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Skill Variety Task identity Task Significance

Experienced meaningfulness of the work

High internal work motivation High growth satisfaction High general job satisfaction High work effectiveness


Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work

Feedback from job

Knowledge of the actual result of the work

Moderators: 1.Knowledge and skill 2.Growth needs strength 3.Context satisfactions

Critical Psychological States

Three psychological states that result in

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Better quality work Motivation and satisfactiom Less absenteeism and turnover
Meaningfulness of work Responsibility of outcome of work Feedback on result regarding work

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Psych Stage: Meaningfulness of work

Skill variety refers to the extent to which a job requires the use of a variety of skills, activities and abilities in order to complete the work For e.g. The job being offered should require skills and abilities that are of the expertise level of the employee
DILEMMA: An energetic person with good interpersonal skills is given a desk job.

Psych Stage: Meaningfulness of work

Task identity is the extent to which job incumbents can complete a whole and identifiable task For e.g. The employee should be allowed or permitted to do the task from A-Z. This gives a sense of accomplishment
DILEMMA: An HR manager is asked to just filter the applicants and pass the result on to a superior with no further involvement in the recruitment process.

Psych Stage: Meaningfulness of work

Task significance is the extent to which the job has a substantial effect on the lives and work of others For e.g. The job should give the employee a sense of doing something positive for his fellow employees DILEMMA: On the success of a project only the project head is given a bonus and his subordinates arent

Psych Stage: Responsibility for outcomes of the work

Autonomy is the extent to which the jobs give incumbents discretion, independence and freedom in scheduling and planning work procedures For e.g. The employee performing a job should have a certain authorities over the strategy making
DILEMMA: An HR manager is told to follow a certain strict and standardized protocol with no margin of making any modifications

Psych Stage: Knowledge of actual result of the work

Feedback from the job itself is the extent to which carrying out the work activities results in incumbents receiving clear and direct knowledge about how well they are performing For e.g. The employee should get a review as to how they are doing at their job
DILEMMA: A marketing associate is doing extra efforts to increase the business for his firm but is not getting any positive or negative response


A success in achieving these psychological states will result in

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High internal work motivation High growth satisfaction High general job satisfaction High work effectiveness

of the employees

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