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Cognitive Architecture of Scientific Concepts and Misconceptions

FISER09 Frontiers in Science Education Research 2009

International conference on undergraduate science and mathematics education research

Eastern Mediterranean University Famagusta, Cyprus, March 22 24, 2009

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Content Preconceptions, misconceptions or levels of mental models? Modeling of structure of common and scientific concepts Triangular model of concept Cognitive architecture of concept Cognitive architecture and concept maps of misconceptions Aristotelian preconception of force Newtonian conception
Paul Tarabek, Educational Publisher Didaktis, Bratislava, Slovakia European Educational Publishers Group, Hasselager, Denmark, EU Curriculum Studies Research Group, CB, Czech Republic

What are student misconceptions?

It was established that pupils and students enter their science lessons and courses with some preconceptions (preconceived notions and beliefs).
Then they learn in the school not only formal knowledge, but construct their own incorrect views, knowledge, incomplete concepts also referred to as misconceptions, alternative student frames, pre-scientific conceptions, etc.

Examples of misconceptions We experience seasons because of the earth's changing distance to the sun - closer in summer, farther in winter. The moon is only visible at night.

... misconception about deserts...

The Sahara is the world's largest desert.

The Sahara is the world's largest hot desert, but the worlds largest arid land is Antarctica. Antarctica has almost no rain and little or no vegetation. Almost no animal life exists in its interior at all ... This is sufficient to qualify it as a desert, and it is larger than the Sahara.

Misconceptions in biology


Flu is caused by: A. bacteria B. fungi C. protists D. viruses

Misconception: The flu is caused by bacteria.



absorption curve

Green leafs are green because... A. They absorb the green color. B. They reflect the green color. C. Chlorophyll emits green. D. Chlorophyll it green. Misconception: Chlorophyll it green.

molecule of chlorophyll

Textbooks texts as causes of misconceptions

There are different data regarding the orbital times of planets in various sources. Why? Various sources (textbooks, databooks, internet, supplementary textbooks) use diferent definitions of a year. We have at least three definitions of a year: The Julian year is a time interval of exactly 365.25 days, and this is used in astronomy, e.g. for the orbital times of the planets. A tropical year (also known as a solar year) is the length of time that the Sun takes to return to the same position in the cycle of seasons, as seen from Earth. The tropical year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45,7 sec and it is used in the light year definition. The civil year (365 days) is not a physical term but some textbooks use it in their exercises.

Bohrs preconception: Atoms have electrons circling them like planets around a star
In the Bohr model, the neutrons and protons (symbolized by red and blue balls in the adjacent image) occupy a dense central region called the nucleus, and the electrons orbit the nucleus much like planets orbiting the Sun. An example of misconception caused by textbooks: The Bohr planetary model of atom is from the point of view of modern physics (quantum mechanics) incorrect. Many textbooks show and teach the planetary model of the atom because the pupils can easily imagine it and then the model remains in their memory.
The quantum mechanical model of the atom

The location of an electron is described as the probability of finding an electron in a given region of the atom.

Developmental misconceptions
Developmental misconceptions with common sense concepts (Hestenes, 2006) are formed as natural preconceptions of pupils and students who look and explore reality by use only empirical methods of cognition leading to empirical laws as generalization of observed phenomena and expressed by verbal statements.

Example: Force is needed to keep an object moving.

Structure of common and scientific concepts

In physics education, especially concerning the meaningful learning, in-depth problem solving, scientific approach to science education, etc., the understanding of basic physical concepts is emphasized. The study of differences between the concepts related to pre- / misconceptions and the concepts related to right scientific knowledge requires also an information about a structure of scientific concepts. What is a structure of (mental) common and scientific concepts?

Structure of concepts
The first problem was also the detail description of the structure of concept. The cognitive psychology and cognitive sciences give more models of concept, but its structure was modelled by a simple way only, e.g.: the semiotic triangle in cognitive linguistic, the latitude and longitude of concepts (Vygotsky), the semantic frame (Fillmore, 1976, 1982), the prototype theory (Rosch, 1978), metaphor and radial categories (Lakoff), the concept tree (Merrill, 2000) the concept triad (Hestenes, 2006).



Detail structure of concepts

Many terms are used to describe

a concept structure in an educational and cognitive science depending on a theory: meaning, reference referent, sense, core of concept, (characteristic) properties, attributes, intension, extension of concept, symbol, sign, icon, to designate designatum, to denotate denotatum, form, prototype, triangle of meaning, semiotic triangle, concept triad, etc. Can we find a more detailed concept structure? To solve this problem, the model, called the triangular model of concept structure, was created and further developed.



Formation of triangular model of concept structure

Three basic ideas for description of concept structure: 1) Semiotic triangle the concept has a triangular shape 2) The concepts and knowledge comprise a system as a set of related objects. The concept is also composed of elements and connections between them, which comprise an internal structure of concept. 3) The internal structure of concept may change during the concept formation in historical development of sciences and in development of concept in the mind of person. From above ideas follow two questions: I) What is an internal structure of common and scientific concepts & knowledge? II) What may be a development of concept & knowledge structure during the scientific cognition or learning?

Characteristic properties of triangular model

I) The model of concept structure has three characteristic properties: the triangular shape, the model distinguishes the concepts meaning and sense as two disjunctive sets following Freges idea of sense and meaning/reference, the model describes all components of the conceptual structure and links between them with the language of cognitive psychology and cognitive sciences. II) The model is built upon Vygotskys concept theory, the conception of semantic frame (Fillmore, 1976, 1982, Modeling Theory of Hestenes, 2006) and it distinguishes: phases of spontaneous concept formation (called Vygotian phases), four levels of historical development of scientific concepts: primitive, empirical, exact, and formal.

Triangular model of concept structure

The basic components of the model are: core C, periphery, meaning M, and sense S, as well as their mutual connections and hierarchical layers M1, M2, M3 of the meaning.

Core of the concept force: word force symbol intrinsic structure (of prototype) representative semantic image (RSI) / image form of prototype


Basic triangular structure of concept and its semantic frame

Sense of concept

Core of concept


M1 M2 M3 E Extension

Meaning of concept

Meaning layer M1 of concept force referents

gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear forces and weak interaction, or real forces: distant forces electric, magnetic, gravitational, contact forces push, pull, friction, resistance of environment fictitious forces: inertial, centrifugal and Coriolis force
Core of concept

M meaning of concept Extension of concept

Meaning layer M2 designata: pushing and pulling forces, friction, air resistance, etc

direction of motion

pushing the pedal

Is the name model of concept structure correct?

The basic components of the model are: core C, periphery, meaning M, and sense S, as well as their mutual connections and hierarchical layers M1, M2, M3 of the meaning.

Core of the concept force: word force symbol intrinsic structure (of prototype) representative semantic image (RSI) / image form of prototype


Basic triangular structure of concept and its semantic frame

Sense of concept

Core of concept


M1 M2 M3 E Extension

Meaning of concept

Cognitive architecture of concept

The model of the cognitive architecture of the concept is built upon the triangular model of concept, the semantic frame, the Vygotskys concept theory, the theory of the prototype and the core of category, and on widespread ideas of the structuring of conceptual systems.

The model of the cognitive architecture of concept describes a specific structure of common or scientific concepts and their semantic frames as components of the conceptual knowledge systems, which may be external or internal (mental). The model distinguishes the concepts meaning and sense as two disjunctive sets. The basic components of the model are: core of a concept, periphery of a concept, meaning M and sense S of a concept, their mutual connections and also the hierarchical layers of the meaning.

Cognitive architecture of concept

Superordinate concept Concept
Periphery of concept

C Core of concept Symbol (word W, sign, icon) Representative semantic image RSI (prototype or core of category) Intrinsic structure Meaning links

Sense links

S1 Set of concepts assigned to concept core C which can be meaningfully connected in speech or thought with the given concept core C.

M1 referential set set of subordinate concepts which refers to the above concept core set of referential concepts Meaning links M2 Set of designata concrete subordinate concepts and mental semantic images which refers to the above concepts of M1 or to core C Meaning links M3 Concrete mental semantic images of the objects, phenomena, events, entities in the mind of the person named by the symbol }(word W) above. E Extension class of denotata: objects, phenomena, events, entities named by the word W above

S Sense of concept = set S1 and sense links M Meaning of concept

M = M1 M2 M3

and meaning links

Semantic frame of concept = meaning and sense

Sense links

Basic triangular structure of concept

Core of concept


Sense of concept

We can divide sense links into: qualitative links actual, potential, S1 C and attributive, cognitive (F acceleration, deceleration, change of direction, deformation, etc), Meaning M1 M2 M3 operational links to other concepts of concept in definitions, e.g. s v, s t E Extension in the s = vt, and contextual links between the core of a given concept and all other concepts that may be meaningfully connected with the given concept in statements, propositions, sentences, etc force can be meaningfully connected in sentences with the concepts motion, action, field, space, time, etc. Clearly, the sentence The car has green leaves is meaningless, because there is no contextual link between the concepts car and green leaves.

Qualitative sense links

Basic triangular structure of concept


Qualitative links are the links of the core Core of concept Sense of concept to the concepts which express actual qualities or features, as well as potential qualities and attributes (relevant properties), of a given concept. S1 C Actual qualities are features characterizing the concrete denotatum (object, phenomenon, event, or entity). An actual attribute of force is the fact that it is a vector physical quantity. An actual attribute of a red apple is Meaning M1 M2 M3 its red colour. of concept Potential qualities are properties E Extension characterizing denotata of subordinate referential concepts or designata. The connection of potential qualities to a given concept results in its division into subordinate concepts. For example, potential qualities connected to the concept force are gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear and the quality expressed by the term weak interactions. Thus the general concept of force is differentiated into referential concepts: gravitational force, electromagnetic force, nuclear force, and weak interaction. Attributes of a given concept are the relevant properties characterizing the denotata class (objects, phenomena, events, and entities denoted by the name of the concept). According to these properties, we are able to categorize an observed object, phenomenon, or entity into a denotata class (an extension of the given concept). For instance, the concept body has its mass as an attribute. Attributes are used in definitions together with superordinate concepts. For instance, in the definition body is a mass object, object is a superordinate concept while mass is an attribute.

Cognitive sense links

Cognitive sense links are links between the core of the given concept and concepts that are related to physical or natural law (rule, principle) together with this concept. For instance, if we consider Newtons second law in the form: F = m a, students have a one possible cognitive link from the concept force to the concept acceleration if they understand that force causes the acceleration or deceleration of a bodys motion or the curving of its trajectory. A knowledge consists of the cognitive links and the related concepts.
Cognitive sense links effects of force

Developmental levels of the physical concepts in conceptual knowledge systems

The triangular model of the concept structure describes all the elements and links of the concept structure.
The individual concepts of the conceptual knowledge systems do not need to contain all the elements of their structure in specific cases, particularly in the development of scientific concepts in the history of physics or in the education process. Analysis of the historical development of the external conceptual knowledge systems led to the distinguishing of several developmental levels of the physical concepts.
Basic triangular structure of concept
Core of concept Concept

Sense of concept


M1 M2 M3 E Extension

Meaning of concept

Developmental levels of external conceptual knowledge systems (CKS) of physics

Primitive-empirical level of CKS pre-scientific level of cognition children, myths, magical explanations in ancient history Empirical level of CKS first scientific level of cognition empirical natural laws as generalization of observed phenomena and expressed by verbal statements Parametrical level of CKS second scientific level of cognition precisely and exactly defined physical terms, the creation of physical quantities, natural laws expressed by mathematical formulas, individual natural laws which do not compose any structure Structural level of CKS the creating of a structure of natural laws Newton mechanics, Maxwell electrodynamics, thermodynamics Formal level of CKS creating of formal theories of theoretical physics, mathematics

Physical concept levels in the process of their formation

1. Primitive level of concept
Primitive-empirical level of CKS
Core = word

Concrete semantic images

Core = word + RSI Concrete semantic images

2. Empirical level of concept

Empirical level of CKS

3. Exact level of concept

Parametrical & structural level of CKS

Core = word + symbol + RSI

Subordinate concepts and semantic images connected to the core of the concept Core = word + symbol + (RSI)

4. Formal level
Formal level of CKS (Formal physical theories)

Various interpretations of the concepts core in reality

Concept mapping based on the model of the cognitive architecture of concept

The model is also used to mapping of concepts of external conceptual knowledge systems and mental concepts of students. The concept map of the given concept C: follows the structure of the triangular model, describes a structure of the semantic frame of the concept C as a smaller conceptual knowledge system which is composed of all the concepts related to the concept C in thought and speech. The concept map has two dimensions: vertical representing concepts meaning (direction from the concept C to reality), horizontal representing concepts sense (direction from the concept C to other concepts except for subordinate ones). The concept maps of the Aristotelian preconception and the Newtonian conception of force represent the conceptual structure of the concept force at the empirical (Aristotelian) and symbolic (Newtonian) level of concept formation.

Concept map of the concept force at the primitive level

Core C of concept force: words W strong, force representative semantic image Sense S of concept force (see the text below this figure) contextual links and primitive operational links

C M sense of concept

Sense links contextual

S1 assigned concepts which may be meaningfully linked to the core C.

strong engine

big boy

big man



M2 designata

semantic images of engines

semantic images of a big boy, big man, strong father

semantic image of a bee, which causes pain by stinging

M3 semantic images of denotata

Concept map of the concept force at the empirical Aristotelian level

cause SC superordinate concept

Core C of concept force: word W force representative semantic image

Sense S of the concept force (see the text below this figure) contextual links, attributive link to the concept forced motion

M sense of concept

Sense links contextual attributive cognitive

S1 assigned concepts, which may be meaningfully linked to the core C.

human force

animal force

water force

fire force

M2 designata

semantic mages of the specific forces

M3 semantic images of denotata

Concept map of the concept force at the exact (scientific) Newtonian level
cause SC superordinate concept

Core C of the concept force: word W force representative semantic image symbol F

Sense S of the concept force consists of the set S1 and the following links (see the text below this figure): contextual links, links to the actual and potential qualities, attributive link, cognitive links.

M meaning of concept

sense links

S1 assigned concepts, which may be meaningfully linked to the core C

real forces

inertial forces

M1 referents

gravitational force

push force

pull force

frictional force

M2 designata

semantic mages of the specific real forces

images of the inertial forces

M3 semantic images of denotata

Aristotelian preconception and Newtonian conception of force

Many concepts at the empirical (pre-scientific) level differ significantly from the concepts at the scientific level of cognition. The meaning and extension of the concept at both of the levels are not so different but their structure, sense and intention are completely different. Concept force at the empirical level at the scientific level word force word force representative semantic image (RSI) RSI, force is vector quantity with a magnitude and direction symbol
a m1 < m2 F

Force motion speed force

Force acceleration, F = m a acceleration force speed v = at

Developmental misconceptions
A force acts on a body. What are the effects of the acting force? [12] The answers were classified as belonging to the Newtonian level of concept force if they contained at least one of the changes of the motion: acceleration, deceleration, or curving of the trajectory (column 6). The Aristotelian level of the concept force was characterized by the statements: Force causes motion of an object., A body starts moving and the force is needed to keep it moving, The effects are: acceleration, motion, and deformation. (column 5) Statements of the type F motion, are called the Aristotelian preconceptions. They are natural developmental misconceptions formulated as generalizations of empirical experiences coming out directly from observation.
1 N 370 307 264 209 221 115 187 2 zero answers 16 % 14 % 11 % 8% 4% 3% 3% 3 incorrect answers 35 % 12 % 9% 3% 3% 1% 2% 4 answers deformation 4% 16 % 26 % 3% 4% 3% 4% 5 answers at the Aristotelian level 44 % 54 % 51 % 55 % 64 % 65 % 64 % 6 answers at the Newtonian level 1% 4% 3% 31 % 25 % 28 % 27 %

number of column number of respondents age of respondents grade 6 grade 7 grade 8 grade 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12

Concept map showing the cognitive architecture of the concept force of 6 8th grade students at the Aristotelian (empirical) level.
Concepts at this level correspond to the CS (common sense) concepts of Hestenes (2006). The group of respondents answered questions regarding components and links of the structure of the concept force (Tarbek, 2007). The concept map was designed with the answers of students from 6th to 8th grade as they reached the Aristotelian level of force.

The concept map shows the cognitive architecture of the conception of force by 12 grade students at the Newtonian level.
The group of respondents answered questions regarding components and links of the structure of the concept force (Tarbek, 2007). The concept map was designed with the answers of the best students whose cognitive links reached the symbolical level of concept force because their meaning structure does not correspond to this level.

The model of the cognitive architecture of concept is a theoretical construct based on knowledge of cognitive psychology and cognitive science (as arrangement of related terms of these sciences in cognitive maps) that shows: a structure of concepts and their semantic frames in the external conceptual knowledge systems of science, developmental levels of physics concepts. The model is used to: mapping of concepts of external conceptual knowledge systems, mapping of mental concepts of pupils and students. The concept map of the given concept C: goes out from the structure of the triangular model, describes a structure of the semantic frame of the concept C which is composed of all the concepts related to the concept C in thought and speech. The concept maps show clearly the structure of semantic frames thus they may help to students and pre-service teachers to understand content knowledge of the subject they will teach.

Thank you for your attention

Superordinate concept Concept

S Sense of concept = set S1 and sense links C Core of concept Word W (word form) Symbol (symbol form) Representative semantic image (image form of core) Meaning links M1 referential set set of subordinate concepts which refers to the above concept core set of referential concepts Meaning links M2 Set of designata concrete subordinate concepts and semantic images which refers to the above concepts of M1 or to core C Meaning links M3 Concrete images of the objects, phenomena, events, entities in the mind of the person named by above word W. E Extension class of denotata: objects, phenomena, events, entities named by above word W Sense links S1 Set of concepts assigned to concept core C which can be in speech or thought meaningfully connected with the given concept core C. M Meaning of concept M = M1 M2 M3 E and meaning links

More information: Educational & Didactic Communication 2007 Vol. 2, pages 107 149, Cognitive Analysis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Adams, W., Wieman, C. (2008) Identification of Specific Cognitive Processes Used for in-Depth Problem Solving, PER 2008 conference, July 23 24, 2008, Edmonton, University of Alberta, CA Fillmore, J. Ch. (1976). Frame semantics and the nature of language. In Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: Conference on the Origin and Development of Language and Speech . Volume 280: 20-32. Fillmore, J. Ch. (1982) Frame semantics. In Linguistics in the Morning Calm. Seoul, Hanshin Publishing Co., 111-137. Frege, G. (1892). ber Sinn und Bedeutung (On Sense and Reference), Hestenes, D., Wells, M., and Swackhammer G., Physics Teacher 30, 141 (1992), 33, 502 (1995) Hestenes, D., (2006). Notes for a Modeling Theory of Science Cognition and Instruction. Proceedings of the 2006 GIREP conference. Hestenes, D. (2006). Notes for a Modeling Theory of Science, Cognition and Instruction. Proceedings of the 2006 GIREP conference: Modelling in Physics and Physics Education. Hestenes, D. (2008). Modeling Theory for Math and Science Education. In Mathematical Modeling ICTMA-3: Education and Design Sciences. Nachtigall D., (1981). The pre-Newtonian Concept of Motion in the Minds of Students in Methods of Teaching Physics Proceedings of Conference. Thailand: Khon Kaen University. Sharma, S.V. & Sharma, K.C., Physics Education Vol. 42. Number 5, 2007 Tarbek P., Concept Networking Based on Triangular Model of Concept Structure in Modern Science and Textbook Creation, Conference proceedings Frankfurt, Bratislava: Educational Publisher Didaktis, 2005, Tarbek P., Cognitive Analysis & Triangular Modeling of Concepts in Curricular Process in Educational and Didactic Communication 2007, Vol. 2, p. 107-149, Bratislava: Educational Publisher Didaktis, 2007, Wieman, C. (2007). Why not to Try a Scientific Approach to Science Education. Vygotsky, L. (1986). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Adamkov, V., Tarbek, P. (2008) Didactic Communication and Curricular Process of Physics. GIREP 2008 conference.

Description of the concept structure

Many terms are used to describe a concept structure in an

educational and cognitive science depending on a theory: [Ogden] meaning, reference referent, to designate designatum, denotatum, extension of concept, sense, intension, prototype, core of concept, [Hestenes] (characteristic) properties, attributes, triangle of meaning, semiotic triangle, concept triad, ... Theories: cognitive linguistic, semantics, semiotics, ... the latitude and longitude of concepts (Vygotsky), the semantic frame (Fillmore, 1976, 1982), the prototype theory (Rosch, 1978), metaphor and radial categories (Lakoff), the Force Dynamics (Talmy), phenolomenological primitives (di Sessa), [7] concept tree (Merrill), the Modeling theory, the concept triad (Hestenes), ...

Vygotian Phases of Concept Formation

Vygotian phases of the concept conductor of electric current in the answers of eighth to twelfth grade students to the question: Electric current can flow through and only through: Complex phase answers presented correct examples of conductors (copper, bulb, metals, electrolytes, water...) together with occasional (not all respondents) incorrect examples (signal, sound, light). Pseudoconcept phase answers presented correct examples at the level of referential concepts (metals, electrolytes, ionized gases) occasionally supplemented with semantic images as examples of individual referential concepts (e.g. metal copper, iron; electrolyte acid in the accumulator). Concept phase answers were characterized by definitions, e.g. Electric current flows through all materials containing free charged particles or Electric current flows through all matters containing free electrons, while some students supplemented their answers with particular examples of electric conductors.

Vygotian phases of the concept conductor of electric current

Answers of eighth to twelfth grade students to the question: Electric current can flow through and only through:[12]
Number of respondents N Age of respondents Grade 8 N no answers or Incomprehensible answers 6,3 % complex phase answers 61,9 % pseudoconcept phase answers concept phase answers 2,9 %


28,9 %

Grade 9
Grade 10


3,0 %
0,4 %

55,5 %
36,1 %

33,5 %
55,0 %

8,0 %
10,5 %

Grade 12


4,0 %

25,0 %

59,0 %

12,0 %


Concept map of the complex phase of concept conductor (of the electric current)
Core C of concept conductor of the electric current Word W conductor Sense S of concept conductor (see the text below and near this figure): contextual links (may be absent)

M meaning of concept

Sense links contextual

S1 assigned concepts, which may be meaningfully linked to the core C.




line, sound, light

M2 designata

image of a bulb

image of a wire

image of a lit neon in a tube

image of a line, sound

M3 images of denotata

The core C of the lower complex conductor (of the electric current) comprises the word conductor. The representative semantic image for the lower complex is not developed yet. It is substituted by an inaccurate and incomplete image, e.g. electric cable or line a prototype, which also has incorrect characteristics. According to them the child also includes into the sense the denotata, which do not belong under the denotation conductor of the electric current, e.g. a rope or line resembling a conductor. The complex does not have any superordinate concept. The meaning M of the complex has at most two developed meaning layers: the layer M2 of the designata and the layer M3 of the specific images of the denotata. The learner does not distinguish the referential concepts from designata and includes them into the layer M2. Some images of the denotata are linked directly to the core and some designata may have no associated image. The sense also contains incorrect designata, e.g., sound, signal, link etc.

The sense S of the complex phase concept conductor of the electric current may consist of: the contextual links to the concepts to flow, bulb, battery, electric circuit, etc., in case the learner understands the statements: Electricity flows through conductor. Conductors connect bulb, battery and switch in an electric circuit. These contextual links may be absent in case the learner states: Current flows through wire. or Bulb, battery and switch in electric circuit are connected through wires. In such case the concept conductor does not have the developed sense yet it is depicted by the dotted-dashed box S1 and the arrow representing the sense links. The sense is developed (not always) only for the subordinate concepts designata. the qualitative links to the potential qualities solid, liquid, gas are not developed. the attributive link to the term free electric particles does not exist.


Concept map of the pseudo-concept phase of concept conductor (of the electric current)
Core C of concept conductor of electric current: word W conductor of the electric current representative semantic image Sense S of the concept conductor (see the text): contextual links, cognitive links to the concepts: solid, liquid, gas

M meaning of concept

Sense links contextual qualitative

S1 assigned concepts, which may be meaningfully linked to the core C.



ionized gases

M1 referents

copper, iron, etc.

acid, water, ...

M2 designata

image of a copper rod, etc.

image of a cable

image of an acid

image of a lit neon in a tube etc.

M3 images of denotata

The sense S of the pseudoconcept conductor of the electric current consists of: the qualitative links to the potential qualities solid, liquid, gas, which divide the set of the electric conductors into the corresponding subsets. In case the referential concepts are not fully developed, the concept of conductor of the electric current does not have fully developed the potential qualities. This is indicated by the dotted-dashed arrows. the contextual links to the concepts to flow, bulb, battery, electric circuit source of current, accumulator, etc., because the learner is able to state: Current flows through the conductor., Conductors connect the bulb, battery and switch in an electric circuit. the attributive link to the term free electric particles does not exist yet. The learners are not able to formulate for example the following definition: Conductor is a matter, which contains free electric particles.

The core C of the pseudoconcept conductor (of the electric current) consists of the word conductor, or the word conducto r of the electric current, and the representative semantic image, which may be the image of a specific conductor, e.g. the image of a metal cable, insulated wire, uninsulated wire, etc. The pseudoconcept does not have the link to the superordinate concept yet. The meaning M of the pseudoconcept does not have fully developed all three meaning layers M1, M2, M3 this is indicated by the absent or dotted-dashed boxes. Furthermore, the learner does not have a clear hierarchy of the referential concepts, designata and denotata, and he/she insufficiently distinguishes between them. Therefore, some of the designata are not subordinate to the referential concepts, but they are linked directly to the core instead, and similarly, some images of the denotata are not subordinate to the designata, but they are directly linked to the core.


Concept map of the completely formed concept conductor (of the electric current)
matter material SC superordinate concept Sense S of concept conductor (see the text): attributive link to the free electric particles, contextual links, qualitative links to the concepts: solid, liquid, gas

Core C of concept conductor of the electric current: word W conductor of the electric current icon

M sense of concept

sense links attributive contextual qualitative

S1 assigned concepts which may be meaningfully linked to the core C.



ionized gases

M1 referents

copper iron alum. etc.

acid water etc.

burning neon ... etc.

M2 designata

images of wires


image of acid in an accumulator etc.

image of a lit neon in a tube etc.

M3 images of denotata

The sense S of the concept conductor of the electric current consists of: the attributive link to the term free electric particles. In the definition Conductor is a matter, which contains free electric particles. is matter superordinate concept and free electric particles an attribute. the qualitative links to the potential qualities solid, liquid, gas, which divide the set of the electric conductors into the corresponding subsets. the contextual links to the concepts to flow, bulb, battery, electric circuit, etc., because we can say: Current flows through the conductor. and Conductors connect the bulb, battery and switch in an electric circuit..

The core C of the concept conductor (of the electric current) consists of the word conductor, or the word conductor of the electric current. This term is not a physical quantity, so it does not have any symbol. The representative semantic image has the form , which is an electro-technical symbol for conductor. The meaning M of the fully developed concept has all three fully developed and hierarchically arranged meaning layers M1, M2 and M3.


Aristotelian and Newtonian levels of concept force

Testing of the cognitive links of the concept force Sketch in all forces acting on the ball in the figure! [9]

The ball is rolling steadily to the right on a frictionless horizontal plane. A.

Aristotelian level

B. Newtonian level
inertial force

C. Aristotelian level E.
Aristotelian level

D. Newtonian level F. Aristotelian level

G. Inertial force, gravity, friction, etc.


The solutions of the task Sketch in all forces acting in the figure! [9]

A ball rolling steadily to the right on a frictionless horizontal plane.

number of column
number of respondents N age of respondents


zero answer

verbal answers

5 (A+C+E+F)
answers at the Aristotelian level

6 (B+D)
answers at the Newtonian level

grade 6 grade 7 grade 8 grade 9

370 307 264 209

34 % 21 % 22 % 3%

18 % 25 % 9% 3%

46 % 41 % 62 % 72 %

2% 13 % 7% 22 %

grade 10
grade 11 grade 12

115 187

3% 2%

2% 1%

68 %
67 % 86 %

29 %
28 % 11 %


Cognitive analysis in the curriculum process

The procedure of the cognitive analysis within the curriculum process is the following:
1. The first step is the cognitive analysis of the external concepts which will form the curriculum. We analyze the elements of the concept structure according to the triangular model. By means of the cognitive synthesis, we create triangular models and concept maps, which may differ in their dependence on the Vygotian phase of the concept formation, the level of the concept development, or the stage of the educational communication of physics. During the analysis, we search for the elements of the triangular model, and during the synthesis, we compose them to form the model. Therefore, this method enables a construction of concept maps of individual external and internal concepts. After finding out the structure of the selected concept, its possible developmental levels and possible forms for the various stages of the curricular process, during the process of the cognitive synthesis, there are created according to the triangular model the specific models of the concept structure appropriate to the cognitive level of the learner. The created models have to be verified. In the process of the synthesis, the knowledge objects are constructed as the components of the intended curriculum. The verified models of concepts are integrated into them. The knowledge objects are the basis for the creation of the learning objects of the curriculum during the curriculum transformation CT3 = intended curriculum project curriculum.





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