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Goals:A goal defines the end toward which

effort is directed.

Relationship Between Goals and Objectives





Student achieve each goal by completing objectives.

Relationship Between Goals and Objectives

GOAL: I will have enough $ to purchase my family Christmas gifts.
Objective: I will identify my income each week and put it into a spreadsheet Objective: I will determine my expenses for each week, and place it into the spreadsheet.

Objective: I will subtract my expense from income, and determine my savings.

Question: What would be the next objective?

Educational Goals
Expectations held for groups of students

Broad Attainable Target to be reached Usually based upon state standards

Define what you will have the students do State in terms of expected student behavior Specify condition of student performance

Specify level of student performance

2 ways of remembering - ABCD & SMART

Examples of Goals
Students will inquire about electric current and how electric circuits function. Students will realize that lines, segments, rays, and points exist not only on paper but in the world around us. Students will understand the processes that shape the Earth, which include the water cycle and the role of evaporation in this process.

ABCD Method
Audience- Who are your learners? Behavior- What do you expect them to do? Condition- How will the learning take place?

Degree- How much will be accomplished?

SMART Method
Specific- describe your goal in precise terms
Measurable- make sure to include the measures

that will be used to judge progress towards achieving the goal.

Attainable- construct a goal that is achievable. Relevant-Your goal should relate to attaining

something that is necessary and of value.

Time-based- determine a date, timeframe, or schedule

for your goal.

Blooms Taxonomy
Using powerful verbs is important when writing objectives.
Level 1: Knowledgedefine, identify, label, name, Level 2: Comprehensiondescribe, explain, retell Level 3: Applicationapply, demonstrate, construct Level 4: Analysisanalyze, categorize, compare Level 5: Synthesiscreate, design, visualize Level 6: Evaluationevaluate, justify, rate

Examples of Objectives
Science: In groups of two, students will be able write a description of electricity in terms of attraction, repulsion and sparks when asked after watching the power point,

with 95% accuracy.

Language Arts: Individually, students will write a persuasive essay, for or against restricting access

to the coral reef, that will coincided with a 3 rating (or a proficient rating) on the PSSA writing rubric.

Pick out the parts:

What is the audience? What is the behavior? What is the condition?

What is the degree?

Science: In groups of two, students will be able write a description of electricity in terms of attraction, repulsion and sparks when asked after watching the power point, with 95% accuracy.

Pick out the parts:

What is the audience? What is the behavior? What is the condition?

What is the degree?

Language Arts: Individually, students will write a persuasive essay, for or against restricting access

to the coral reef, that will coincided with a 3 rating (or a proficient rating) on the PSSA writing rubric.

What are the differences between goals and objectives?

Goals are general Goals are broad Goals are not as tangible It takes many objectives to measure a goal Objectives are precise Objectives are narrow Objective are tangible One objective is measurable

1. A good objective contains what?

a. an audience and a behavior

b. an audience, a behavior, a condition, and a degree

c. some ways to make sure the students learn what they should

2. What should a goal contain?

a. broad, generalized statements about what is to be learned

b. specific, narrow statements about what is to be learned

c. an audience, a behavior, a condition, and a degree

3. What should a well-written objective show you?

a. covert student behaviors b. specific, measurable, observable student behaviors c. how to teach the subject d. the domain you are interested in

4. What is the objective missing? Individual students will be able to run the 100 yard dash in less than 50 seconds.

a. the audience
b. the behavior c. the condition d. the degree

5. What is the objective missing? Given the appropriate text, the whole class will recite a famous poem from that text.

a. the audience
b. the behavior c. the condition d. the degree

Now review YOUR Goals and Objectives!

Use your power point project.

More Examples
IF you want another explanation and examples of objectives, go to this website: PSU Writing Objectives

Orginally made by Melinda Stacknick And Modified by Beth Sockman

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