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Relational & logical operators

In C,C++ all relational &logical operators will return 0

or 1 as output
When the expression is true then return value is 1 or
else 0
Every non zero is true and zero is false
Relational operators are
a<b a is less than b
a>b a is greater than b
a<=b a is lesser than or equal to b
a>=b a is greater than or equal to b
a==b a is equal to b
a!=b a is not equal to b
Logical operators
logical operators are
&& logical AND
// logical OR let a,b are 2 statements &
! logical NOT 1 indicates true & 0 indicates false

a b a&&b a//b !a
1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1
Priority order to evaluate
1) ( )
2) !,+,- sign of the value
3) *,/,%
4) +,- binary operation
5) >,<,>=,<=
6) ==,!=
7) &&
8) //
9) ?,:
10) =

Operation return value
1)a=5<3; 0
2)a=8>5; 1
1>1; 0
1<=1; 1
0>=0; 1
1<1; 0
7)a=1==5; 0
8)a=3==3; 1
0 ==1; 0

1 == 1; 1
1 >0; 1
1 >8<1>-3;
0 <1>-3;
1 >-3; 1
13)a=3!=3; 0
14)a=5!=8; 1
1!=0; 1
1 !=0; 1

17) a=3>5 && 3<5;
0 && 1; 0
18) a=8>5 && 5<1;
1 && 0; 0
19) a=5>8 && 1>5;
0 && 0; 0
20) a=1<5 && 8>5;
1 && 1; 1
21) a=2!=2<5 && 1!=1>5;
2!=1 && 1!=0;
1 && 1; 1
22) a=2<5==3>5 && 5<8 != 2>5;
1 == 0 && 1 !=0;
0 && 1; 0

23) a=3>5 // 3<5;
0 // 1; 1

24) a=5>8 // 9<5;
0 // 0; 0
25) a=!5; 0
26) a=!0; 1
27)a=!5 !=5; 1
28) a=!(2>5);
!0; 1
29)a=!(5>2) != 1 &&!(2<5)==0;
!(1)!=1 &&!(1) ==0;
0!= 1 && 0 == 0;
1 && 1; 1
c programming is a case sensitive language i.e;
uppercase & lowercase content is different
In c programming language all existing
keywords &predefined functions are available in
lowercase only
void main()
o/p:- welcome

On TurboC 3.0 compiler by default standard input
output and console input output functions are
supported automatically thats why doesnt require to
go for <stdio.h>,<conio.h> files but on high end
compiler it is required
Void is the key word which indicates the return type of
the function
Main is an identifier in the program which indicates
startup point of an application
{ instruction block is started
} closing brace instruction block is ended
All the instructions must be placed with in the body

printf:- it is a predefined function, by using this we can
print the data on console
When we are working with the printf function , it can
takes any no . of arguments but it must begin with
double coats and remaining all arguments are
seperated with coma (,)
Begin the double coats what we pass it prints like that
only but if any format specifiers are there then copies
the data of that type
Format specifiers:- Always format specifiers are one
that decides that what type of data required to print on
console %d int %f float %c char

Smallest unit of programming or an individual unit of
programming is called token
A C programming is a combination of tokens
Tokens can be keyword,operator,seperator,constant
and any other identifier
When we are working with the token but between the
token we can pass any no . of spaces , tabs , and new line

printf(hello); hello
printf(@hello#); @hello#
printf(***welcome***); ***welcome***
printf(%d welcome %d 10,30); error function call
missing (,) seperator should be used
printf(%d welcome %d,10,30,); error function call
missing (,) seperator should not be used
printf(%d welcome %d,10,30); 10 welcome 30
printf(%d%d%d10,40,30); 104030
printf(%d %d %d,10,40,30); 10 40 30
printf(%d,%d,%d,10,40,30); 10,40,30

In printf statement begin the double coat whatever we
pass everything is treated as normal characters only
except format specifiers& special character
printf(3+4=%d,3+4); 3+4=7
printf(%d*%d=%d,5,4,5*4); 5*4=20
printf(%d,%d,%d,10,30); 10,30,garbage/junk value
In printf when we are passing an additional format
specifier which doesnt having corresponding data then
it brings some unknown or undefined value called
garbage or junk value
printf(%d %d,10,30,40); 10 30
In printf statement when we are passing an additional
value which doesnt having corresponding format
specifiers then that value need to be ignored if we
require to print the data on screen we required to pass
format specifier
printf(total salary=%d,15,000); total salary=15
printf(total salary=%d,15000); total salary=15000
printf(total salary=%d); total salary=garbage value
printf(%d %d,3>5,3<5); 0 1
printf(%d,3&&-3); 1
void main()
Output:-error undefined symbol a
Void main()
int a;

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