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Has a carbon dioxide

atmosphere 90 times thicker  

than that of Earth causing an

efficient greenhouse effect by
which the Venusian atmosphere
is heated. The resulting surface
temperature is the hottest of any
planet about 4770 C (about 8900
F). Droplets of sulfuric acid give
the clouds of Venus a yellow
color . Venus has retrograde or
opposite rotation from that of
most other planets. Rotation is
extremely slow Earth-days.


½s the only planet known to have abundant liquid water and life. However, in
2004 astronomers with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration¶s
Mars Exploration Rover mission confirmed once had liquid water on its
surface. Scientist had previously concluded thatliquid water once existed on
Mars due to the numerous surface features on the planet that assemble water
erosion found on Earth.

½s the fourth planet from the

sun. it is known as the Red
planet because of the
reddish color of the dust that
covers it, although
sometimes dark areas of
rock show up when storms
blow away the dust. Mars¶s
carbon dioxide atmosphere
is now so thin that the planet
is dry and cold, with color
caps of frozen water and
solid carbon dioxide, or dry
ice. However, small jets of
sub crustal water may still
erupt on the surface in some
places. Mars has many
volcanoes, all of which are
now believe to be extinct..


is the largest of the planets. ½t is big enough to contain all the other planets put together . Known as a
³gas giant´, because of its thick gassy outer layer. ½ts hydrogen and helium atmosphere contains colored
clouds, and its immense magnetosphere, rings, and satellites make it a planetary system unto its self.
One of Jupiter¶s largest moons, ½ has volcanoes that produce the hottest surface temperatures in the
solar system. At least four of Jupiter¶s moons have atmospheres, and at least three may contain liquid
or partially frozen water Jupiter¶s moon. 4 may have a global ocean of liquid water beneath its icy
crust.    the largest of all solar system satellites, half rock, half ice.


½s 95 times more massive than Earth. Although it is the second

largest planet, Saturn has the lowest density. Saturn would float on
water. ½t has more than 20 satellites. The largest of it is ½ 
which has a dense atmosphere.

ñas discovered in 1781 by

German astronomer ñilliam
Hershel. ½t was the first
planet to be discovered
using a telescope. ½t is a
gaseous planet with at least
10 dark rings, 10 are ±
shaped pieces of rings, and
15 satellites. ½t has a d
retrograde rotation. ½t is
thought to be made of
hydrogen and methane


½s also gaseous planet similar in size and composition to Uranus. ½t appears to

be surrounded at least 3 partial ring arcs less than 20 kilometers wide.
Neptune has 2 satellites one of which, ½  is larger than Pluto.
Thank You!

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