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Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Perngertian Artikel Ilmiah

Tulisan non-fiksi yang membahas sebuah subjek dan dirancang untuk dipublikasikan di media masa atau jurnal, atau untuk dipresentasikan di seminar/konferensi.

Doub thou the stars are fire, Doub thou the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt my love. Shakespeare



Mengkomunikasikan metode & hasil penelitian Ditulis dengan kerangka yang teratur, logis, dan standar Menggunakan kalimat yang singkat, gramatikal, dan logis.

Mengkomunikasikan perasaan, pengalaman, dan ide. Ditulis dengan format dan gaya personal Menggunakan kalimat yang berbunga-bunga dan personal.

Mengapa Artikel Ilmiah Perlu ditulis?

ELT Research

ELT Research

ELT Research

ELT Research

ELT Research

ELT Research

Struktur Artikel Ilmiah= format yang diterima secara luas untuk menyajikan isi sebuah artikel ilmiah. Struktur Artikel Ilmiah harus ditulis dalam format yang diterima secara luas untuk menjamin bahwa masalah penelitian, landasan teori, metode penelitian, hasil, analisis, dan implikasi tulisan tersebut dapat diidentifikasi dengan mudah oleh pembaca

Generic Structure of Scientific Articles

Varieties of Scientific Articles Structure

Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion Conclusion References

Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussions

Abstract Introduction Results Discussions Methods

Abstract Introduction Method Result 1 Discussion 1 Result 2 Discussion 2 Conclusions

Merangkum aspek utama artikel Kebanyakan jurnal membatasi jumlah kata hingga 150 atau 250 Merupakan 'minipaper' yang secara ringkas mengungkapkan: (1) Tujuan; (2) Bahan dan Metode; (3) Hasil; (4) Kesimpulan. Berakhir dengan 3-5 kata/frasa kunci

Menyajikan informasi latar belakang yang diperluksn pembaca untuk memahami bagian makalah selanjutnya Ditulis berbentuk esa, tapi jika dibutuhkan, dapat dibagi ke dalam beberapa sub/bagian Ditulis sepanjang 300 hingga 500 kata, tergantung aturan jurnal

Format umum: 1. Masalah dan latar belakang dalam lingkup yang luas (1 alinea); 2. Masalah spesifik yang diteliti, tujuan penelitian, dan bagaimana hal itu diterapkan pada bidang yang lebih besar penelitian (dalam 2 atau 3 paragraf); 3. Rumusan hipotesis (untuk penelitian eksperimental) dan tujuan penulisan artikel 4. Ringkasan penelitian terdahulu yang relevan (dalam beberapa alinea penjelasan konsep atau definisi istilah operasional yang digunakan (1 alinea).
Dalam beberapa jurnal, ringkasan penelitian terdahulu (no. 4 di atas) diletakkan di bagian landasan teori (Literary Review)

Describes the research procedures and highly necessary for readers who want to repeat the study Includes: (1) Subjects (humans, animals, plants) and their preexperiment handling and care (2) Sample preparation techniques; (3) Origins of samples and materials; (4) Description of the field site, including physical and biological features, and exact location (include a map, if applicable); (5) Procedures for collecting data; (6) Statistical analysis techniques (7) Information on computer programs used (8) Descriptions of equipment set-up and function.

General statements presenting the key results (data) of the research without interpreting their meaning. The presented data are not the raw ones, but have been transformed into text, illustrations, charts, and tables. Includes the statements of statistical analyses

Takes and interprets the findings reported in the Results section by evaluating their significance, and examining the implications. Template: Paragraph 1: What did this study show? Address the aims stated in the Introduction Paragraph 2: Strengths and weaknesses of methods Paragraphs 3 to n1: Discuss how the results support the current literature or refute current knowledge Final paragraph: Future directions (So what? and where next? Impact on current thinking or practice)

Presents: (1) a succinct summary of implications of the findings; (2) general implications of the study; (3) suggestions for further research.

Used (1) to give credit to the cited ideas and works of other scientists; and (2) to provide the readers with access to these sources. Some journals uses the American Psychological Association (APA) style; others, (Modern Language Association (MLA) style; and some others created their own style. List cited sources only; this is not a Bibliography!

Brandt, C. (2010). Competition and collaboration in initial teacher education in TESOL: A Case of a Classic Double Bind. Asian EFL Journal. 12(3),8-39. Cargill, M. and OConnor, P. (2009). Writing scientific research articles: Strategy and steps. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Journal of Young Investigators. (2005). Writing scientific manuscripts: A guide for undergraduates. Retrieved on October 21, 2010 from: Katz, M. J. (2009). From research to manuscript: A guide to scientific writing. Cleveland: Springer. Language Learning & Technology. (2010). LLT research guidelines for quantitative and qualitative research. Retrieved on April 24, 2010 from: Lebrun, J. (2007). Scientific writing: A reader and writers guide. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Nazara, S. (2011). Students perception on EFL speaking skill development. Journal of English Teaching. 1(1), 29-44. Peat, J. (2002). Scientific writing: Easy when you know how. London: BMJ Books. Shang, H. (2010). Reading strategy use, self-efficacy and EFL reading comprehension. Asian EFL Journal. 12(2),18-42. Yang, J. (1999). An outline of scientific writing: for researchers with English as a foreign language. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.

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