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Computers have taken the human imagination towards a new level. Computers is also the only non human entity for which we humans have developed many languages to interact. The idea of a 3D printer begins with our desire to build a communicative language with computers.

The very first human interaction with tools began with 0 and 1 or simply rest or work. As we came to discover the power of computing we began to find a simple way to input and output. With this thought we began our journey towards virtual display with text. Then in 1964 the first break through came as a sketchpad, a device which could interact with pictures which was fascinating. The era of icons revolutionized our world with first Apple and then Microsoft. We became in thrilled with computer arts which is still an important part of our computing world. The concept of interactive designs started producing virtual arts and then the possibility of making it a reality was granted through printer( a tool still loved and daily used by us). Creators and programmers then took the concept of virtual design towards an artistic realm.

3D art came to life with the first utha tea pot named after the location of design. 3D art basically imitates the human preception of vision by potraying a design through height base and length unlike regular pictures through length and breadth. Now 3D art became our next addiction through movies but still making it real was not viable.

3D printers

In 1984 Charles Hull invents stereolithograph, a printing process that enables a tangible 3d object to be created from digital data. In 1992 the first stereolithographic apparatus machine is produced. 1992 the first lab grown organ was implanted and by 2002 3D printing was used to produce kidneys. In 2005 RepRap, an open source initiative to build a 3D printer capable to print its own part was started. By 2008 RepRap released Darwin capable of producing its own parts. In 2009 Makerbot, an open source hardware company starts selling DIY 3D printers parts. In 2011 first 3D printed robotic plane was flown. By 2012 3d printed prosthetic jaws were implanted.

How does it work? It is an evolution to the inkjet printer. Inkjet printers lays the color or pigments on white paper in a single layer but 3D printers lays the materials in multiple layers building a shape. 3D printers use laser to solidify the layers. The biggest draw back 3D printing is the materials used to print which is only limited towards using a brittle plastic as of now.


3D printing gives us the possibility to make any design and any shapes created on the digital world to be a reality. Newer and sophisticated designs could be precisley made with the help of computers. As it is fully mechanical and it is produced by accurate computation so the outcome is really feasible. This would be a boon for industrial production as different components produced would perfect. As 3D printers are produced through open source projects this will help to establish easy reach for the commoners. Different designs could be produced easily and cheaply.

3D printers can be used to make a better future but it is also can be a tool of destruction. The biggest threat comes in the form of our ability to print any form of ammunition and weapons. Now with a printer that has the ability to create any object will take pirating to the next level. Any ideas could be easily passed on through the torrents and could be easily printed out.

3D printing is our future With this we will have the ability to produce and innovate sophisticated modules and designs. There are draw backs to it like every other tool so we need to have a planned future for 3D printers.

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