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In some applications, data either positive or negative. We concentrate on absolute value or magnitude only. For example : Smallest 8-bit number is 0000 0000 Largest 8-bit number is 1111 1111 Equivalent to a decimal 0 to 255.

Data is called unsigned binary because all bits are used to represent magnitude of the corresponding decimal only Limitations: With 8-bit unsigned arithmetic, all magnitudes must fall in the range 0 to 255 Addition and subtraction must also fall between 0 and 255. If greater than 255, use 16-bit arithmetic


In 8-bit arithmetic , addition of 2 unsigned numbers whose sum is greater than 255 , causes overflow. a carry into 9th column Microprocessors have carry flag to detect a carry which warns , answer is invalid.


Addition of 175


and 118


175 1010 1111 118 0111 0110 293 1 0010 0101 In case of overflow, programmer has to carry instructions for carry flag and use 16-bit arithmetic.

Signed Integer Representation

We have been ignoring signed integers. The PROBLEM with signed integers ( 45, + 27, -99) is the SIGN! How do we encode the sign? The sign is an extra piece of information that has to be encoded in addition to the magnitude.

What can we do?

Following are the three possible techniques

Signed Magnitude Representation Diminished Radix-Complement Representation Radix-Complement Representation

Signed Magnitude Representation

Signed Magnitude (SM) is a method for encoding signed integers. The Most Significant Bit (MSB) is used to represent the sign. 1 is used for a - (negative sign), 0 for a + (positive sign).

Format of SM Representation

The format of a SM number in 8 bits is: smmmmmmm Where s is the sign bit The other 7 bits represent the magnitude. NOTE: for positive numbers, the result is the same as the unsigned binary representation.

Signed Magnitude Ex. (8 bits)

-5 = (1 0000101)2 = (85)16 +5 = (0 0000101)2 = (05)16 +127 = (0 1111111)2 = (7F)16 -127 = (1 1111111)2 = (FF)16 +0 = (0 0000000)2 = (00)16 -0 = (1 0000000)2 = (80)16

For N bits, can represent the signed integers - {2(N-1) 1} to {+ 2(N-1) 1} For 8 bits, can represent the signed integers -127 to +127. Signed magnitude easy to understand and encode. Simple. Negative numbers are identical to positive numbers except the sign bit. Used today in some applications.

Problems with Signed Magnitude Representation

One problem is that it has two ways of representing 0 (-0,and +0) Another problem is that addition of K + (-K) does not give Zero! -5 + 5 = (85)16 + (05)16 = (8A)16 Requires complicated arithmetic circuits.

Ones Complement Representation

Ones complement is another way to represent signed integers. To encode a negative number, get the binary representation of its magnitude, then COMPLEMENT each bit. Complementing each bit mean that 1s are replaced with 0s, 0s are replaced with 1s.


How is -5 represented in Ones Complement (encoded in 8 bits) ? The magnitude 5 in 8-bits is ( 00000101)2 = (05)16 Now complement each bit: (11111010)2 = (FA)16 (FA)16 is ones complement representation of -5.

Ones Complement Examples

+5 -5 +127 -127 +0 -0

= = = = = =

(00000101)2 = ( 05 )16 (11111010) = ( FA )16 (01111111)2 = ( 7F )16 (10000000)2 = ( 80 )16 (00000000)2 = ( 00 )16 (11111111)2 = ( FF )16

For N bits, can represent the signed integers - {2(N-1) 1} to + {2(N-1) 1} For 8 bits, can represent the signed integers -127 to +127.

Limitations of Ones Complement Method

Still have the problem that there are two ways of representing 0 (-0, and +0) Mathematically speaking, no such thing as two representations for zeros. However, addition of K + (-K) now gives Zero! -5 + 5 = ( FA )16 + ( 05 )16 = ( FF)16 = -0 !!!

Unfortunately, K + 0 = K only works if we use +0, Does not work if we use -0. 5 + (+0) = (05)16 + (00)16 = (05)16 = 5 (ok) 5 + (-0) = (05)16 + (FF)16= (04)16 = 4 (wrong)

Twos Complement Representation

Twos complement is another way to represent signed integers. To encode a negative number, get the binary representation of its magnitude, COMPLEMENT each bit, then ADD 1. or See 1 from LSB , mark it and complement all bits which are occurring before it.


What is -5 in Twos Complement, 8 bits? The magnitude 5 in 8-bits is: (00000101)2 = (05)16 Now complement each bit: (11111010)2 = (FA)16 Now add one: (FA) 16 + 1 = (FB)16 (FB)16 is the 8-bit, twos complement representation of -5.

Twos Complement Examples

-5 = ( 11111011) = ( FB)16 +5 = ( 00000101 )= ( 05)16 +127 = ( 01111111) = (7F)16 -127 = ( 10000001) = ( 81)16 -128 = ( 10000000 )= ( 80 )16 + 0 = ( 00000000) = (00)16 -0 = ( 00000000) = (00 )16 (only 1 zero!!!)

For N bits, can represent the signed integers -2(N-1) to + 2(N-1) - 1 Note that negative range extends one more than positive range. For 8 bits, can represent the signed integers -128 to +127.

Twos Complement Comments

Twos complement is the method of choice for representing signed integers. It has none of the drawbacks of Signed Magnitude or Ones Complement. There is only one zero, and K + (-K) = 0. -5 + 5 = (FB)16 + ( 05)16 = (00)16 = 0 !!! Normal binary addition is used for adding numbers that represent twos complement integers.


Used in digital computer for simplifying the subtraction operation and for logic manipulations. There are two types of complements for each base R system

Diminished Radix-Complement Representation [ (R-1)s Complement] Radix-Complement Representation [ Rs Complement ]

(1) The rs complement. e.g. 2s complement for binary and 10s complement for decimal.

(2) The (r-1)s complement. e.g. 1s complement for binary and 9s complement for decimal.

(R-1)'s Complement Representation

+ve numbers. : sign and magnitude

-ve numbers : -N represented by , the (R-1)'s complement

where = ( Rn R-m ) N,
n = Total number of digits in integer part of the number N m = Total number of digits in fractional part of the number N

9s complements of (52520)10 (105-100-52520)= (105-152520)=47479 9s complements of (0.3267)10 (100-10-4-0.3267)= (0.9999- 0.3267) =0.6732

R's Complement Representation

+ve nos.: sign and magnitude -ve nos. : -N is represented by N*, the R's Complement n where N* = R N n = Total number of digits in integer part of the number N


10s complements of (52520)10 (105-52520) = (105-52520) = 47480 10s complements of (0.3267)10 (100-0.3267) = (1.0- 0.3267) = 0.6733

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