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Session 12

Linked List

Session Objectives

• To study the concepts of linked list.

• To study the different operations performed
on the linked list.

Session Topics

• Introduction to linked list.

• Singly linked list.
• Circular linked list.

Linked Lists

A linked list is a data structure which is a

collection of zero or more nodes where each
node has some information. Between, each node
in the list, there exists a logical relationship so
that given the address of the first node, any node
in that list can be obtained. Each node can hold
the data along with a pointer field using which
address of the next node can be obtained.

Types of Linked Lists:

Singly linked lists

Circularly singly linked lists
Doubly linked lists
Circular doubly linked lists

Storage representation of a node

In a linked allocation technique, a node in a linked list has

two fields.
infowhich contains the actual information
linkwhich contains address of the next node
A node can be represented as a structure as follows
struct node
int info;
struct node *link;

Singly linked list
A singly linked list is a linked list, where each node has designated field
called link field which contains address of the next node. If there exists
only one link field in each and every node In the list, then the list is a
Singly Linked List.
info link info link info link
5 1020 15 1012 25
first = 1004 1020 1012

Memory representation of singly linked list

first info link info link info link

5 15 25
node 1020 1012
Pictorial Representation of Singly linked list

Operations performed on singly linked list
• Inserting a node into the list
• Deleting a node from the list
• Display the contents of the list
20 30 40


To insert an item at the front end

10 20 30 40

After inserting 10
Function to insert an item at the front end of
the list

NODE insert_front(int item,NODE first)

NODE temp;
temp = get_node(); /* Obtain a node */
temp->info = item; /* Insert the item */
temp->link = first;
return temp; /* Return the first node */

Function to obtain a new node from the
availability list
NODE get_node()
/* Try to allocate the required size of memory */
x = (NODE)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(x == NULL)
printf(“Out of memory\n”);/*Allocation failed*/
/* Allocation successful, return address */
return x;
To delete a node from the front end
10 20 30 40


10 20 30 40


first 20 30 40

Function to delete an item from the front end
of the list
NODE delete_front(NODE first)
NODE temp;
if(first == NULL) /* Is list empty */
printf(“List empty\n”);
return first;
/* Retain the address of the node to be deleted*/
temp = first;
first = first->link; /* Update first */
/* Display and delete the front node */
printf(“The item deleted is %d\n”,temp->info);
return first; /* return address of first node */
To insert an item at the rear end


10 20 30

first cur temp

10 20 30 40

10 20 30 40

Function to insert an item at the rear end of
the list
NODE insert_rear(int item, NODE first)
NODE temp; /* Node to be inserted */
NODE cur; /* To hold the address of the last node*/
temp = get_node();
temp ->info = item;
temp->link = NULL;
/* Return the new node created if list is empty*/
if(first==NULL) return temp;
/* If list exists,obtain address of last node */
cur = first;
while(cur->link != NULL)
cur = cur->link;
/* Insert the node at the end */
cur->link = temp;
/* Return address of the first node */
return first;
Delete a node from the rear end

first After deleting

10 first = NULL

prev cur
10 20 30 40

10 20 30 40

Function to delete an item from the rear end
of the list
NODE delete_rear(NODE first)
NODE cur,prev;
if(first == NULL)
printf(“List empty!Cannot delete\n”);
return first;
if(first ->link == NULL) { /* Only one node is
present and delete it*/
printf(“The item to be deleted is %d\n”,first->info);
freenode(first); /*Return to availability list */
first = NULL;
return first;

contd….Function to delete an item from the
rear end of the list

/* Obtain address of the last node and just previous to that */

prev = NULL;
cur = first;
prev = cur;
cur = cur->link;
printf(“The item deleted is %d\n”,cur->info);
freenode(cur); /* Delete the last node */
prev->link = NULL; /* Node pointed to by prev is made
the last node*/
return first; /* Return address of the first node */
Circular singly linked list
Linear linked list containing the address of the first node in the link
field of the last node results in a Circular Singly linked list or
Circular list. last

Pictorial representation of Circular singly linked list

In a circular list if the address of any node x is known, one can traverse the
entire list from that node and thus, all nodes are reachable.
Operations performed on a Circular list:
insert _front , insert_rear, delete_front, delete_rear

To insert a node at the front end of a Circular

20 30 40


20 30 40

Function to insert an item at the front end of
the Circular list
NODE insert_front(int item, NODE last)
NODE temp;
temp=get_node();/*Create a new node to be inserted*/
temp->info = item;
if(last == NULL)/* Make temp as the first node */
last = temp;
else /*Insert at the front end */
temp->link = last->link;
last->link = temp; /*Link last node to first node*/
return last; /* Return the last node */

Insert a node at the rear end

10 20 30

last temp
10 20 30 40

Function to insert an item at the rear end of
the list
NODE insert_rear(int item,NODE last)
NODE temp;
temp = get_node; /*Create a new node */
temp->info = item;
if(last == NULL)/*Make temp as the first node*/
last = temp;
else /*Insert at the rear end*/
temp->link = last->link;
last->link = temp; /*Link last node to first node*/
return temp;/*Make the new node as the last node */

Delete a node from the front end
first last

10 20 30 40

To delete an item from the front end

20 30 40

After deleting the first item

Function to delete an item from the front end
of the list
NODE delete_front(NODE last)
NODE temp,first;
if(last == NULL) /* If no list exists */
printf(“List is empty\n”);
return NULL;
if(last->link ==last) /* Is there only one node? */
printf(“The item deleted is %d\n”,last->info);
return NULL;
first=last->link; /*Obtain the item to be deleted*/
/*Store new first node in link of last*/
last->link = first->link;
printf(“The item deleted is %d\n”,first->info);
free_node(first); /*Delete the old first node */
return last;

Function to delete a node from the rear end

10 20 30 40

To delete a node from the rear end

10 20 30

After deleting a node from the rear end

Function to delete a node from the rear end
NODE delete_rear(NODE last){
NODE prev;
if(last == NULL) /* If no list exists */
printf(“List is empty\n”);
return NULL;
if(last->link ==last) /* Is there only one node? */
printf(“The item deleted is %d\n”,last->info);
return NULL;
prev = last->link; /*Obtain address of previous node*/
while(prev->link != last)
prev = prev->link;
prev->link = last->link;/*prev node is made the last node*/
printf(“The item deleted is %d\n”,last->info);
free_node(last);/*Delete the old node*/
return prev; /* return the new last node */
• A singly linked list is a linked list, where each node has
designated field called link field which contains address of
the next node.
• If there exists only one link field in each and every node In
the list, then the list is a Singly Linked List.
• Linear linked list containing the address of the first node in
the link field of the last node results in a Circular Singly
linked list or Circular list.
• In a circular list if the address of any node x is known, one
can traverse the entire list from that node and thus, all
nodes are reachable.

Thank You!


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