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Managementul Strategic al Resurselor Umane

Curs 11

In ce sens strategic
'strategic' concerns the need for an explicit (two-way) linkage between the substantive nature of human resource management decisions and the substantive nature of the external, competitive strategy of the individual organization.

Departamentul de resurse umane reprezinta structura organizatiei abilitata sa puna n valoare toate celelalte resurse de care dispune organiza]ia, n vederea atingerii obiectivelor strategice si imediate. - personal, incluzand recrutarea, selectia, incadrarea si promovarea, gestionarea cartilor de munca, evidenta salariatilor; invatamant, cuprinzand pregatirea personalului, specializarea si perfectionarea acestuia; salarizare stabilirea drepturilor salariale, motivare si promovare; normarea muncii elaborarea si revizuirea normelor de munca; evaluarea performantelor salariatilor.

Strategic leadership

Strategically aware

Long-term strategic success requires that the efforts of managers are co-ordinated. This is the task of the chief executive or managing director of the whole organization and in turn of general managers of subsidiaries or divisions in the case of large complex organizations.
The acts in a co-ordinated way, the strategies are communicated and understood

Strategic leadership

Strategic leader must build and lead a team of managers Various styles: autocratic, entrepreneurial, visionaries, or like Richard Branson not only idiosyncratic role models, but he is the organization Leader-manager- where the organizations is going, where they want to go and how they are going to get there.

Synergy is either a path to sustained growth or a bridge too far for organizations - returns tat are obtained from resources: should be combined to exceed the results which would result if the parts were kept separate Synergy effect 2+2 = 5

Three basic synergy opportunities: Functional sharing facilities, competencies, ideas and best practice Strategic complementary competitive strategies across a corporate portfolio Managerial compatible styles of management and values in different functions and businesses

Synergy Drucker: Doing the right things Efficient management Effective leadership co-operation, sharing, transfer and learning Facilitative structure which allows cooperation and inhibits internal conflicts Supportive systems sharing and transfer Appropriate rewards parts of an organizations can benefit from helping others

Human Resource strategies The people contribution

Competent and committed people People strategic resources Successful companies: attract, motivate, develop, reward and keep skilled managers and employees Strategic changes supportive culture People used to get the best out of them, and correspondingly rewarded Everything depends on people

Leadership the orchestra metaphor Every member is a specialist

solo performance harmony (synergy) the role of the conductor (strategic leader)
A single musician (weak link) can destroy a performance; a chain is only as strong as its weakest link A successful organization people with appropriate skills who can work together effectively


Must be Committed (can be improved) Empowered people

Organizations more responsive to external pressures More cost-effective Team working, collaboration, horizontal communications

Employees encouraged to contribute ideas Work in teams which share and manage their own work Extensive decentralization = freer to change certain parameters and strategies

The competitive strategies and the relative importance of close linkages with customers in order to differentiate and provide high levels of service

Putting the right people in place and ensuring that they are able to do their job, which understand and own. In this way they feel important In turbulent times empower people Responsibility Empowerment is a powerful motivator as long as it does not suddenly stop when the really important and interesting decisions have to be taken

WAL-MARTs strategies for empowering people

Every project has a clear end-date Everybody must experience success There is no-blame culture and no victims By moving around, people = multiskilled People involved in several projects New ideas are tried out locally People must think, react, break down barriers Philosophy track record + Empathy = Credibility Speed is everything

Competent Cost-effective In sympathy with the aims of the organizations Where people grow, profits grow

Involving and empowering people

The hard and the soft approach

Balance centralization and decentralization

Contrasting styles, but can be appropriate in certain circumstances

Hard Human resource management People = resource

Deployment and development of employees is delegated to line managers

Scientific management principles and systems = useful, but used cautiously

Soft Human resource management Committed people, informed about mission, strategies and current levels of success Involved in teams which collectively decide how things are to be done Employees have to be trusted to take the right decisions rather controlled at every stage Soft HRM = create added value and sustainable competitive advantage

Manger competency

Managers objectives Successful organization = congruence between the objectives of managers and those of their subordinates People need objectives to direct their efforts if they are not provided by the organization, they will create their own Managers objectives depend on: Personal motives Their understanding and perception of what the strategic leader expect them to contribute The culture of the organization

Objectives; SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timescale Managing people effectively = communicating and interacting, having time for dealing with unexpected events


Rewards = important motivator Other than money and promotion Responsibilities Team working Future rewards Performance and evaluation system = open, fair and perceived as such

Involving and motivating people Money and position

The potential to contribute and achieve through their job Recognition for effort and success Promotion opportunities Interesting work responsability

Knowing colleagues and subordinates and understanding what motivates them There needs: achievement, power, affiliation Succession issues - People developed constantly Team building - Shared and agreed objectives - a working language, or effective communications - The ability to manage both the tasks and the relationships

The learning organization

The learning organization

Information and information technology The strategic value of information Information decision making Who needs the information: the structure and culture of the organization should ensure that managers who need information receive it and at the right time Day (199) organizations do not know what they know (information not transformed in valuable information)

Decision-making and the interpretation of information Do managers perceive reality? Economic data Counterintuitive behaviour Lack of information, wrong interpretation The strategic information challenge Close to customers In touch with the new developments, test ideas, willingness to learn, sophisticated analyses

Strategic success Tracking events in the market and environment, choosing responses and monitoring outcomes Making sure that important information from the questioning and learning from emergent changes is disseminated effectively Adapting policies and procedures to better guide future decision

Cultura organizationala
Modelul de asteptari de baza pe care un grup le-a inventat, descoperit sau dezvoltat in cursul de invatare a rezolvarii problemelor de adaptare externa si integrare interna si care a functionat indeajuns de bine pentru a fi considerat valid, si ca urmare, a fi prezentat noilor membri ca modul corect de a intelege, gandi si simti in relatie cu respectivele probleme. Edgar Schein cum se face treaba pe-aici

Suma filozofiilor, valorilor, asteptarilor, atitudinilor si normelor= liantul organizatiei. Cultura organizationala = modul in care organizatia rezolva probleme pentru a-si atinge niste scopuri specifice pentru a supravietui pe termen lung. Un organism holistic, determinat istoric, construit social si dificil de schimbat.

Ex organigrama staff Campania din Moldova

Seful stafului: Serafim Urechean Loctiitori: cei patru ministri, Cosarciuc, Bujor, Oleinic, Osipov Departamentul Organizare: Vasile Balan Departamentul Resurse Umane: Natalia Ciobanu Departamentul Mass-Media: Constantin Olteanu Departamentul Juridic: Plesca Ion Secretariat: Lilia Ivasico Departamentul Strategie: Valeriu Cosarciuc

Calendar campanie

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