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The New Blooms Taxonomy

An Interactive Quiz Game

Developed by Nancy Andrews !mily "od#e and Amy $c!lveen

% &n the next slide 'Question Index( clic) a *uestion number+ % ,lic) your selected response on the *uestion slide+ I- you are correct continue to the next *uestion+ I- not return to the *uestion and try a#ain+ % ,lic) the button to be#in+

Question Index
,lic) on a *uestion number to select it+

. 0 2 4 6 7

/ 1 3 .5 .. .0

8hat was the central -ocus oBlooms li-e wor)9

a+ ,reatin# a dia#ram to or#anize his six leve b+ Improvin# student learnin# c+ ,lassi-yin# the a--ective and psychomotor

8hich o- the -ollowin# is N&T a bene-it o- Blooms Taxonomy9

a+ It creates common #round -or discussions about edu b+ It helps ensure the ali#nment o- ob:ectives with stan c+ It is su--icient as the only model teachers need to us

$rs+ $acintosh wants her students to compare and contrast two Native American -ol)tales and the cultures each represents+ At which level o- thou#ht is $rs+ $acintosh as)in# her students to wor) accordin# to Blooms Taxonomy9

a+ ;ememberin# b+ <nderstandin# c+ Analyzin#

$rs+ =mith has as)ed her students to classi-y the items in a dia#ram as livin# or nonlivin#+ At what level o- Blooms Taxonomy is she havin# her students thin)9 a+ <nderstandin# b+ Applyin# c+ !valuatin#

"ow has Blooms Taxonomy chan#ed -rom its ori#inal version to the revised version9
a+ New uses terminolo#y and domain b+ New terminolo#y structure and emphasis c+ New examples cate#ories and classi-ications

=tudents in $rs+ $c!lveens class have been as)ed to read a research article and summarize it in their own words+ At which level o- Blooms Taxonomy is she as)in# them to thin)9 a+ <nderstandin# b+ ;ememberin# c+ Applyin#

$rs+ "od#e has as)ed students to list every possible way to answer the math word problem on the board+ Then she as)s them to choose the best method -or solvin# the problem and to de-end their answers+ At which level o- Blooms Taxonomy is she as)in# them to thin)9 a+ ,reatin# b+ Analyzin# c+ !valuatin#

8hich two dimensions are used in the Taxonomy Table9

a+ >nowled#e and ,o#nitive ?rocess b+ $eta@co#nitive ?rocess and <nderstandin# c+ >nowled#e and ,lassi-ication

$rs+ Andrews assi#ned the -ollowin# tas)s as part o- a readin# lesson+ ?lace them in order o- their location on the revised Blooms Taxonomy -rom lowest to highest.
.+ 0+ 2+ 4+ ?lace the events o- the story in chronolo#ical order+ 8rite a new endin# -or the story+ ,hoose one o- the storys characters as a Abest -riendB and :usti-y your choice+ &n what date did this story be#in9

a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 4, 1, 3, 2

c. 4, 1, 2, 3 d. 1, 4, 3, 2

8hich o- the -ollowin# statements describes how the revised Blooms Taxonomy di--ers -rom the ori#inal9 a+ b+ c+ d+

It uses verbs instead o- nouns+ ,reatin# has replaced !valuation as the hi#hest le The taxonomy is two@dimensional+ All o- the above

$r+ Cones )nows that the new Blooms Taxonomy Table can help him write better lesson ob:ectives+ "e wants to write one that will re*uire his students to apply the -actual )nowled#e they have learned+ Accordin# to the table what verb mi#ht he use in an assi#nment that will accomplish this9 a+ Describe c+ Assess b+ =ummarize d+ ,lassi-y

The ori#inal Bloom #roup met -or the purpose o- helpin#

a+ university pro-essors who wanted to classi-y ob:ectiv b+ classroom teachers who had been criticized by educ c+ business trainers who wanted their employees to be

DesE Good CobE

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