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Noor-ul-Idha wa Najatul Arwaah

(The light of clarification and the Salvation of Souls)

Conditions Of The Prayer And Its Pillars

That Which Is Required For The Validity Of Prayer

In order for to be valid, the following twenty-seven conditions must be satisfied;

Purification from the state of minor and major impurity. In addition, purity of ones body, clothes and place of prayer from filth which is not excusable.

The area where the feet, hands, knees and forehead are placed for prayer must also be pure. This is the most correct opinion.

Clothing ones nakedness and it is of no harm if ones nakedness can be seen from the opening of the neck of the clothes or from below.

It is conditional to face the direction of prayer (Qibla). Accordingly, the one living in Makkah who can see the Kabah must face it directly.

Whereas the one who cannot see the Kabah must face its direction, even if he is in Makkah.

Darul Islah Qibla


The arrival of the time of prayer and must be certain its time has arrived.

To form an intention is conditional.

To say the opening Allahu akbar without separating it from ones intention.

One must utter the Allahu akbar while standing before bending for the bow (Ruku)

One must not delay the intention from the opening Allahu akbar.

One must utter the opening Allahu akbar to the degree that he can hear himself, this is according to the correct view.

The follower must intend being linked with his Imaam.

One must specify the obligatory prayer being offered.

One must specifically intend which Wajib prayer he is praying.

It is not a condition to specify the intention for voluntary prayer

It is conditional and one of the pillars to stand in all the obligatory prayers, though not for voluntary prayer.

It is obligatory to recite at least one verse of Quran in two rakahs of the obligatory prayer.

It is obligatory to recite the Quran in all the rakahs of voluntary prayer and in all the rakahs of the witr prayer.

There are no specific verses in the Quran that one must recite in order for the prayer to be valid.

The person following the Imam in prayer must not recite Quran, rather he must listen and remain silent.

And if the follower behind the Imam does recite Quran it is prohibitively disliked because there is prohibition on the matter.

It is obligatory to prostate on something which the forehead can completely stabilise.

Prostration is permitted on the palm of the hand of the one praying and on the edge of his clothes provided the place where the hand or clothes are placed is pure.

Prostration must be performed with the rigid part of the nose and forehead and it is not permissible to restrict the prostration to the nose only, unless there is a reason with respect to the forehead, such as an injury upon it.

One must not raise the level of prostration higher than the level of the feet by more than half an arms length.

And if one increases over half an arms length, then the prostration is invalid unless there is a jam (crowd) in which case one may prostrate on the back of someone who is offering the same prayer.

One must place the hands and knees on the ground according to the most correct view.

Additionally, part of the toes of the feet must be placed on the ground during prostration, and it is not sufficient to place the top surface of the foot on the ground during prostration.

Bowing must precede prostration.

It is conditional to rise from prostration to a position close to sitting according to the correct position from Abu Hanifa.

To return and perform the second prostration is obligatory.

It is obligatory to perform the last sitting for the time equivalent to reading the Tashahhud.

To delay the last sitting until one has completed all the pillars of prayer is conditional for the prayers validity.

The pillars must be performed while one is conscious.

It is conditional to either, have full knowledge of the nature of the prayers and all its obligatory features. It is conditional to know this in a manner that allows one to differentiate it from the sunna characteristics. Alternatively one may believe that all the prayers he perform are obligatory. All this is done so that one does not offer an optional prayer instead of an obligatory one.

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