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Compiled By:
Wicaksono N Utama Andhita Kusuma Wardani Vara Lisapaly Florencia Yesica Pusparasmi M.A.S
Supervisor : dr. Gatot Suharto,SH,SpF,Mkes Resident Tutors : dr. R.P. Uva Santoso

Medical aspect legal aspects

Spending the products of conception at every stage of its development before the gestation period complete achieved (38-

The act of stopping pregnancy or before the time of its birth, deadly of a fetus without looking at the age of her womb also not in question whether by pengguguran pregnancy the life or death.

The Types of Abortion

Abortus Imminens Abortus Insipiens Abortus Inkompletus Abortus kompletus


Abortus provokatus mesidinalis / therapitikus Abortus provokatus kriminalis

Abortion Methods
The first trimester
Suction D

second trimester D & E

Poisonous salt


&C PIL RU 486 Metotrexate

Urea Prostaglandin Partial Birth Abortion Histrektomi

Dilatation & Evacuation ( D&E )

Partial Birth Abortion

Suction Curretage



Infection & Sepsis

Poisoning drug



Korban hidup

test kehamilan

Examination (korban mati)

The woman was pregnant or not
1.The breast looms large 2. Uterine seems great 3. The ovary, there are persistent of the corpus luteum

The signs of an effort to abortion The cause of death

Bruise, laceration or bleeding of the genitals in and around Infection or sepsis

Vagal reflex Bleeding Air embolism. Sepsis

Proof Cases

Adanya kehamilan Umur kehamilan Adanya hubungan sebab akibat antara abortus dengan kematian Adanya hubungan antara saat dilakukannya tindakan abortus dengan saat kematian Adanya barang bukti Alasan atau motif

Legal aspects and medikolegal

Aborsi berdasarkan perundang undangan

Undang undang ri tentang kesehatan No. 36 of 2009

Article 75 of Act No. 36 of 2009

Article 76 of Act No. 36 of 2009

Article 77 of Act No. 36 of 2009

Abortion According to KUHP


Article 299 Article 346 Article 347 Article 348 Article 349 Article 535





Conclusions: A woman pregnant who purposefully performs abortion or he sent other, being threatened punishment four years in prison someone purposefully performs abortion against mother impregnate with without approval pregnant mothers the be imprisoned 12 years now and pregnant mothers the dead, being threatened 15 years in prison If with approval pregnant mother then basically threatened punishment 5.5 years in prison & amperes, if pregnant mothers the dead being threatened punishment seven years If that is done and the abortion or helping a doctor, midwife or a threat of punishment plus a third of the drugs and the right to practise revoked Each fetus conceived until finally that later was born is entitled to live and protecting his life


Mengenai Kewajiban umum Article 7d: setiap dokter harus senantiasa mengingat akan kewajiban melindungi hidup makhluk insani

Examples Cases
1. Unresponsibble boyfriend, a girl had done an abortion
Chika (24), a nightspots nworker (karaoke) from Besuki , Tulungagung village, East Java province, were arrested by local Police officers. The woman is thought to be the mother of the fetus that was buried in the General Cemetery in the Town Of Bago, Tulungagung. The results of the affair were intentionally aborted due to the fetus biological father wouldnt take responsible. abortion is performed while the fetus enters the age of five months. Her intimate couple gave 500.000 rupiah to buy a abortion medicine. In examination in the chika room in the cafe where she worked, they found a few grains of the pills . All abortion medicine it is used as a means of evidence

2. A sad story, a mother in China Doing Abortions A picture in the virtual world that is indicative of baby corpse stained with blood, who is suspected of being a victim of forced abortion. A fetus was probably was seven months when expelled forcibly from his mother womb. The human rights groups in the province of shaanxi in northern china said that authorities force feng jianmei to aborted fetus on last june 2nd because she and her husband can ' t afford fine of 40,000 yuan (59 million rupiahs), a penalty of those who flouted the ' one child ' policy in the land of Bamboo Curtain


Pengertian abortus menurut hukum adalah tindakan yang menghetikan kehamilan atau mematikan janin sebelum waktu kelahirannya, tanpa melihat usia kandungannya juga tidak dipersoalkan apakah dengan pengguguran kehamilan tersebut hidup atau mati. Persoalan aborsi pada umumnya dianggap oleh sebagian besar masyarakat sebagai tindak pidana. Dalam hukum positif di Indonesia tindakan aborsi pada sejumlah kasus tertentu dapat dibenarkan apabila merupakan abortus provokator medicalis. Sedangkan aborsi yang digeneralisasi menjadi suatu tindak pidana lebih dikenal sebagai provokator kriminalis.

Abortus hendaknya dilakukan jika benar-benar terpaksa bila dapat mengancam jiwa ibu. Karena bagaimanapun di dalam kehamilan berlaku kewajiban untuk menghormati kehidupan manusia dan abortus hendaknya dilakukan oleh tenaga profesional yang terdaftar.

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