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It Gives You Wiings

Executive Summary SWOT Analysis Promotion Opportunity Analysis Corporate Strategies Integrated Marketing Communications Management Media Plan Evaluation & Control

Executive Summary
ed !ull can "e called as a pioneer in t#e energy drink category $orld$ide% In India too& ed !ull $as t#e "rand t#at created t#e energy drink category%

T#e "rand came into existence in '()*% T#e "rand came to India in +,,-% Alt#oug# t#e "rand #as "een keeping a lo$ pro.ile compared to t#e Cola ma/ors & ed !ull #as created a category o. energy drinks in t#e Indian market%

According to Economic Times 0 -,%,1%,)2 t#e energy drink market in India is estimated to "e around ',, crores% T#e market no$ #as t$o main players 3orse% ed !ull and Po$er

! #as an assessed market s#are o. +(4 o. t#e glo"al market o. energy 5rinks%

In t#e 6%S%& ed !ull en/oys a *74 s#are o. t#e energy drink market& and no$ #as a 1,4 s#are o. t#e 8erman energy drink market%

SWOT Analysis
Market leaders#ip9 Wit#in t#e energy drinks market ed !ull is t#e industry leader t#roug#out t#e $orld% Marketing E..orts9 a lot o. promotions and $ell targeted campaigns and sponsors#ip e%g% .ormula ' #elps to expand "ull "rand and increase consumer "rand a$areness% Strong & .res# & .as#iona"le "rand identity%


A"ove9average prices% :ack o. innovation9 t#ere are a lot o. competitors in t#e market and t#ey #ave t#eir o$n 6SP $#ic# leaves ed !ull "e#ind% eliant on small product "ase9 T#e company only markets one "randed product& ed !ull Energy 5rink 0along $it# a sugar .ree variety2%

Inexperience; is only < years old in India% :ack o. patent on ! =s recipe means anyone can copy it%

Extension o. product line9 t#is $ill #elp to retain market s#are% 3ardcore Advertising and Promotions% Consumer recognition t#roug# sponsors#ip o. sports events% >e$ ventures like partners#ip $it# ?ace"ook%

3ealt# concerns9 toug#er rules .rom government on #ig# ca..eine content% Consumer a$areness o. #ealt# and $ell "eing9 people may start to drink ot#er alternatives as it is associated $it# #ealt#ier li.e style% 5rinks mig#t not "e accepted in t#e ne$ markets% Organic energy drinks mig#t steal !@s market s#are%

Promotion Opportunity Analysis

Competitive Analysis Opportunity Analysis Target Market Analysis Customer Analysis Market Segmentation Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Share of Energy Drink Market Red Bull Monster Rockstar Full Throttle Sobe No Fear Am Sobe Adrenal"ne Rush Tab #ner$% Monster &&' )r"*ate 'abel R" +t Sobe 'ean Boo.oo Sobe Su erman /on 0utch 42.6 14.4 11.4 6.9 5.4 !.6 2.9 2.! (.9 (.9 (., (.(.5 (.4 (.4

eal Competition
ed"ull@s real competitors are t#e market leaders o. cola companies suc# as ; Pepsi & Coca Cola& $#o #ave created t#eir "rand leaders#ip since several years in t#e Indian market%

Opportunity Analysis
! #as a nic#e market & is yet to percolate in t#e mass market%

Target Market Analysis

Core target market segments .or ! consists o. t#e core age group o. '1 to <,% Energy drinks $it# #ig# sugar levels are more popular among c#ildren and $omen& $#ile energy drinks $it# strong taste and .lavor are more pre.erred "y male consumers% ecent studies also indicated t#at <14 o. t#e energy drinks market consists o. male consumers%

Customer Analysis
Aoung people are especially open to determined ex#austion and insu..icient energy% More speci.ically male teenagers & people in t#eir +,s& are also most likely to "elieve in t#e aut#enticity o. t#e energy drinks@% As a result& t#e ma/ority o. energy drinks are developed .or and advertised to t#is younger generation% Appeal to very specialiBed groups& suc# as gamers& extreme sports ent#usiasts& and t#e #ip9#op cro$d%

Target Consumer
Demographic Psychographic s s Usage Behavior
Consumption collection

Age; '19 <,

Content Spending Po$er P#ysically Active

Image Conscious +14 o. Indians In.luenced Aout# trends Eat Out

Market Segmentation Strategy

ed!ull avoided usual met#ods o. marketing& relying more on $#at is called C"uBB marketingC or $ord9o.9 mout#% ed !ull advertised directly to Generation Y& t#e so9 called CmillennialC; people "orn a.ter '()'%

Student brand managers' $#o $ould "e used to promote ed !ull on university campuses% T#ese students $ould "e encouraged to t#ro$ parties at $#ic# cases o. ed !ull $ould "e distri"uted%

Corporate Strategies
Mission Statement Our mission is to "e t#e premier marketer and supplier o. ed!ull in Asia& Europe and ot#er parts o. t#e glo"e% We $ill ac#ieve t#is mission "y "uilding long9term relations#ips $it# t#e people $#o can make it "ecome a reality%

ision Statement!
People! !e a great place to $ork $#ere people are inspired to "e t#e "est t#ey can "e% Port"olio! !ring to t#e $orld a port.olio o. Duality "everage t#at anticipate and satis.y peopleCs desires and needs% Partners! >urture a $inning net$ork o. customers and suppliers& toget#er $e create mutual& enduring value% Pro"it! MaximiBe long9term return to s#areo$ners $#ile "eing mind.ul o. our overall responsi"ilities% Productivity! !e a #ig#ly e..ective& lean and .ast9moving organiBation%

!rand 5evelopment Strategy

Great Strategy Begins #ith Great $esearch% Once t#e "rand@s core values #ave "een identi.ied& t#e road to$ards e..ective "rand proposition development "egins% 5evelopment o. t#e "rand statement9 commencing a !rand development strategy%

!rand Positioning Strategy

Clear& Engaging& 6niDue& & elevant to t#e target audience% A"le to incorporate an element o. positive emotional attac#ment t#at is "etter t#an /ust EgoodF% Ec#oed $it#in "usiness& internally and externally% Consistent across multiple marketing & advertising mediums 0print& online presence& etc2% Continually toug#ened $it#in t#e organiBation so t#at employees consistently deliver $#at is promised% A"le to adapt to a c#anging marketplace%

5istri"ution Strategy
Intensive distribution aims to provide saturation coverage o. t#e market "y using all availa"le outlets suc# as; Super markets& 8yms& 3ouses; Su"$ay& !arista& Costa Ca.G 5ay In n Out Convenience Stores% PiBBa Outlets%

Media elations 6se Tec#nology Monitor t#e We" Create Pu"lic A$areness

Integrated Marketing Communications Management

Sales Promotion; Must encourage t#e 'st purc#ase o. t#e product in a store% Make t#em a$are o. t#e product & its advantages%

IMC O"/ectives
ed!ull@s IMC o"/ective is; Sales Promotions%

Create ne$ target markets% :arge display in t#e 5epartmental stores% !ull 3oo. stickers on t#e .loors o. departmental stores promoting !%

IMC !udget

Internet We" site

Promotions t#roug# social net$orking sites suc# as; .ace"ook& t$itter& 3i1% Also& Ad promos on $e"sites suc# as >5TH& Boom India%

Ad Campaigns on Prime TH c#annels suc# as >5TH good times& MTH& C#annel H& Ioom& H3'& Star World & a .e$ more%

Maga&ine! ?emina& People& olling Stones% '1k per page J '+ mnt#s9 '()*))) +e#spapers! 3T City & 5el#i Times 'lac per page J * $eeks J '+ mnt#s9 ,())))) $adio! ',k per mnt# J '+ K '-)))) . ! 1 lacs J * $eeks J '+ 9 -,))))) .otal /0pense! 1'*()*)))

*4 -,4

''4 -4

MagaBine >e$spapers adio TH Sampling 1-4

Integrated Marketing Communication Met#odologies

3o$ do $e communicateL 3o$ do customers process in.ormationL T#ere are many models & t#eories%

T#oroug# understanding o. t#e audienceCs needs& emotions & activities is essential to ensure accuracy & relevance o. t#e message%


W#at target market do you $ant to reac#L W#at image do you $ant to portrayL W#at product or service do you $ant to emp#asiBeL 3o$ muc# money can you spendL W#en is t#e rig#t time to advertiseL

ed !ull #as an aggressive mar2eting campaign% ed !ull uses all t#e availa"le media c#annels& meaning cinema& TH& radio& press and t#e internet%

In ot#er $ords t#e company .ocuses on t#e media t#roug# $#ic# it reac#es its primary target market9young people% ! allo$s t#e consumers to interpret t#e product & t#e moments o. use t#emselves% ed !ull ac#ieves t#is "y a #umorous and $itty cartoon campaign& trans.erring t#e message t#at t#is energy drink #elps you to escape "y Mgiving you $ings N%

Consumer Promotions
ed !ull sponsors t#e motorsports or .un sports& "ut al$ays $#ere ed !ull is needed% ed !ull does event sponsoring%

Event sponsoring attracts people@s attention to$ards t#e product and connects t#em%

Personal Selling
Sampling is anot#er very important part o. t#e t#ree pillar marketing system% As t#e ma/or purpose o. ed !ull is to energiBe t#e company samples at t#e rig#t place at t#e rig#t time& $#ere it .inds its exact target market%

Examples o. usage are driving& studying& $orking nig#t s#i.ts and sports%

Media Plan
TH; Still a staple medium o. advertising% Allo$s to demonstrate t#e advantages o. 8ood eac#% MagaBines; Economical% Provides #ig#er "rand a$areness%


Evaluation & Control Metrics

Campaign Element News Media Social Media Metrics No. of viewers of the articles No. of people using the Blogs such as Twitter, Facebook No. of people viewing particularl" when the #d is being aired. No. &f Subscribers of those %aga'ines, Newspapers No. of co%%ents () or * + %entioned on social networking sites.



$rint #dvertise%ent $roduct $lace%ent

IMC/ Month ,edBull on the -eb $rint Media Blogs ,adio T! &ther Misc. Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 Ma 10



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