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Universidad Nacional de Ingeniera

Facultad de Ingeniera Elctrica y Electrnica

)once$tos *cnicos de la tecnologa F+)*

Fredy Saravia Poicn
Profesor UNI FIEE, FIM Ing. Electricista, MSc.
fsaravia !ail.!"$e

%i!a, Mayo del &''(

Me,ora!iento de Factores de Utili-acin en *ransfor!adores


Objetivos Definicin de Congestin Causas de la Congestin Efectos sobre los Costos Congestin en Sistemas radiales y anillados. Manejo de la Congestin. Modelos Nodales y onales Conclusiones y !ecomendaciones

FACTS Concept and General System Considerations

Power electronics in GENERATION

Renewable generation

Photovoltaic generation

DC DC-to-AC Conversion


T ermal power plant * Variable speed motor drives * "or "ans+ pumps+ and compressors in a plant * "or energy saving !
AC ines
!usually isolated "rom utility lines#

Fuel cells

FASP - Congestin en Sistemas de Potencia

% &' ( % )' Variable-speed wind generator Frequency Conversion Small hydrogenerator Variable "requency Fi$ed "requency

Power electronics in


#ISTRI$%TION& C'stom Power


DC AC Power electronics Converters, Controllers Switching 0quipments ow-quality %. &' ( %. )' power AC -tility ines

Superconducting magnet energy storage arge Capacitors

AC,DC Conversion

Automated processing, manu"acturing customers 3igh-quality power

% &' ( %. )'

)usto! $ 0alue#added relia"le electric service 0liminating * Signi"icant voltage reduction * Distortions * 1vervoltages+ etc2 !

Power electronics in TRANS(ISSION& )*#C and FACTS

%.. )' ( %... )' AC-to-DC Conversion DC-to-AC Conversion 8emote place ong distance DC transmission lines4 5 6.&m submarine 5 7...&m overhead

AC-to-DC Conversion DC tie

DC-to-AC Conversion

Di""erent "requency or incompatible "requency control


Various types o" conversion equipments,controllers %. )' ( %.. )' 9ransmission lines with 0nhanced controllability 3igher power trans"er capability

+ y Transmission Interconnections,
$ene-its -rom interconnections.transmission 1 8educed the cost o" electricity 1 ;mproved reliability o" power supply Transmission& alternati/e to a new generation reso'rce En/ironments
Cost o" transmission lines 9ransmission losses Di""iculties in building new transmission lines :rowth o" power trans"er amount ;ncreasing comple$ity

imited transmission capacity

;nadequate power "low control 0$cessive reactive power arge dynamic swings

Constrained economic energy,reserve sharing

'asting transmission capability 8educed reliability

Problems wit mec anical control 1 Slow speed 1 imited "requency o" control action 1 imited li"etime 1 Poor controllability 1 :reater operating margins and redundancies in system

Opport'nities -or FACTS

3igh-speed power electronics control

Series impedance Shunt impedance Current Voltage Phase angle Subharmonic damping

0nhanced controllability

2ig3er relia"ility

;ncreasing ine capacity

System sti""ness I!$roved econo!ics

E0A(P1E& Power Flow in Parallel Pat s

Parallel $at3s .it3out control 1 -ncontrollable current sharing 1 'asting line capacity 1 Further investment4 sel"-de"eating

+ctively controlled $arallel $at3s 4.it3 205) or F+)*S6 1 Full use o" controllable line capacity within thermal limit 1 3elp to maintain stability

E0A(P1E& Power Flow in a (es ed System

<... )' rating

7... )' rating

7<6. )' rating

5esira"le $ flo. !ay "e reali-ed .it3 active line i!$edance control ;n accordance with * 1wnership * Contract * 9hermal limitations * 9ransmission losses * oad,generation schedules Pro"le!s .it3 !ec3anically s.itc3ed series ca$acitors * imited number o" operations * Subsynchronous resonance !7.(6.3=# Damage o" generator sha"t * Power "low oscillations at low "requency !.2>(>3=# System collapse 7it3 t3yristor#controlled series ca$acitors * 9he subsynchronous resonance and,or oscillation can be damped * Sa"e transition "rom one steady-state to another * 0nhanced stability o" the networ& 8t3er o$tions * Series reactors * Phase-angle regulators * Variable voltage in?ection 8$ti!i-ing cost * Combination o" mechanically switched and thyristor controlled * 'hich and where@ depends on ownership

+ at 1imits t e 1oading Capability,

T ermal limit Function o" Ambient temperature+ wind condition+ condition o" the conductor+ ground clearance !varying by a "actor o" <(7# )onservative no!inal rating gives considerable margin +dditional !argin can be "ound with the aids "or evaluating the line loading capability 1""-line4 available ambient environment+ recent loading history 1n-line4 monitoring devices+ :PS systems+ communication services+ etc2 *ransfor!ers and e9ui$!ents )ay have to be changed to increase the loading 1n-line and o""-line monitoring+ or enhanced cooling F+)*S 3el$ in !a:ing an effective use of ne.found ca$acity

#ielectric 1imit Very conservatively designed !7.A and more# Dynamic and transient overvoltage preventing4 * :apless arresters * ine insulators with internal gapless arresters * 9hyristor-controlled overvoltage suppressors

Stability Stability issues that limit the transmission capability * 9ransient stability * Dynamic stability * Steady-state stability * Frequency collapse * Voltage collapse * Subsynchronous resonance F+)*S overco!es sta"ility li!its/ *3er!al and dielectric li!its "eco!e ulti!ate ones2

Simpli-ied 23$'s System

7A,7.&m <..&m 7 pu ( .2< rad E2 2 7 pu E1 1 EL

EL .2< pu at "ull load

.2< pu at "ull load

E1 1 7 pu

E2 2 7 pu

[rad] E L [pu] for E L << E1 , E 2

A Series Compensation E4ample

Full >-ph power throughput B 7D.. )VA < &A line 6..&V bus !>.. &V phaseground#

76 &V "or <6A compensation

.2< pu B C. &V

8equired capacity B 76 &V 2 = 30 = 90 = 5 % of total throughput

*3e rating of series F+)*S )ontrollers .ould "e a fraction of t3e t3roug3$ut rating of a line

Power Flow in a 23$'s System


E sin I p1 = 2 X

E1 E2 cos Re E1 = E1


E1 = E1 cos + jE1 sin

Iq2 =

E2 E1 cos X

E1 sin

E 2 sin

I q1 =

E1 E2 cos X
E 2 = E2 cos jE2 sin

I p2 E sin = 1 X

E 2 = E2 E2 E1 cos



E1 E 2 E 2 sin E E 2 cos = j 1 = I p1 jI q1 jX X X


E1 E 2 E1 sin E E1 cos = +j 2 = I p 2 jI q 2 jX X X

Comple$ power "rom E74

S1 = E1I * = E1 ( I p1 + jI q1 ) = E1 I p1 + jE1 I q1 = P 1 + jQ1

Complex power to E2:

S 2 = E 2 I * = E2 ( I p 2 + jI q 2 ) = E2 I p 2 + jE2 I q 2 = P2 + jQ2

E1 E2 sin X E1 ( E1 E2 cos ) Q1 = E1I q1 = X P 1 = E1 I p1 =

P2 = E2 I p 2 = Q2 = E2 I q 2

E2 E1 sin X E2 ( E2 E1 cos ) = X

Active power transmission from E1 to E2 4 8eactive power consumption o" the transmission line4

E 2 E1 sin X E2 1 2 2 Q = Q1 Q2 = E1 + E2 2 E1 E 2 cos = L X X P=P 1 = P2 =

Power Flow Control in 23$'s System

)ontrol of ;4 I+ P+ Q7+ Q< 3igh-speed control is necessary to "ully utili=e the transmission capability ! E F. as close as possible# while maintaining stability margin2 <us voltage regulation !E7 or E< #4 )ainly reactive power "low

Series voltage in,ection4 )ainly active power "low

Series voltage of varia"le !agnitude and $3ase 4 Active and reactive power "low

Relati/e Importance o- Controllable Parameters

)ontrol of t3e line i!$edance ; / t3yristor#controlled series ca$acitor * Provides a power"ul means o" current control * 'hen the angle is not large+ substantially provides the control o" active power )ontrol of angle/ P3ase angle regulator * Provides a power"ul means o" current control * Provides active power "low when the angle is not large Series voltage in,ection/ $er$endicular to current * Controls the magnitude o" current * ;n?ects reactive power4 static synchronous series compensation * Provide a power"ul means o" controlling the active power Series voltage in,ection/ ar"itrary $3ase * Controls the magnitude and the phase o" the current2 * Provides a power"ul means o" controlling the active and reactive power "low2 * 8equires in?ection o" both active and reactive power in series2 *3e M0+ rating of a series )ontroller .ill often "e a s!all fraction of t3e t3roug3$ut line M0+. %ine voltage regulation/ t3yristor#controlled voltage regulator * Very cost-e""ective means "or reactive power "low control * G control!series C# H voltage regulation!shunt C# can also provide a cost-e""ective means to control both the active and reactive power "low2

$asic Types o- FACTS Controllers

Series Shunt Series-Series !with dc lin& tie# Series-Shunt !coordinated control# F'nctions Variable impedance !C+ # Variable source o" main "requency subsynchronous harmonics combination Series4 ;n?ected series voltage Shunt4 Current in?ection

Comparisons Series vs. S3unt * Series is more power"ul in controlling the current,power "low and damp oscillations * Shunt is more e""ective in voltage control and damping o" voltage oscillations * Series C should be able to ride through contingency and dynamic overload+ and ride through or bypass short-circuit currents2 =ate *urn#8ff vs. %ine )o!!utating * Controllers with gate turn-o"" devices can generate reactive power Storage vs. Non#Storage * Storage in dc side4 capacitors+ batteries+ superconducting magnets * Controlles with storage is much more e""ective in controlling the system dynamics2

#C.AC Con/erter Types * Voltage-sourced converter4 Capacitive dc support * Current-sourced converter4 ;nductive dc support * Voltage-sourced converter is pre"erable in cost and loss

S 'nt Controllers Static Sync3ronous )o!$ensator 4S*+*)8M6 * A static synchronous capacitor * Shunt-connected static var compensator * Capacitive or inductive output current controlled independently o" the ac system voltage Static Sync3ronous =enerator 4SS=6 * A static sel"-commutated switching power converter * Supplied "rom an electric energy source4 * SSG = STATCOM + Interface(chopper) + Storage * 0$change independently controllable real and reactive power2 <attery Energy Storage Syste! 4<ESS6 Su$erconducting Magnetic Energy Storage 4SMES6

Static 0ar )o!$ensator 4S0)6 * Shunt-connected static var generator or absorber * 1utput is ad?usted to e$change capacitive or inductive current * )aintain or control speci"ic parameters o" the electrical power system !typically bus voltage#2 * 9hyristor-based Controllers * ower cost alternative to S9A9C1) *3yristor )ontrolled >eactor 4*)>6 *3yristor S.itc3ed >eactor 4*S>6 *3yristor S.itc3ed )a$acitor 4*S)6 Static 0ar Syste! 4S0S6 A combination of different tatic and mechanica!!"# $itched %ar compen ator $ho e o&tp&t are coordinated' *3yristor )ontrolled <rea:ing >esistor 4*)<>6 A h&nt#connected th"ri tor# $itched rei tor( $hich i contro!!ed to aid tabi!i)ation of a po$er " tem or to minimi)e po$er acce!eration of a generating &nit d&ring a di t&rbance'

Series Controllers Static Sync3ronous Series )o!$ensator 4SSS)6 * A static synchronous generator without an e$ternal electric energy source * 1utput voltages in quadrature with+ and controllable independently o"+ the line current * Control over the overall reactive voltage drop across the line+ and thereby the transmitted electric power2 * )ay include transiently rated energy storage to enhance the dynamic behavior o" the power system by additional temporary real power compensation+ to increase or decrease momentarily+ the overall real !resistive# voltage drop across the line2 *3yristor )ontrolled Series )a$acitor 4*)S)6 * 9CSC B Series Capacitor II 9hyristor Controlled 8eactor !9C8# * Smooth control o" series capacitive reactance *3yristor#S.itc3ed Series )a$acitor 4*SS)6 * 9SSC B Series Capacitor II 9hyristor Switched 8eactor !9S8# * Stepwise control o" series capacitive reactance *3yristor#)ontrolled Series >eactor 4*)S>6 *3yristor#S.itc3ed Series >eactor 4*SS>6

Combined S 'nt and Series Controllers Unified Flo. )ontroller 4UPF)6 * A combination o" S9A9C1) and SSSC coupled via a common dc lin& * /i-directional "low o" real power between the SSSC and the S9A9C1) * Concurrent real and reactive series line compensation without an e$ternal electric energy source2 * Angularly unconstrained series voltage in?ection4 control over the transmission line voltage+ impedance+ and angle or+ alternatively+ the real and reactive power "low in the line2 * ;ndependently controllable shunt reactive compensation2 * Additional e$ternal storage4 more e""ective in control o" system dynamics *3yristor#)ontrolled P3ase S3ifting *ransfor!er 4*)PS*6 * Variable phase shi"ting trans"ormer * 9hyristor-Controlled Phase Angle 8egulator !9CPA8# Inter$3ase )ontroller 4IP)6 * Variable phase shi"ting trans"ormer

$ene-its -rom FACTS

)ontrol of $ flo. as ordered * Contract * -tilitiesJ own need * 1ptimum power "low * 8iding through emergency conditions %ine loading ca$a"ility * ;ncreased to thermal capability * Accomplished by overcoming other limitations and sharing o" power Syste! security * 8aise transient stability limits * imit short-circuit current and overloads * )anage cascade blac&outs * Damp electromechanical oscillations o" power systems and machines Provide secure tie line connections * Decreasing overall generation reserve requirements

=reater fle?i"ility in siting ne. generation U$grade of lines >educe reactive $ flo. !ore active $ >educe loo$ flo.s Increase utili-ation of lo.est cost generation

FIN 5E %+ E;P8SI)I8N


Fredy Saravia Poicn fsaravia Li a ! Per" Te#f$ %&'() ( ! *** +&,- . %&'() ( ! ---' /*+(

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