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> means encouraging subordinates to work towards achieving company objectives ( Reinecke and Schoell, 1980) . > it is a human, people to-people aspect of managing by which subordinates are motivared , persuaded , and led to effectively and efficiently contribute towards realizing the very reason for which the enterprise or the company has been established . > it sometimes referred to as influencing, actuating, guiding , or simply leading and motivating .

New" management definition: is accomplishing tasks through people.

The Value and Role of Work -Workers are driven or motivated by physiological and psychological needs.

Activities related to Leading or Directing Functions


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

9. 10.

Implementing the theory( knowledge)base of nursing . Facilitating and maintaining intrapersonal relationships . Counseling and coaching Acting to inspire , trust, teamwork, and cooperation. Resolving conflicts Facilitating group dynamics Organizing human resources Providing leadership Coordinating among disciplines Facilitating the achievement of VGMO

Directing is the physical act of nursing management , the interpersonal process by which nursing personnel accomplish the objectives of nursing . Delegating - the major element of directing function. - it is an effective management competency by which nurse managers get the work done through their employees.

Management Style
There are 2 broad groups of mgmt styles 1. 19th Century Traditional approach: Is autocratic
approach where workers were given no responsibility for their work but given closest supervision cost they would work only if driven. 2. Human Relations approach: More participatory management where workers were consulted on decisions.

Human relations approach started by Douglas MacGregor who called the traditional approach as theory X and the human relations approach as theory Y

- No mgr has a specific mgmt style instead it develops over time as the result of a combination of experiences, training, & personality.

Thus, no mgr can be categorized as purely theory X or theory Y manager.

Communication and Feedback

Communication is effective if there is (1) an exchange of info (2) mutual understanding.

Five (5) types of Filipino Managers

1. Manager by kayod - to sweat or hard work, Manager is action- hungry, highly-dedicated,but his manners are rather formal and introvert . He is a serious worker and will not give in to bribing or any anomalous deals.

2. Manager by Lusot - capitalizing by loopholes . Managers will always be on the look-out for loopholes of anything and will use them to avoid too much work , or an excuse for failure. - he is also given to make shortcuts and to do unconventional or even illegal ways to attain objectives. - Generally an Extrovert , he deals with people informally .

3. Manager

by libro - this type of manager operates by dictates of book - what the manuals and other formal documents say. - He is systematic , though, and analytical. He usually has adequate formal training in management .

4. Manager by oido - This manager learns his managerial skills by oido or ear . He has vast field of practical experiences to compensate for his lack of formal management education. - He is opposite of Libro manager .

5. Manager by ugnayan - he is a hybrid of all types of managers . Hence , he is one type of manager now, and different in another time , depending on situation . - He is s gifted reconciler of all philosohies and beliefs held by various types of managers . - He integrates various types of magement styles depending on the need and condition of his organization.

- He is participatory and coordinative .

oido and libro managers - content oriented managers . How to do and why to do it ? - Planners and thinkers in the organization . kayod and lusot managers - process oriented managers . How to do the job best . - Implementors and doers in the company . ugnayan typify a highly resilent , highly adaptable , man of the first order . He is content and / or process-oriented .

The following list suggest ways for nurse leaders to successfully delegate :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Train and develop subordinates . It is an investment . Plan ahead . It prevents problems. Control and coordinate the work of subordinates . Visit subordinates frequently . Spot potential problems of morale, disagreement and grievanaces . Coordinate to prevent duplication of effort . Solve problems and think about new ideas . Accept delegation as desirable Specify goals and objectives Take an interest.

10. Know subordinates capabilities and match the task or duty to the employee. 11. Agree on performance standard. Relate managerial references to employee performance . 12. Assess results . The nurse manager should accept the fact that employees will perform delegated tasks in their own style . 13. Give appropriate rewards . 14. Do not take back delegated tasks.


Individual and Organizational Change

Change is certainly , a part of most peoples lives but few initially regard it as favorable. Too little change = stagnation

Too much change = frustration

Alternative Change Management approaches :

Managing Change through Power : > use of coercion. It manifest autocratic leadership. > Except in crisis situation , when the very existence of the organization is at stake , power is not favored approached for bringing about change .

2. Managing Change through REASONS: It is based on information dissemination prior to the intended change . The underlying assumption is that reason alone will prevail and that participants and parties to the change will all make the rational choice .

3. Managing Change through

REEDUCATION : It improves functioning of the organization. It implies a particular set of activities that recognize that neither power or reason can bring about desirable change . This set of activities has been the subject of much research and application and is generally understood to be the essence of Organizational Development .

Organizational Development
> Implies a normative , reeducation strategy intended to affect system of belief, values and attitudes within the organization so that it can adapt better to the accelerated rate of change in technology , in our industrial environment , and in society in general .

Development Stages of an Organization

1. Birth - creation and survival as a viable system 2. Youth stability , reputation , pride 3. Maturity uniqueness, adaptability , contribution to society .

Learning Principles in Change Management :


Unfreezing Old Learning - requires people who want to learn new ways to think and act . - it deals directly with resistant to change . - some individuals may not accept that they need more skills in that particular job or some people would recognize this need and are receptive to experiences that this will aid them in the development of new skills and abilities .

2. Movement to New Learning : - requires training , demonstration, and empowerment. Through these , employees can be empowered to take on behaviors they previously had only vaguely imagined possible . The new behaviors can be carefully and sensitively taught.

3. Refreezing the learned behaviors : - occurs through the application of reinforcement and feedback . These (2) principles suggest that when people receive positive rewards, information , or feeling for doing something , theyll more likely to do the same thing in similar situation. - When people receive punishment, this will decrease the probability of doing the same thing in similar position.

* The principle then applies that it would be easier to achieve successful change through the use of positive reinforcement .

Change Agents : Forms of Intervention

To intervene is to enter into an ongoing organization , or relationship among persons or departments , for the purpose of helping it improve its effectiveness . 1. External Change Agent temporary employees of the organization. Since they engaged only for a duration of change process. - e.g consulting firms , training agencies

2. Internal Change Agent - Individuals working for the organization who knows something about its problems. 3. External-Internal Change Agent - The outsiders objectivity and professional knowledge are blended with the insiders knowledge of the organization and its human resources .

Resistant to Change
Individual 1. 2. Resistance Organizational Resistance

The threat to loss of position, power, and authority Economic insecurity regarding a job or compensation

The professional and functional orientation of the department , unit or team norms or standard of behavior .

3. The possible alteration of social friendship and interactivity 4. Failure to recognize or be informed about the need for change

2. If change is considered a threat to the power balance in an organization, it will resist change 3. A failure at previous change creates an aura and folklore about the dangers associated with change .

Strategies to Overcoming Resistance to Change

1. Individuals and organization must have reason to change . That there must be motivation behind the change . 2. The more involved people at all levels in the management function , the higher the likelihood of change 3. Communication should be on-going and not one time factor in successful change programs . It can prepare the staffs in a way that it reduces fear, anxiety , and resistance .

4. The creation of learning Organization or one that has the capacity , resilience and flexibility to change is ideal . In Learning Organization , employees share same ideas , make recommendations and participate voluntarily in change from the very start .

Characteristics of a Learning Organization:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Open discussion and accessibility to information and data. Clear Vision expressed at all levels . Strong emphasis on interdependence , worth ,and importance of each member and unit . Clear goals and concepts of performance expectations. Commitment to learning , improving , and personal growth.

6. Concern for measurable results whenever possible . 7. A curiosity to try new methods, experiment and accept failure . * Any Organization in ANY industry can become a Learning System that can thrive to Change .

The Pace of technological Change Innovation :

Effective managers must view managing change as integral responsibility rather than peripheral one. Future managers will have to develop approaches for adopting and implementing innovations because innovatin have become the rule rather than the exception and become interwoven as significant responsibility in this 21st century.

Organizational Communication (Managing Communication)

Communication - is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another person . - it is a way of reaching others with idea , facts, thoughts, feelings ,and values . - it is a bridge among people so they can share what they feel and know .

Functions of Communications within a Group or Organization :

Control - acts to control members behaviors in several ways e.g. Complying with rules, policies and standards. 2. Motivation by clarifying to employees what is to be done , how well they are doing and what can be done to improve performance .

3. Emotional Expression provides release for feelings and for fulfillment of social needs . 4. Information for groups and individuals to male decisions by transmitting the data to identify and evaluate alternative choices .

Components of Communication Process

Communication Source ( Communicator) - the source initiates a message by encoding a thought . Four conditions that affect encoded message: - Skills - Attitude - Knowledge - Social and cultural system

2. Encoding process by which individuals initiating the communication translate ideas into systematic set of words . 3. Message what is being communicated 4. Channel the medium through which message travels 5. Receiver the object to whom the message is directed 6. Decoding re translating a senders communication message 7. Feedback Loop puts the message back into the system as check against understanding .

(3) Ways : 1. oral face to face / technology assisted 2. Written - letters , reports, manuals, flyers, memos , bulletin 3. Non-verbal ( the Silent Language ) a. Physical / symbolic- time , space, dress, physical appearance , titles b. Body language facial expression, eye and body movement c. Physical distance (sender and receiver ) proper spacing

e.g. Internet / Voicemal / Email / World Wide Web Advantages : 1. Easily accesible , quick and less expensive 2. Reduces barriers of time , distance and cost
Potential Limitations : 1. Not always effective for building relationships or complex team problemsolving where face to face dialogue is needed .

2. Can break down the boundaries between work-time and non work time . 3. Erode delegation of authority by creating too much and too frequent communications between superiors and subordinates . 4. Email opens the possibility of wasting time on increased volumes of meaningless data (junks) with consequences of uneccesary work overload . 5. Email lacks confidentiality .

According to De Ann Gillies ( 1994) : 1. The effectiveness of various media differs with educational level , with less educated relying more on aural and pictorial media and more educated relying more on print . 2. People with low self-esteem are more easily influenced by persuasive communication than are people with high esteem .

3. People are more likely to hear messages that are compatible with their expectations and a re more likely to messages on topics about what they have read .
4. The more trustworthy the speaker , the less manipulative she is perceived to be . 5. Majority opinion is more effective in changing attitudes than expert opinion.

According to David Whetten and Kim Cameron (1998):

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Strategy Structure Support Style Supplement


STRATEGY develops the purpose for specific audience and occasions . - involves identifying the general and specific purpose - understanding the needs and attitudes of the audience -designing the message for the audience . - Speech should be audience centered . - More formal situations call for more formal presentations, while informal situations allow for slang - Both sides of issues should be presented if the audience is uncommitted or hostile .

2. STRUCTURE - translate the strategy into specific content . - Captures the audience attention and gives them a reason to listen or read . - Gives the audience the outline of the message > simple to complex > familiar to unfamiliar > old to new - Transition should be made between main points. - Presentation should end on high note , calling for action or creating a good feeling.

3. SUPPORT - evidence and visual aids helps establish credibility . - visual aid should be simple and effective to aid comprehension and retention.
4. STYLE ways ideas are presented . - tone for both verbal and written communication, is related to words choice and should be adjusted to the formality of the situation .

5. SUPPLEMENT - means to give informed responses to challenges and questions related to presentations . - first restate the objection . Then state your position. Offer suport for your position and speak to the impact of adopting your position .

Common barriers to Effective Communication

1. Filtering senders manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favorably by the receiver . 2. Selective Perception receivers in the communication process selectively see and hear based on their needs , motivation, experience , background, and other personal characteristics .

3. Defensiveness when people feel that they are being threatened , they tend to react in ways that reduce their ability to achieve mutual understanding . 4. Language - words may mean different things to different people.

Patterns of Communication
Downward higher to lower authority Upward Lower to Higher authority Lateral - across of command Diagonal - collaboration ( teams to other teams or individual to other individual in other units) 5. Multidirectional 1. 2. 3. 4.

Grapevine communication
An informal person-to-person means of circulating information. The term grapevine communication originated during the American Civil War to describe telegraph lines that were strung through trees in a manner that resembled grapevines thus is considered to be an essential part of organizational life.

Grapevine communication
- Informal method that co-exist with formal channels. - Are often rapid and subject to considerable distortion. - It uses cluster chain, involving 3-4 individual . - Information becomes distorted, fragmented and incomplete

For Managers :

- he/ she can learn much by listening tot eh grapevine and can remedy distortions by using the informal channels to pass on correct information.

Deborrah Tannen (1990)

> Women talk about their problems at length

while Men want to find a solution or laugh at them . Women to rapport-talk while Men do report talk . Women tend to be more talkative than Men, initiate turn-taking, make more frequent interruptions of others comment, ask more questions, keep the conversation going ,and uses larger vocabulary .

John Gray(1992) on the book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus .

Men wants to reason , whereas women want to be heard and validated . When stressed, Men become focused and withdrawn, whereas women become emotionally involved and overwhelmed. Women have difficulty supporting a man who is not talking , whereas Men have difficulty listening to women without giving advice .

Cultural Differences
Culture is a learned pattern of belief , customs, language , norms, and values that is shared by a group of people .

- how that learned pattern of behavior is expresses distinguishes cultures from each other .

Cross cultural communication occurs when someone from one culture correctly understand a message sent by someone from another culture . Cross cultural Miscommunication occurs when someone from the second culture misinterprets the senders message .

The greater the cultural differences , the greater the communication challenge.

Ways to reduce Communication Problem :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Develop a positive communication attitude Communication needs Performance feedbacks Social Support - let them feel they are cared , valued and esteemed. Employees meeting Develop an open door policy employees are encourage to come to their superiors or higher managers with matters that concern them. Practice Empathy

Guidelines for developing effective managerial communication


Humanize - to design it at level of human understanding and human capacity . Be sensitive and attuned to human qualities physical, psychological , emotional, and spiritual . Harmonize establish a climate of cooperation, trust , helpfulness, confidence , belongingness, and openness. Raise esprit de corps( spirit of devotion and enthusiasm in a group)



Habitualize put into habit positive practices: a. thinking before talking b. planning a message to avoid haphazard, unclear and irresponsible communication .

c. Repeating and summarizing d. Reminding and following up with tact e. Getting feedback f. Taking notes g. Giving pleasant comments
4. Institutionalize good practice and norms can be enlarge and introduce to the company or institution as standard operating procedures (SOP) or as traditions. E.g providing a suggestion box or a bulletin board .

5. Acclimatize - adjust , be flexible and extra tolerant. In informal org. , try to speak their language, and dance their music . What is abnormal to you might be perfectly normal to them .
6. Modernize learn and take advantage of the modern ways of communication. 7. Symbolize the silent language of symbols can be very expressing an convincing. E.g. Indicating with agreement can be complemented with a nod. 8. Emphatize understand intimately the other persons feelings, thoughts, motives and aspirations and see the situaton form his point of view.

9. Dualize two-way communication. Encourage subordinates to speak freely and openly so that upward communication becomes more accurate and realistic . Listen , listen and listen actively by responding to the meaning . nature gave us two ears but only tongue , which is a hint that we should listen more and talk less. 10. Minimize - apply the code KISS : Keep it short and Simple .

Organizational Behavior in Perspective

From To

-closed system - Materialistic orientation - Centralized power - Extrinsic motivation

- Open system - Human orientation - Distributed power - Intrinsic motivation

- Focus on organizational needs

- Imposed discipline - Authoritative managerial roles

- Balanced focus
- self-discipline - Managerial role of leadership and team support

Organizational Characteristics
Stable Changing

Structure Production style

More rigid More specialization

More flexible More job enrichment

Leadership style
Communication Model

More structured
More vertical More autocratic

More consideration
More multidirectional More supportive

Performance Measure More management by More management by rules objectives

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