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The US system is a pulsed system . The US pulse propagates into the body tissues at all acoustic interfaces in the body a portion of incident US energy is reflected and return to transducer.(

Then the transducer converts the

returning echoes into electric signals

which are amplified, electronically

processed and formatted into appropriate

form and displayed in differen forms on

the monitor.(berwin)

Digital scan converter(DSC)

A scan converter is a device which convert echo voltage signals to digital values using a process called analog to digital conversion(ADC) brwin

Figure (1): Digital Scan Converter (DSC)


Analog values are represented by proportional, continuously variable physical quantities such as electric voltages. Digital values are represented by discrete

number in binary system.(essitioal

A scan converter is a device which stores

echo signals (ultrasound images) in

a memory according to their location in the

scanning process and outputs the echo

information in a format that is different from

the one in which it was received (hence

the term scan conversion).(2)

DSC (cont.
A digital scan converter assigns a numerical (digital) value to each echo according to the echo amplitude. These digital values are then assigned shades of gray, providing the basis for grayscale display.

Role of the scan converter:

1. It stores images during scan build-up, for

reviewing and recording. 2. It performs scan conversion, enabling image data to be viewed on video monitor(essitional

Advantages of digital system

1. The data is very stable. Once the echo amplitude is converted to a number, it will not drift or change. 2. The data can be post processed easily, simply by manipulating the numerical value of the data in memory

Advantages of digital system(cont.)

3. Mass production of RAM chips in recent

years has dramatically increased the capacity of digital memories. This permits modern DSCs to store multiple frames of data in memory that can be instantly recalled by the sonographer at touch of a button.(1)

Digital devices
Most modern US instruments have digital computers and computer hardware for signal

processing and system control.

These devices using the binary system to

represent the values.

Binary system
The binary system is a number system that is

used by digital systems because it consists of

two digits, namely the digits 0 and 1. These two digits can be used in different

combinations to represent many different


Figure (2): comparison between the decimal system and binary system ()

Binary system(cont.)
The binary system is a particular numbering system for digital systems because the electrical components are designed and able to work in this environment reliably, quickly, and efficiently.(briwn

Pixels and Bits

All digital devices employ as a basic unit a stable electronic circuit, which we will refer to as a bit which is smallest piece of information that a digital device can stored and


Pixels and bits (bit depth)(cont.)

digital scan converter memory Divided in to matrix of small square or address known as pixel or picture elements. (1) A single matrix element can store only a one or zero in each memory location (pixel). (3)

Bit depth(cont.)
This would allow only black and white imaging. Gray scale imaging requires more matrices, more bits. (3)

Gray scale capacity

The number of different shades of gray that can be used in image depend on the bit capacity or bit depth of DSC. The bit capacity is determined by the complexity of the digital computer circuits. Number of gray shades =2*(brwin

Contrast resolution
contrast resolution (gray scale resolution) is

ability of US system to separate echoes by

displaying them with different shades of gray.(

contrast resolution can be described in terms of dynamic range of echoes that can be assigned a shade of gray

Memory resolution and field of view

The anatomic area stored at each pixel depends on the image size (field of view). Consider an image stored in a DSC memory in which the field of view is 20 cm and the matrix size is 512* 512. The depth of tissue that can be

stored in each pixel in the vertical axis of the DSC

can be determine as follow :

Memory resolution and FOV(cont.)

20cm/512 pixels = 200mm/512 pixel=

0.4mm/pixel. (1) Axial resolution is the ability of the transducer to detect two closely spaced reflectors as two separated echoes.

Memory resolution and FOV(cont.)

For two similar reflectors to be resolved in the image, the echoes from the tow reflectors must be stored in separate memory pixels. In our example, each pixel represents a distance

of 0.4 mm.

Memory resolution and FOV(cont.)

Therefore, two reflectors must be at least 0.4 mm apart if they are to be resolved as separate echoes in the displayed image (spatial resolution of memory). (1)

it includes all functions performed on echoes before the image stored in memory.(receiver function ,write magnification and assignment of gray shades.(briwin

Assignment of gray shade

The assignment of grayscale digital values is

done prior to storing echoes in digital memory.

there are four to six preprocessing schemes

(algorithms) to choose. Some algorithms

emphasize low level echoes while others

emphasize mid range echoes or high level


Figure (3) assignment of gray scale()

Write zoom
Is magnification of a region of an ultrasound image prior to storage in memory.(brwin instruments that have this feature allow the operator to first select the region to be enlarged by applying cursors to the original image.

Write zoom(cont.)
When write zoom is enabled the transducer re-scan the region. Only echo data a rising from zoomed region are written to memory , and all pixels in memory are used to represents this region.(essienal

Is the averaging of sequential frames together for the purpose of providing a smoother image appearance and reduction of noise.(diagnostic

Edge enhancement
It is filtering technique that is designed to improve the detection of interfaces and the boundaries between structures. (brwin

Smoothing (filtering)
smoothing is an electrical preprocessing technique applied to the rectified echo signal (known as the video signal) to smooth out adjacent peaks.(

The filter is one that passes a range of frequencies(

its band width) and remove those above and

below acceptance band width.(diagnosti

Fill-in interpolation
This is a preprocessing technique. Interpolation means that image data of missed pixels are calculated from image data in nearby pixels that are situated along beam line(essional

Post processing
Post processing includes all functions performed on echoes after the information is digitized and stored in memory.(freeze frame, black/white image inversion, read magnification and contrast variation.(brwin

Read zoom
Is magnifying image data that is already existing within scan converter memory as these data are read out to the video monitor . The stored image

data from pixels within the region of interest are

expanded to fill the whole screen in the viewing

monitor. it may be done on frozen


Black/white image inversion

This is post processing function that allows the operator to change the orientation of the displayed image ,for example ,left-to-right, or top-to-bottom.brwi

Types of digital memories

A. Random Access Memory(RAM): is temporary memory used by the system to store images as they are acquired in realtime. This type of memory is volatile (the image data may be lost spontaneously).

Types of digital memories(cont.)

B. Read Only Memory(ROM):

Is digital memory that contain information that can

be accesses(read) by the user but not changed.

C. Programmable Read Only Memory(PROM):

PROM functions similarly to ROM except the

software can be updated by the manufacture from

time to time.

Image Display
Cathode ray tube video monitor(CRT): It consist of a large cathode ray vacuum tube with phosphor screen at one end, and an electron gun at the other. The phosphor screen emits light in response to the electron beam.

Cathode ray tube(cont.)

the brightness of the light is directly proportional to the intensity of the electron beam current. The electron beam is repeatedly scanned in a raster format from left to right across the phosphor screen.

Cathode ray tube (cont.)

T.V have brightness, contrast and focus controls. These controls affect the image displayed in T.V screen and do not affect the image stored in the DSC. Current US scanners use either black-and-white and/or color video monitors for image display.

Cathode ray tube (cont.)

Ideally, scanning should be performed in a room which is dimly lit and preferably with back lighting to minimize glare on the display monitor which is distracting and can lead to operator eye strain.

Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)

LCDs have been used for decades in monochrome clock and watch displays. In the last decade the technology has been improved

so that thousands of LCD pixels can be arranged

in a matrix to form a large, full color flat screen

display such as those found in notebook an


An in the last few years these displays have become large and cheep enough to replace the traditional CRT as a computer display.

Digital Light Processing(DLP)

DLPs use a matrix of thousands of tiny mirrors which can be rapidly angled to create gray scale or color image. DLP technology is considerably more expensive than LCD.

Plasma display panel(PDP)

Plasma use a matrix of pixels contain a rare gas. When ionized by an electrical charge, the pixels produce an ultraviolet light which strikes a color phosphor at the back of pixel causing it to glow.

This process can be carried out up to 85 times per second fast enough to give a brilliant fullcolor real-time display .PDPs are being produced for the high end home market and are very expensive.

Advantages of flat screen technologies over CRT

small size and weight. produce, bright, sharp display. using less power than CRT.

Image recording and Archiving techniques

Types of recording media: Chemical media: Transparency film. Polaroid print. Black and white paper print. Color paper print.

Image recording and archiving(cont.)

Magnetic media:

Magnetic tape.

Computer disk.
Optical media:

Laser disk.
Compact disk.(CD-ROM, DVD).

US transparency film
Transparency film is single-sided which means it has a recording surface(emulsion) on one side. The emulsion side of the film must be placed in the film cassette to face the cameras CRT screen. It processed through standard automatic wet processing as for x-ray film.

Transparency film(cont.)
Film exposure is determined by: the brilliance of the display screen. Brightness and contrast settings of the cameras CRT screen.

Characteristics of transparency film

8*10 or 14*17 depending on type of multiformat . Single emulsion. Wide latitude for good grayscale recording. Spectral sensitivity of film must be matched to CRT phosphor.

Construction of transparency film

Base: is rigid plastic on which emulsion is layered. Emulsion: is a mixture of gelatin and silver halide crystals. Super coat: cover the emulsion and protects it.

Film processing
Latent image: is the change produced in silver halide after exposure but before development. Development: change latent image to manifest image. Fixing : stops development. Washing :removes residual chemicals. Drying :dries film.

Factors affects the appearance of film

Temperature of developer. Concentration of developer. Time in developer.

Advantages of US film
It is reasonably priced, although it is not cheap. It is durable, making it good medium for archiving. It has excellent spatial and contrast resolution.

Video paper printer

Uses thermal paper. Offers reasonable grayscale and/or color. Compatible with TV signal from digital scan converter.

Poor archiving.

Magnetic tape
Different formats-VHS SVHS . Compatible with TV signal. Excellent for recording moving structures. Awkward for review.

Suboptimal resolution.

Computer disks
Magnetic medium. Limited data storage. Fragile(susceptible to being damaged by magnetic fields)

Optical discs
Laser disc Compact disc

Digital Video Disk(DVD)

Vastly increased data storage. More robust, better archiving than magnetic media.

Picture Archiving and communication system(PACS)

Filmless system. Network of computers connected to US scanners allowing archiving of US images on hard drives or optical disks. Allows remote access and viewing of images during real time scanning or later.

Consistent and reliable archiving of digital still and cine images Images can be backed up cheaply and easily providing additional archival security for long term availability.

Advantages and disadvantages of recording media

Single emulsion film

Good resolution Long term archiving

Expensive Inconsistent results with multi format camera Poor archiving Poor contrast resolution

Polaroid film Rapid

Paper film

Rapid inexpensive

Poor resolution Poor archiving

Poor resolution Poor access

1-Stewart C.Busshong, Benjamin R. Archer. Diagnostic Ultrasound: physics, Biology and instrumentation. U.S.A: David T. Calverwell;1991: p. (). 2-1-Chris Harringgton. Burwin institute of diagnostic Medical ultrasound: ultrasound physics and instrumentation. P: ().

References (cont.)

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