true. If it has little or no truth, then reject it from your mind and life. Ignore untrue criticism.

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Treat Factual Criticism as an Opportunity

True criticism gives you the opportunity to improve some aspect of your life. It can be a warning sign telling you that something in your life needs to be fixed.

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Adding Own Point of View, and Dismiss Untrue Criticism

Adding own point of view, asking permission first.
If one believes that the other's comments are accurate, then it has to be said. If an apology is in order, one has to say it sooner rather than later. Then say what you plan to do differently to respond to the criticism.

Have to thank the critic for being thoughtful in offering them.

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Cool off!
Absorb and convert some heat to positive energy. This cooling-off time allows you to give it a little more thought beyond your initial reaction. It allows logic to step in, past the emotion. Don't get into a dog fight of snarls & red-eyes (burning tears)

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Accept Criticism with grace

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Postpone your first reaction

The first reaction should not be to lash back at the person giving the criticism, or to become defensive, take a minute before reacting at all. Move slowly (not acting-out) toward the person, then turn away saying, "Let's talk about this in a minute."

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Turn a negative into a positive

One of the keys to success in anything you do is the ability to find the positive in things that most people see as a negative

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Thank the Critic

Even if someone is harsh and rude, thank them. They might have been having a bad day, or maybe theyre just a negative person in general. But even so, your attitude of gratitude will probably catch them offguard. Thanking a critic can actually win a few of them over. Also be sweet, as you might have done the same with someone knowing or unknowingly.

Amity Business School

Learn from the criticism

After seeing criticism in a positive light, and thanking the critic, one should not move on and go back to business as usual and should try to improve. Thats a difficult concept for some people, because they often think that theyre right no matter what. But no one is always right. One, in fact, may be wrong, and the critic may be right. So if theres something that can be changed to make oneself better.

Amity Business School

Rise Above The Criticism

By removing oneself from the criticism, and looking only at the actions criticized. By seeing the positive in the criticism, and trying to improve. By thanking the critic. And by responding with a positive attitude.

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Criticism of Microsoft
Microsoft has followed various aspects of its products and business practices. Issues with ease of use, robustness, and security of the company's software are common targets for critics. In the 2000s, a number of malware mishaps have targeted security flaws in Microsoft Windows and other programs. Microsoft is also accused of locking vendors and consumers into their products, and of not following and complying with existing standards in its software.

Amity Business School

Handling Criticism
The company has been the subject of numerous lawsuits by several governments and other companies for unlawful monopolistic practices. In 2004, the European Union found Microsoft guilty in the European Union Microsoft competition case. Additionally, EULAs for Microsoft programs are often criticized as being too restrictive. They have taken all this criticism very sportingly and have emerged out of these to be one of the worlds best computer organizations.

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Throughout its history, the company has faced a wide range of criticisms. Some have accused the early Ford model of production of being exploitative, and Ford has been criticized as being willing to collaborate with dictatorships or hire mobs to intimidate union leaders and increase their profits through unethical means.

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How they Handled Criticism

Ford refused to allow collective bargaining until 1941, with the Ford Service Department being set up as an internal security, intimidation, and espionage unit within the company, and quickly gained a reputation of using violence against union organizers and sympathizers. They also have taken all this criticism very sporting manner.

Amity Business School


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