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1. A group of pupils gathered information about the amount of food needed by various types of animals. Table 1 shows the result of this investigation

Table 1

(a)State one information gathered in this k10 investigation.

1.The animals X 2.The food needed per day X 3.The place/habitat/ location of investigation. (KTS) 4. The type/Size/mass of animals (WTC) 5. The amount/mass/weight/total /quantity of food needed per day (WTM) 6. (The rat, penguin, puma, elephant) X 7. The various type of animals , (the animals) FAO

k9 (b)

What conclusion can be made from the information in Table 1? 1. As the mass/size of animal increase, the amount of food needed also increase. 2. Biggest/Smallest animal needed more/less amount of food per day. 3. Bigger animal need more amount of food. 4. As the (type) of animal increase, amount food per day also increase. X 5.(Elephant/rat needed more/less amount of food per day.) X (Observation) 6. (The mass of animals are affected to the amount of food per day.) X (Cannot be accepted) 7. Different type of animals, different amount of food per day.

a) The food needed by an animal per day is affected by its surrounding temperature and its activity level.

Write one hypothesis based on the above statement.

1.As the surrounding temperature and its activity level increase, the amount of food needed by an animal per day also increases. 2. (As the food needed by an animals per day increase, the surrounding temperature and its activity level also increase.) X

3. More active, more food needed per day . 4. As surrounding temperature decreases or /increases, more food needed per day // vice versa// inverse. 5. Higher surrounding temperature, more active animal, more food needed. 6. (Different temperature of surrounding/activity level, different amount of food per day.) X * wtc- only type of objects

2. A pupil released toy car X down an inclined ramp. This activity is repeated with toy car Y. Distance traveled by both cars is recorded.

Table 2 show the result of the investigation. Toy car Distance traveled (m) X Y 1 2

Table 2 (a)State two inferences that might explain why K1 each toy car travels a different distance. K2 1. Toy car x lighter than toy car Y. 2. The wheel/tire of toy car Y is bigger than toy car X. 3. Toy car Y has load. 4. Toy car Y smear with oil. 5. The type of material of toy car

Toy car x lighter/no load . 2. Toy car Y heavier/have load. (given) 3. Toy car x more friction than Y. 4. The size of the toy car x is bigger. [ 1 mark] Cannot be accepted 1. (The surface of an inclined ramp smear with oil.) X 2. (A Pupil pushes the toy car Y.) X 3. (Toy car Y was released on the higher inclined ramp). X



Suggest one hypothesis based on one of the inferences in 2(a).

1. As the size of wheel/car increases, the distance traveled of toy car also increases. 2. As mass/weight of toy car increases, the distance traveled of toy car also increases. 3. If the toy car has load, the toy car will be traveled further. 4. Heavier toy car, the distance traveled will be further. 5. The toy car that smear with oil/less friction, the distance traveled will be further. 6. (Toy car Y is heavier), the distance travels is further. X 7. Different material, different distance traveled. wtc- type of material

c) State the constant variable. K13 1. The high of inclined ramp. 2. Length of the ramp 3. Type of surface 4. The place of investigation d) State the responding variable. K12 1. Distance traveled

3.Fendi investigates the change of sate of liquid X. The result of this investigation is shown in the flow chart below.


(a) State one manipulated variable. The temperature/method/process of investigation.

(b) Once liquid X is boiling, predict what will happen to its temperature if heating continues. K4 Not change/remain the same/100 C . (C) Using the result of this investigation, sate one inference about liquid X. K1 Water /reaching boiling point. (d) Sate one observation to support the inference in 3(c). K3 1.Water frozen at temperature 0 C and boiled at 100 C . 2.Ice changes to water at temperature more than 0 C/ Water changes to steam at temperature more than 100 C.

4. A group of pupils investigated an eclipse of the Sun. The Diagrams below show the time at different stages of the eclipse.

What is the aim of the investigation? K6 1.To investigate the relationship between the time and the stages of the eclipse. 2. To investigate the relationship between the time and the brightness/size of the Sun. ( b.o.d) 3. To investigate the relationship between the time and the shape/part of the Sun seen.
(a) (a)

State the trend in the change of brightness of the K7 Sun in the evening. Increasing.

(c) Estimate the time when the eclipse of the Sun ends. 2.05/2.10/2.30/3.00 K5 (2.00-3.00) X range

(d) The diagram below shows two different places, P and Q, on the surface of the Earth.

At 12.44 p.m., it is darker at P than at Q. K1 State one inference why it is darker at P than at Q. 1. Because P experiences total eclipse of the Sun but Q experience partial eclipse of the Sun. 2. Because P at the shadow of the Moon but Q some part of the Sun can be seen. 3. P did not receive Sun light, Q received part of the Sun light.

5. Diagram 5 shows three glass containers J, K, and M of the same height placed on a piece of board. When edge X and edge Y are slowly lifted up, K toppled first followed by J and then M.


What is the aim of this investigation? 1. To investigate the relationship/effect between the size base area of the structure and time taken of structure to topple/the stability of the structure. 2. To investigate the relationship between the (shape of the structure) and the stability the structure is. X State one manipulated variable. The base area (The shape of the structure.) X


State one constant variable. The height/type/mass/weight of container/ material K13 Surface of the board (a) State a relationship between the manipulated variable K8 and the stability of the container. 1.As the base area of the structure increases/ is bigger, the stability of the container also increases/ is more. 2.The base area is (affected) to the stability of the container. X 3.Container with bigger base area is more stability than others. 4. Different size of base area, different stability of container. X END OF SECTION B

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