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3 Gustar and similar verbs

Using the verb gustar * Though gustar is translated as to like in English, its literal
meaning is to please. Gustar is preceded by an indirect object pronoun indicating the person who is pleased. It is followed by a noun indicating the thing or person that pleases.


1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

* Because the thing or person that pleases is the subject, gustar

agrees in person and number with it. Most commonly the subject is third person singular or plural.
Singular subject Plural subject

Nos gusta la msica de Celia Cruz.

Me gustan las quesadillas.

We like Celia Cruzs music. I like quesadillas. Les gusta su casa nueva. They like their new house. Te gustan las pelculas romnticas? Do you like romantic movies?

1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

* When gustar is followed by one or more verbs in the infinitive,

the singular form of gustar is always used.

No nos gusta llegar tarde.

We dont like to arrive late.

Les gusta cantar y bailar.

They like to sing and dance.


1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

* Gustar is often used in the conditional (me gustara) to soften

a request.

Me gustara un refresco, por favor.

Te gustara ir a una cita con mi amigo?

I would like a soda, please.

Would you like to go on a date with my friend?


1.3 Gustar and similar verbs


1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

me gustan 1. A m ________ __________los fines de semana. gusta les 2. A mis hermanos ________ ________estar con mis amigos. gustan los domingos? te 3. A ti no _____ ______ os gusta 4. A vosotros no ______ ______estudiar matemticas. le gustan 5. A mi familia s _____ ______las fiestas con amigos.


1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

A ellos gusta A ustedes les ________escribir 6. __________ cartas en verano. A nosotros gustan 7. __________nos ___________las comidas exticas. A vosotros gustan 8. _____________os _______________las vacaciones en la playa. A m gusta 9. ___________me ______________la compaa de mis amigos. A l gustan A usted 10. ____________le __________los lunes


1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

Verbs like gustar * Many verbs follow the same pattern as gustar.

Me fascina el cine. Movies fascinate me. A Sandra le disgusta esa situacin. That situation upsets Sandra.

Te molesta si voy contigo? Will it bother you if I come along? Me duelen sus mentiras. Her lies hurt me.

1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

* The construction a + [prepositional pronoun] or

a + [noun] can be used to emphasize who is pleased, bothered, etc.

A ella no le gusta bailar, pero a l s.

A Felipe le molesta ir de compras.

She doesnt like to dance, but he does.

Shopping bothers Felipe.


1.3 Gustar and similar verbs

* Faltar expresses what someone or something lacks and

quedar expresses what someone or something has left. Quedar is also used to talk about how clothing fits or looks on someone.
Le falta dinero. Hes short of money. Le falta sal a la comida. The food needs some salt.

A la impresora no le queda papel.

The printer is out of paper.

Esa falda te queda bien.

That skirt fits you well.


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