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Cause/effect models can be found in many kinds of writing and can be used for any of the writers purposes:

To justify or condemn some action To prove or disprove an idea, belief or assertion To explain or to give an account of something or situation To convince, or To draw a conclusion

Sample C
Attention men: if you use a laptop and wish to father children someday, you may want to remove the computer from your lap. In studies conducted by Dr. Yefim Sheynkin, a urology professor of the State University of New York and director of the Institution for Male Infertility and Microsurgery Department, reveal that computer laptops produced significant elevation of scrotal temperature. A rise in scrotal temperature leads to slow sperm production. Other studies have also suggested that driving for long periods and sedentary jobs may affect sperm production. This is because the said activities require men to sit down for long periods of time with their legs put together, thus, heating the scrotal sac located outside the male human body. Sperm thrives in an environment a couple of degrees cooler than the temperature of the human body. In the meantime that no therapeutic measures are on hand, consider turning a laptop into a desktop. Too Hot for a Man PDI

With the average hours of TV viewing reaching an alarming eight hours a day or more, it is obvious that the general population has abandoned reading as a leisure activity. To counter this undesirable trend, it is important to understand why reading interest has waned and what the results are. Some name the advent of technology--- Internet, iPads, ipods, film, TV, video games, cell phones, and radio--- as one cause of the decline in reading. Aside from the old-time high of public involvement with technology, there is a de-emphasis on reading and reading skills in the public school system. Reading has become a less valuable activity; thus, interesting it and the ability to read fall. Another factor is the rapid pace of life today. As a consequence, people depend on quick information from seventh-grade-level news stories rather than from insightful and complete descriptions of events in books and periodicals. People, too, no longer read at the levels they once did. Altogether, the effects of decline in reading appear critical. People are grossly misinformed of issues and histories. Because of this situation, they tend to lose the ability to think to actively participate in intellectual and mental processes that require agile minds. Without the ability to think clearly, the capacity to make decisions and solve problems is likely to be impaired. Ultimately, thinking tasks for a safe and healthy future may be waylaid. Yet, reading for advancement, as well as for entertainment, is critical if the world is to successfully meet challenges of tomorrow.


Advent of techonology De-emphasis on reading and reading skills in the public school system Rapid pace of life

Cause Effect Cause Effect Cause

Decline in reading

Misinformation on issues and histories Tendency to lose the ability to think Failure to actively participate in intellectual and mental processes

Impairment of decision-making and problem-solving ablities


Wayland of thinking tasks for a safe and healthy future

Cause-to-Effect Pattern:
In the cause-to-effect pattern, the topic sentence of a paragraph states the main idea in such a way that some cause produces some effects.

A copper industry depression in Arizona has caused great losses. One effect of the copper industry depression is the loss of more than 46 million dollars in wages last year alone. Another is that Arizona business lost more than 39 million dollars in copper industry purchases. The third is that state and local governments lost more than 9 million dollars in taxes. The fourth effect is that one out of every four Arizona workers is unemployed.

The paragraph can be outlined this way: Cause: A copper industry depression Effects: Loss of more than 46 million dollars in wages Loss of more than 39 million dollars in copper industry purchases Loss of more than 9 million dollars in taxes Unemployment

Effect-to-Cause Pattern:
Similarly, in the effect-to-cause pattern, the topic sentence of the paragraph will also clearly state that some effect or result comes from some cause.

There are two main causes that have brought about a copper industry depression in Arizona. The first is that foreign copper is cheaper than Arizona copper because of lower wages and lower environmental standards. Thus, American industry is buying copper from Chile, Peru and other nations. The second cause is our governmental policy. That is, America should maintain a copper a stockpile for defense purposes. But it is not doing so, even though its purchases would help.

The outline of the paragraph can be drawn this way: Effect: A copper industry depression Causes: Cheaper foreign copper American governmental policy

When a series ends and it leaves you with a big gaping hole that cant be filled with anything but rereading the books
THANKS! ~ajcd

1. The cause is stated in the subject part of a sentence, and the effect in the predicate part of a sentence.

2. The effect will be stated in the subject part, and the cause in the predicate part of a sentence.

TOPIC SENTENCE: - To counter (this undesirable trend) decline in reading, it is important to understand why reading interest has waned and what the results are. SUBJECT - Decline in reading CONTROLLING IDEA - Results

CAUSES - Advent of technology, deemphasis on reading and reading skills in the public school system EFFECT/CAUSES
- Decline in Reading

- Misinformation on issues and histories, tendency to lose the ability to think, failure to actively participate in intellectual and mental processes

-Impairment of decision making and problem solving abilities

- Waylay of thinking tasks for a safe and healthy future

- Yet, reading for advancement, as well as for entertainment , is critical if the world is to successfully meet the challenges of tomorrow.

SAMPLE: Do you feel snappish when the cables and programs of local stations go haywire? Have you become TVdependent? If you have become one , you are not isolate. In fact, parents nowadays may not be aware that the pervasiveness of TV in their childrens lives is a cause for concern, Extensive TV viewing has undesirable consequences. First it affects behavior. After observing role models engaged in violent behavior, the child tends to imitate and add violent behavior to his repertoire. Second, TV affects the young minds attitude toward family life as it greatly reduce family interactions and seldom portrays family life realistically because the programs are either funny and simplistic or expressively tragic.

Third, TV affects the emotional development, too. Because of repeated stimulation, the children are desensitized to the pain and suffering of others. Fourth, undoubtedly, the moral climate on TV is often against Christian teachings and sound moral values. Pre- or extramarital sex is nothing wrong or unusual. Even laughing at people with defects has become acceptable. Finally, long hours of TV viewing can bring about grave cognitive consequences. It promotes passive rather than active learning. Moreover, the attention in inertia can cause children to get glued and fixated to the boob tube. No wonder they are impatient with extended class sessions. Many children have problems of concentration and hyperacidity, too, as a consequence of skipped meal or irregular eating habits. Therefore, while there are justifiable reasons for watching TV, prolonged TV viewing certainly does not justify the reasons.

TOPIC SENTENCE: - Extensive TV viewing has undesirable consequences.

- Extensive TV viewing

- Undesirable conequences

The common way to achieve coherence in cause/effect paragraphs or essays is to arrange the details in chronological order by using the words indicating numerical order.

How to arrange details of cause/effect paragraph in logical order?

In the case that causes or effects have equal importance, you must consider which cause or effect is more obvious than the others.
In the case that causes and effects have unequal importance, you must consider which cause and effect is more important than the other.

Other than for opportunities for education and jobs, Bangkok today is a poor city to live in because of three reasons. The first reason is the traffic problem which is getting worse and worse. It is not only at certain hours or certain places, but all the time everywhere. The environmental problem is the second reason for Bangkoks not being suitable to live in. at present, Bangkok is facing many kinds of pollution- such as air, water, and noise pollution- all of which can make people unhealthy. The final reason concerns the crime problem which threatens Bangkokians everyday. People and their property are unsafe at every moment.


Another example:
A copper industry depression in Arizona has caused great losses. One effect of the copper industry depression is the loss of more than 46 million dollars in wages last year alone. Another is that Arizona business lost more than 9 million dollars in copper industry purchases. The third is that state and local governments lost more than 9 million dollars in taxes. The fourth effect is that one out of every four Arizona copper workers is unemployed.

Another way to achieve coherence in cause and effect paragraphs or essays is to use transition markers to show clear relationships among sentences.

Because of, As a result of
Used to indicate cause and usually EXAMPLE: Because of his diligence, he succeeded in his studies and work. As a result of her overweight, she cannot run very fast.

followed by a noun or noun phrase.


So, For
So indicates a result, but it is rather colloquial and is often avoided in formal writing. For indicates a cause and is quite formal. EXAMPLE:
Bangkok is full of many kinds of pollution, so it is not suitable to live in. We are forced to cancel your subscription to our magazine for we have not received your payment for the last six months.


Thus, Therefore, Consequently, As a result, For this reason
These expressions indicate effect or result. EXAMPLE:
All human beings are under the power of Desire and Ignorance. Therefore, they are entangled in the circle of birth and death. Most Buddhist believe in the results of actions (karma); as a result, they always do good and avoid doing bad.


Sothat, Suchthat
These two subordinates are used to connect two simple sentences into one sentence in such away that one part of a sentence is the cause and another part is the effect of that cause. EXAMPLE:
He runs very fast. I cannot catch him. He runs so fast that I cannot catch him.

The clauses that contain subordinators Sothat or Suchthat are the dependent clauses showing cause and the clauses that precede that are the independent clauses showing effect.

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