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QUESTION TAGS * Question tags are short form at the end of statements. They are mainly used in speech when we want to confirm something or when we want to find out if something is true or not. - It isnt a dog, is it? - They are cats, arent they? * Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the main sentence and the appropriate subject pronoun. - Karen is learning to drive, isnt she? - Mark cant ride a horse, can he?

* We use a negative question tag after a positive sentence. - Kate will be here soon, wont she? - There was a lot of traffic, wasnt there? - Michael should pass the exam, shouldnt he? We use a positive question tag after a negative sentence. - Kate wont be late, will she? - They dont like us, do they? - You havent got a car, have you?

* When the verb of the sentence is in the present or past simple, we form the question tag with do/does or did and the subject pronoun. - John doesnt like golf, does he? - They left for Milan, didnt they?

* When the sentence contains a word with a negative meaning like never, hardly, seldom or rarely, the question tag is positive. - They hardly ever go to the theatre, do they? - He never plays tennis, does he?

Some verbs/expressions form question tags differently. I am arent I? I am thin, arent I? Imperative will/wont you Stop talking, will/wont you? Dont will you? Dont talk, will you? Lets shall we? Lets go out, shall we? I have (got) havent I (I possess) She has got a bike, hasnt she? - I have dont I (other meanings) You have lunch at three oclock, dont you? - There is/are isnt/arent there There is an envelope on the desk, isnt there? - This /That is isnt it? This is Pams shirt, isnt it? -


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Examples: 1) I like wearing colourful costumes, dont I? 2) She went to cinema last week, didnt she? 3) I have to wear uniform in the school, dont I? 4) Sheila hasnt written any novels, has she? 5) Kbra cant play football well, can she? 6) Im from Mersin, arent I? 7) Im not from Mersin, am I? 8) Duygu is going to read her English story book next weekend, isnt she? 9) There is a tape-recorder on the table, isnt there? 10) This is a worksheet, isnt it? 11) Dont give me advice, will you?

12) Give an example please, will you? 13) Sit down, will you? 14) Lets go to party, shall we? 15) Lets play a game, shall we? 16) Somebody is at the door, arent they? 17) Everybody is thinking about the quiz, arent they? 18) Nobody called me yesterday, did they? 19) Everything was done to save the rainforest, wasnt it? 20) Sultan never drinks beer, does she? 21) My mother rarely goes out with her friends, does she? 22) Hlya has never been to Paris, has she? 23) My friend seldom has an argument with somebody, does she?

1. Put A QUESTION TAG at the end of each sentence: 1. Tom wont be late, .. will he .... ? 2. They were very angry, .. ? 3. Anns on holiday, .. ? 4. You werent listening, ? 5. Sue doesnt like onions, .? 6. Jacks applied for the job, ..? 7. Youve got a camera, . ? 8. You can type, ..? 9. He wont mind if I go early, ? 10. Tom could help you, .. ?

11. There are a lot of people here, ? 12. Lets have dinner, ? 13. This isnt very interesting, .. ? 14. Im too fat, .. ? 15. You wouldnt tell anyone, .. ? 16. Listen, ..? 17. I shouldnt have got angry, . ? 18. Dont drop it, .. ? 19. They had to go home, . ? 20. Hes never seen you before, ?


2. Complete the conversation. Put in the QUESTION TAGS:

Mary : Lets go out somewhere tonight, .. Jeff : All right. Where? Mary : You havent got a local paper, . Pass it over here, . Thanks. Well, theres a disco at the Grand Hotel. Jeff : Fine, but I havent got any money. You couldnt lend me five pounds, .. Mary: OK, Ill pay then. Ill meet you outside at eight oclock. Dont be late, .


3. Put A QUESTION TAG at the end of each sentence: 1. You dont like this music, . ? 2. Robert isnt at work today, ? 3. Im too late, ? 4. You havent seen the newspaper, .. ? 5. Lynne speaks French and German, ? 6. They didnt go to the concert, ? 7. Youd like to have something to eat, .? 8. Were leaving tomorrow, .. ? 9. You couldnt do me a favour, ? 10. You dont know where Sarah is, .. .?


11. Switch on the light for me, ? 12. Dont forget to lock the door, ? 13. Nobody was watching the TV, .. ? 14. Everyone will be here soon, .. ? 15. Nothing terrible has happened, . ? 16. Theres plenty of time, .. ? 17. Pass me that magazine, . ? 18. Lets have a cup of tea, . ? 19. Its a good restaurant, ? 20. You havent seen my keys, ?


4. Add TAG QUESTIONS to the following: 1. They want to come, dont they .. ? 2. Elizabeth is a dentist, .. ? 3. They wont be here, ? 4. There arent any problems, . ? 5. That is your umbrella, . ? 6. George is a student, . ? 7. Hes learned a lot in the last couple of years, . ? 8. He has a bicycle, ? 9. Joan cant come with us, ..? 10. Shell help us later, .. ?


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Peggy would like to come with us to the party, ? Those arent Freds books, .. ? Youve never been to Paris, . ? Something is wrong with Jane today, .. ? Everyone can learn how to swim, ? Nobody cheated on the exam, .. ? Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ? I am invited, ..?


5. ADD QUESTION TAQS 1) Lets have a chat on the internet,.? 2) The children arent going to Essex by bus , .? 3) Albert hasnt met neighbours yet , ? 4) The students began to talk after class was over , .? 5) When I phoned you last night , you were studying English, ? 6) Jack and I play tennis very well, ..? 7) You and your family had a good vacation, ..? 8) Shut up, ? 9) I am late , ..? 10) Do not your knees, ..? 11) Everybody will appreciate your kind behaviour, ? 12) I have to type it again, ?

13) Barbara and Joe looked away when they saw me , ? 14) Breathe deeply, .? 15) Somebody is waiting at the bus-stop , ..? 16) Honesty is the best policy, .? 17) Toms car was stolen, .? 18) Suzan neednt clean all the house on her own , ..? 19) Nobody can do that, ..? 20) Playing the piano isnt easy , .? 21) Somebody has cleaned the garage , ..? 22) This car has been repaired twice, ..? 23) Sezgi rarely cooks when her husband is on a business trip, ? 24) It is possible to prevent air pollution, .? 25) Murat must stop smoking , ?

6. Complete these sentences with a question tag. 1. There is enough bread for today,? 2. The Browns aren't at home, ? 3. The children are playing in the park, ? 4. Your brother can play the piano, ? 5. Tom doesn't go to university, ? 6. We must get up early tomorrow morning,..? 7. Everybody has to obey the law, .? 8. Nobody likes a rude person, ? 9. Tim doesn't have to go to the cinema with you, .?


10. Nothing bad has happened today, ? 11. Somebody helped you with your homework,.....................? 12. There will be a meting tomorrow, .? 13. You never smoke,.. ? 14. Everything was good,? 15. Izmir is bigger than Antalya, ? 16. The red car belongs to you,? 17. You are feeling better today, ? 18. The Carters have got their own house, ? 19. This is your own car, ? 20. Somebody will help you do the cleaning, ?


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