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Multi-Purpose Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System

Jun. 2013 revised

Basic Lecture II: Definition of Tally


Purpose of This Lecture

Learn how to deduce various physics quantities from the PHITS simulation

You can obtain this kind of results at the end of this lecture Particle fluence (left) and depth-dose distribution (right) for the simulation condition for homework


Contents of Lecture II
Introduction and usage of Tally
What is Tally? Kinds of Tally How to use Tally for checking geometry How to use Tally for calculating physical quantities



What is Tally?
Tally: a record of the number or amount of something, especially one that you can keep adding to;
[Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (7th edition), OXFORD.]

In PHITS, the word of Tally used for functions to Deduce physical quantities such as flux and heat, or Depict the 2D or 3D geometry in certain area

What is tally?

Concept of Tally
PHITS simulates the motion of each particle using the Monte Carlo method. You can estimate their average behavior by calculating various physical quantities as flux and deposition energy in a certain region, using Tally

How many particles were passed through this region? Use track-length tally

Result of [t-track] (Track-length tally)

What is tally?

Contents of Lecture II
Introduction and usage of Tally
What is Tally? Kinds of Tally How to use Tally for checking geometry How to use Tally for calculating physical quantities



Tally Types
Various tally functions are implemented in PHITS Many physical quantities can be deduced from the PHITS simulation by selecting appropriate tally

Calculating physical quantity

For example

Particle flux [t-track], [t-cross] Heat and deposition energy [t-heat], [t-deposit] Secondary particles [t-yield], [t-product] LET or microdosimetric distribution [t-let], [t-sed]

Checking geometry
2-dimensional visualization [t-gshow], [t-rshow] 3-dimensional visualization [t-3dshow]

Kinds of Tally in PHITS

List of All Tallies in PHITS

Deduce physical quantity

Visualize geometry

Kinds of tally in PHITS

Tally for visualizing the geometry in 3-dimension from a viewpoint of a certain location in PHITS virtual space Activated only when icntl=11 in the [parameters] section

Kinds of tally in PHITS

Tally for visualizing the geometry in 2-dimension cut by certain slices Show region boundary, cell number, material ID etc. Other tallies can be used for this purpose by setting icntl=8 in the [parameters] section (see Lecture I)

Kinds of tally in PHITS


Tally for calculating track-length (cm) of particles in certain regions Average flux (/cm2) in the region can be also deduced from this tally, dividing the track length (cm) by the volume of the region (cm3)

You can visualize the trajectory of particle using [t-track] by setting small mesh for tallying regions

Kinds of tally in PHITS


Visualize Particle Trajectory



method of track detection


Visualize Particle Trajectory



method of track detection


Visualize Particle Trajectory



method of track detection


Visualize Particle Trajectory



method of track detection


Visualize Particle Trajectory



method of track detection


Tally for calculating flux or current (/cm2) of particles crossing certain surfaces Current is simply added by 1 when a particle cross the surface, while flux is added by 1/cos(q)

Kinds of tally in PHITS


[t-heat], [t-deposit]
Tally for calculating deposition energy (MeV) in certain regions Only ionization energy losses by charged particles are scored by [t-deposit] tally Event-by-event data can be also deduced! Neutron and photon doses are calculated by the Kerma approximation in [t-heat] tally

Bragg peak calculated by [t-heat] tally

Kinds of tally in PHITS


[t-yield], [t-product]
Tally for calculating the number of secondary particles generated by nuclear reactions in certain regions Energy or time distribution of secondary particles can be obtained from [t-product] tally Yield of each nuclide can be depicted on nuclear chart using [t-yield] tally

Example of [t-yield] tally

Kinds of tally in PHITS


Tally for calculating the radiation damage index DPA in certain regions DPA is the average number of displaced atoms per atom of a material, and is calculated from the flux multiplied with the damage cross section

Depth-DPA distribution calculated using [t-dpa]

Kinds of tally in PHITS


[t-let], [t-sed]
Tally for calculating the probability densities of deposition energy or flux in terms of LET, lineal energy (y), or specific energy (z) in microscopic sites distributed in certain regions Useful for radiobiological calculations

*SED represents Specific Energy Distribution

Example of [t-let] tally

Kinds of tally in PHITS


Tally for calculating event-by-event deposition energies in two regions Output the contour map of their correlation Useful for simulating experimental data obtained by using two detectors

Example of [t-deposit2] tally

Kinds of tally in PHITS


Tally for generating the input files for DCHAIN-SP, which can calculate the time evolution of the radioactive nuclides during and after irradiation DCHAIN-SP is also included in the PHITS package
Irradiation Cooling

Time dependence of radioactivities inside water phantom irradiated by 150 MeV proton for 6 min

Kinds of tallies in PHITS


Contents of Lecture II
Introduction and usage of Tally
What is Tally? Kinds of Tally How to use Tally for checking geometry How to use Tally for calculating physical quantities




Geometry Check
Every time you construct new geometry, it is better to check the geometry using [t-3dshow] or [t-gshow]

Otherwise you would obtain wrong results without noticing miss-definition of the geometry, especially when you make an overlapping region!

Tally for checking geometry


How to use [t-3dshow]

[Parameters] icntl = 11 [Material] mat[1] 1H 2 16O 1 [Mat Name Color] mat name color 1 Water pastelblue [Surface] 10 so 500. 11 cz 10. 12 pz 0. 13 pz 50. [Cell] 100 -1 10 101 1 -1. -11 12 -13 110 0 -10 #101

Activate [t-3dshow]

Water cylinder with radius 10 cm and height 50cm

Tally for checking geometry


Parameters used in [t-3dshow]

Polar coordinates
Light source (l-the,l-phi,l-dst) e-dst w-dst w-hgt (w-mnh) w-wdt (w-mnw) w-mnw w-mnh #Pixel 100 100 (default) Picture Flame Eye Point (e-the,e-phi,e-dst)

Polar Coordinates

Origin (x0,y0,z0) XYZ-coordinates

Tally for checking geometry


Rotate the Picture

[T-3Dshow] output = 3 x0 = 0 y0 = 0 Rotate zenith angle of z0 = 20 eye-point by 45 deg e-the = 135 90 $ $ eye eye e-phi = 0 45 Rotate azimuthal angle e-dst = 120 of eye-point by 45 deg l-the = 90 $ light l-phi = 0 l-dst = 100 w-wdt = 50 $ window w-hgt = 50 w-dst = 30 heaven = y Heaven is Y direction mirror = 0 line = 1 shadow = 2 resol = 1 file = 3dshow.out title = Check geometry using [T-3dshow] tally epsout = 1



Tally for checking geometry


[t-3dshow](for your FUN!)

You can rotate [t-3dshow] picture using Python software See /phits/utility/rotate3dshow in more detail Tally for checking geometry 29

[Parameters] Activate icntl = 11 7 [t-gshow] [T-Gshow] axis = xy output = 6 file = xy_gshow.out title = Check geometry epsout = 1 [T-Gshow] axis = xz output = 6 file = xz_gshow.out title = Check geometry using [T-gshow] tally epsout = 1

xy_gshow.eps xy plane (z = 0cm)

xz_gshow.eps xz plane (y = 0cm)

Water cylinder with radius 10 cm and height 50cm

Tally for checking geometry


Contents of Lecture II
Introduction and usage of Tally
What is Tally? Kinds of Tally How to use Tally for checking geometry How to use Tally for calculating physical quantities




How to define Tally

You have to determine What kind of physical quantity Select type of tally: [t-track], [t-deposit] etc. in where Select geometrical mesh: mesh= reg, xyz, r-z of what particle Select particle type: part = neutron, proton etc. in which unit e.g. (cm/source), (1/cm2/source) etc. Select unit: unit = 1, 2, 3 in what output form Select output axis: axis = eng, reg, xy, etc.

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Example of [t-track]
If you would like to visualize particle trajectory lec02.inp
[T-TRACK] mesh = xyz x-type = 2 nx = 100 xmin = -25. xmax = 25. y-type = 1 ny = 1 -5.0 5.0 z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = all e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = xz file = xz_track_all.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

[T-track]: Tally for calculating track-length or flux of particles in certain regions [T-track] can be used for visualizing particle trajectories by setting small mesh for tallying region
Output file Making an eps file using name specified by file=. (***.out ***.eps) In the case of 2D-plot, error files (_err.eps) are made.

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Sample Results of [t-track]

Set icntl=0 and execute PHITS



Particle trajectory for carbon 290 MeV/u beam with radius = 2.5cm

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Error file (*_err.eps)

In the case of 2D-plot such as tallies with axis=xy, rz, errors are output in another file named *_err.eps. Warm colors indicate that relative standard errors are large (close to 1), while cold colors mean small erros.



Tally for calculating physical quantities


How to define Tally

You have to determine What kind of physical quantity Select type of tally: [t-track], [t-deposit] etc. in where Select geometrical mesh: mesh= reg, xyz, r-z of what particle Select particle type: part = neutron, proton etc. in which unit e.g. (cm/source), (1/cm2/source) etc. Select unit: unit = 1, 2, 3 in what output form Select output axis: axis = eng, reg, xy, etc.

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Geometrical Mesh
[T-TRACK] mesh = xyz x-type = 2 nx = 100 xmin = -25. xmax = 25. y-type = 1 ny = 1 -5.0 5.0 z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = all e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = xz file = xz_track_all.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

mesh = xyz :Define tally region according to xyz coordinates You need to specify x-type, y-type, z-type X-axis (x-type = 2) : xmin (minimum value) : xmax (maximum value) : nx (number of mesh) Y-axis (y-type = 1) : ny (number of mesh) : -5.0 5.0 (Boundaries, ny+1

Tally for calculating physical quantities


How to Define Mesh

Mesh is a common concept used in many tallies x-type, y-type, z-type, r-type, e-type, t-type, a-type etc.
x-axis y-axis z-axis radius energy time angle

You can define each mesh using the following 5 types

1: Define #mesh and their boundaries
e-type = 1 ne = 10 0 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 30 50 100

2,3: Define #mesh and their minimum & maximum values (2: linear, 3: logarithmic interval)
e-type = 2 ne = 100 emin = 0 emax = 1000 e-type = 3 ne = 100 emin = 0.1 emax = 5000

4,5: Define interval of mesh and their minimum & maximum values (4: linear, 5: logarithmic interval)
e-type = 4 edel = 100 emin = 0 emax = 5000 e-type = 5 edel = 1.301 =log10(20) emin = 0.1 emax = 5000

Replace e to x if you want to define x-mesh

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Geometrical Mesh Types

There are 3 types of geometrical mesh in PHITS xyz mesh:
Divide the regions in XYZ coordinates

r-z mesh:
Divide the regions in Cylindrical coordinates

reg mesh:
Divide the regions in cells defined in PHITS virtual space


Tally for calculating physical quantities


Change Geometrical Mesh

[T-TRACK] mesh = xyz x-type = 2 nx = 100 xmin = -25. xmax = 25. y-type = 1 ny = 1 -5.0 5.0 z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = all e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = xz file = xz_track_all.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1 [T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 100 rmin = -25. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = all e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = rz file = rz_track_all.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

1. 2. 3. 4.

Copy [t-track] tally Change to mesh = r-z Make r-type sub-section Delete x-type and y-type sub-sections

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Change Geometrical Mesh

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 100 rmin = -25. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = all e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = rz file = rz_track_all.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Change Geometrical Mesh

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 25 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = all e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = rz file = rz_track_all.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

Tally for calculating physical quantities


How to define Tally

You have to determine What kind of physical quantity Select type of tally: [t-track], [t-deposit] etc. in where Select geometrical mesh: mesh= reg, xyz, r-z of what particle Select particle type: part = neutron, proton etc. in which unit e.g. (cm/source), (1/cm2/source) etc. Select unit: unit = 1, 2, 3 in what output form Select output axis: axis = eng, reg, xy, etc.

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Define Particle Type

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 25 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = all e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = rz file = rz_track_all.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1 [T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 25 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = rz file = rz_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

Replace part=all by part = 12C proton neutron

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Define Particle Type

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 25 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = rz file = rz_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1




Tally for calculating physical quantities


How to define Tally

You have to determine What kind of physical quantity Select type of tally: [t-track], [t-deposit] etc. in where Select geometrical mesh: mesh= reg, xyz, r-z of what particle Select particle type: part = neutron, proton etc. in which unit e.g. (cm/source), (1/cm2/source) etc. Select unit: unit = 1, 2, 3 in what output form Select output axis: axis = eng, reg, xy, etc.

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Change Output Form

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 25 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 200 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 1 ne = 1 0.0 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = rz file = rz_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

1. Copy [t-track] section with r-z mesh 2. Change to axis = eng 3. Change energy-mesh sub-section 4. Change the tallied region into one region

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 1 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 2 ne = 100 emin = 0.0 emax = 5000.0 in MeV unit = 1 (not MeV/n) axis = eng file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

Tally for calculating physical quantities



Change Output Form

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 1 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 2 ne = 100 emin = 0.0 emax = 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = eng file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

Tally for calculating physical quantities



Change Energy Mesh

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 1 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 3 Logarithmic ne = 100 Scale emin = 1.0 emax = 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = eng file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1

Tally for calculating physical quantities



Change Z-Mesh

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 2 nz = 2 zmin = -20. zmax = 80. part = 12C proton neutron -20z30 e-type = 3 ne and = 100 30 1.0 80 emin z = emax = 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = eng file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1 angel = ymin(1e-11) ymax(1e-4)

Few carbon ions can reach over 30 cm depth (behind Bragg peak)

ANGEL parameter: To change layouts of eps figures. (See the ANGEL Manual)

Tally for calculating physical quantities



Change Z-Mesh

[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 1 nz = 3 -20. 0. 30. 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 3 -20 z0 ne = 100 and 0z30 emin = 1.0 0z emax =30 5000.0 unit and = 1 axis 30= zeng 80 file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1 angel = ymin(1e-11) ymax(1e-4)

Shape peak is observed in the void region (before the entrance)


Carbon energy gradually decreases

Tally for calculating physical quantities


How to define Tally

You have to determine What kind of physical quantity Select type of tally: [t-track], [t-deposit] etc. in where Select geometrical mesh: mesh= reg, xyz, r-z of what particle Select particle type: part = neutron, proton etc. in which unit e.g. (cm/source), (1/cm2/source) etc. Select unit: unit = 1, 2, 3 in what output form Select output axis: axis = eng, reg, xy, etc.

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Change Unit
[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 1 nz = 3 -20. 0. 30. 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 3 ne = 100 emin = 1.0 emax = 5000.0 unit = 1 axis = eng file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1 angel = ymin(1e-11) ymax(1e-4) [T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 1 nz = 3 -20. 0. 30. 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 3 ne = 100 emin = 1.0 emax = 5000.0 unit = 2 axis = eng file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1 angel = ymin(1e-11) ymax(1e-4)

Change from unit=1(1/cm2/source) to unit=2(1/cm2/MeV/source)

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Change Unit
[T-TRACK] mesh = r-z r-type = 2 nr = 1 rmin = 0. rmax = 25. z-type = 1 nz = 3 -20. 0. 30. 80. part = 12C proton neutron e-type = 3 ne = 100 emin = 1.0 emax = 5000.0 unit = 2 axis = eng file = eng_track_12C-p-n.out gshow = 1 epsout = 1 angel = ymin(1e-11) ymax(1e-4)

per energy bin width (/MeV)

Tally for calculating physical quantities


Contents of Lecture II
Introduction and usage of Tally
What is Tally? Kinds of Tally How to use Tally for checking geometry How to use Tally for calculating physical quantities




A variety of information can be deduced from the PHITS simulation using functions called Tally 2 types of tallies are implemented in PHITS, one is for visualizing PHITS geometry, and the other is for calculating physical quantities

Properness of the geometry can be checked by the tallies for its visualization: [t-3dshow] and [t-gshow]
For defining tally, you have to determine what kind of physical quantity in where of what particle in which unit in what output form



Depict the neutron and proton fluences, respectively, in your homework study Adjust [t-deposit] to see the Bragg peak of proton

Change the minimum & maximum values of y axis in the graph for the depth-dose distribution (use angel parameters) Investigate the difference of the depth-dose distributions between the inside and outside of beam center (within the radius of 2.5cm or not)



Example Answer

Proton (up) and neutron (down) fluences Depth-dose distribution inside (up) and outside (down) beam radius



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