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Introduction to

Technology Using
Grade level 3-5 Speech and Language
Darlene Valdez
1. Produce a media-rich digital story about a

significant local event based on first-person

interviews. (1,2,3,4)
I think a fun and effective way to reach this goal is to have students
reenact an event together using a digital camera taking pictures of
different scenes in order to produce a cartoon which they will present.
Students could also incorporate photos of their version of the
reenacted interview within their cartoon.

Another idea could be to take pictures of things relevant to their

speech goals and create a game out of those images, like sequencing
which photos go in what order in order to tell a story.
2. Use digital-imaging technology to modify

or create works of art for use in a digital

presentation. (1,2,6)
For students who need to work on articulation, they could photograph appropriate things
outside of class that relate to the words/sounds that they are working on. We could then
create a personalized college with these pictures.
Students can also give and listen to each other’s audio instructions via the internet to
draw a self portrait of a classmate with the use of an art tablet, and compare how accurate
the drawings were.
7. Conceptualize, guide, and manage

individual or group learning projects using

digital planning tools with teacher support.

The use of interactive whiteboards could be used to make video
lesson plans for specific groups or individual students, aid with
vocabulary, repetition of sounds/words, or key concepts and
Interactive whiteboards could also allow the students to create
individualized folders as a tool to help them keep track of
assignments, and serve as a convince for them as easily
accessible and keep them organized.
Students can share their work/projects with each other with the
use of interactive whiteboards and I could aid in this area by
assisting in student feedback to each other.
9. Debate the effect of existing and emerging

technologies on individuals, society, and the global

community. (5,6)
I could allow students to use interactive video chat-rooms to
participate in a debate of current educational technology tools
that they find most useful. I would have them do prior research
to prove why their choice of technology is useful to them. We
could then post these comments online and allow feedback from
other schools to participate in a student perspective opinion of
educational technology.

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