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A Step by Step Guide to Use PVTi (Geoquest)

1. Press the Geoquest launcher on your PC and the following screen will appear

2. Press PVTi to obtain the following screen

3. Select a working directory and press Run

Create a project in your pvtclass directory. Here it is called test1

Once you open that *.pvti project you will work with the following screen

Once you opened a project you can see the different options in the main PVTi panel

Library of Components

Lets discuss these options in class ...

Now lets define each one of these tool bars

Importing data ... 1

You need to have an excel file with this information

You can characterize the component in the mixture using various correlations

Characterization of the C7+ fraction

And these options for the acentric factor

Alternatively, you can define the EOS parameters yourself. But, be careful! - Recall class tips.

Next we must define the composition of the mixture

again import from an excel file (shaded area)

And here is the result. Notice that the excel clipboard must have two columns. One with the names and one with the mole fractions

Useful Plots within SYSTEM Module

Phase Envelope Finger Print

Now you finished with the SYSTEM module This was used to define: -EOS -Fluid Mixture Components & Compositions You must now enter information in the SIMULATE module

Now lets use the Simulate module from the PVTi main panel

First we must define the type of experiments later we can input the experimental observations

Notice the default units! We should change them

This is the list of available experiments Here we selected a CCE

Change units globally using Utilities 1

Once we have the proper units, lets go back to the Experimental conditions. Paste shaded data from excel file. Only the pressures will be pasted here

To input the experimental observations use the same clipboard as for the experiments. Only the relative volumes (RV) will be pasted

Now perform the simulation requested

Note the differences between simulated and experimental results

If you want to give different weights to the experimental data press G and the following screen will pop

Once the simulation is performed you can view the results in a plot

Next calibrate the EOS parameters to match the CCE data.

Here we are tuning the BICs Note the grouping. Set #1 contains k C1-NC4 to k C1-C7+.

It is wise to set upper and lower bounds to the regression variables. Usually + 10% from default values.

These were the default limits (Dangerous!!!!)

Regression Results Screen

Intermediate iteration results with RSS.
Initial and final values of the regression variables with % difference. Experimental and predicted results with % error.

Regression Results Screen

Final Regression Results Note the change in EOS parameters

Regressed Experimental Results

Regressed (blue line) Original Predictions (green line) Data (red squares)

Now you may accept or reject the regression parameters (calibrated EOS)

And you are ready to export the data in a suitable form for Eclipse ***

Before accepting or rejecting the regression parameters (calibrated EOS)

Recall best practices rules!

- Check boundaries in parameters - Evaluate PVT properties at wider P & T ranges and make sure results are consistent

Save *pvi file for further use

Other PVTi Tests CVD Depletion - Material Balance

1. Press the Geoquest launcher on your PC and the following screen will appear

2. Press PVTi to obtain the following screen

3. Select a working directory and press Run

Define Mixture (condensate)

Define Feed Compositions

Quality tests

Check Condensate or Volatil?

Additional Features (Pete 616)

Gravitational gradients
Material Balance & Recombination tests Swelling

Hydrocarbon Characterization Procedures

Gas Cycling Condensate and Volatile Reservoirs

Production Strategies (rates,completions, BHP constraints)

Separator and gas Injection Optimization

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