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Skill, Scale and Speed

A Self Inquiry Into the Economic Prescriptions of the PM-Part V

(Achtung ! Slides are slightly crowded ! )

V.I.G.Menon, Vyloppilly.
Types of PMSS Capability*
Requirement For The Nation-Person
1.Fundamental energy capability derived from nature which
is the energy reservoir for the Nation that makes eg.machines work

2a.The Physical Capability, of the people , as mere
calories ,help transferring, moving ,the materials (or code pieces)
across work stations.
2b.The Physical Infrastructure of the Nation-Person
Supports Moving and Stationing of People/Products.
3.The Intellectual/emotional Capability using which people
design the production /cultural/governance process such as a
sequence of heating, hammering, forging and so on or decide the
work flow.In a software process or in government.
4.The Social energy/Capability
4a. The Social Capability of leadership of entrepreneurs to Organise
individuals across the organisation to run a production/service system and
earn profits for the organisation.
4b.The Social Capability of the Leadership of the Nation organises
human behaviour so that the cross-organisation or cross- people or people-
Organisation transactions can be errorfree and so conflict free ! Remember
Error is Terror
5. Finally the Spiritual Energy/Capability , or will
power,power of discrimination and the power of determination make people
understand the value of values such as ;dharma/righteousness ,duty,prayer
for welfare of all or the self ,so on for harmonious growth of all ..
*Here we are introducing the Concept of PMSS capabilityRequired in producing/
maintaining/delivering PMSS Energy of an individual or an institution for attaining a goal.
Physical Capability as Sporting
Why Sports And Athletics In
an Economy ?
Because That Creates A Sense Of
National Pride ,Unity and Value
Systems To All as to how Raw
Physical Energy Can Be Converted
into a Beacon of Leadership
Through the Competitive Spirit of
Learning Point 4
If all mundane ,repetitive Labour Work in
all sectors are given Sporting Spirit then
Labour Could Be Made More Involved
,Sincere, Proud and Happy.
Sub Learning Point.
Creation of Village /District/ State/
National/International awards for ,say best
workmanship/contributor in each category,eg. best
cnc worker,best carpenter,best mould maker, so on
industrywise will bring the Transformation.(The
pattern of Labour changes as technology
changes ,so awards should be permanent, but
type of labour could be from the prevailing work
Olympic Performance :
India Vs China
1. India

Participated in 23 Olympic Seasons and won total of
21 medals against 473 Medals won by China in Just 9 Olympic
Seasons.Shows how much we have to move in Medal Efficiency
The Sports University Proposed by
The Finance Minister Should:
Fire The Olympic Spirit in everyone
Promote:Olympism as an icon of National Pride
Promote The Sports Goods Industry
Adopt All SAI Training Centres and Improve their Medal Yield
Help Develop theMarket for Sports Standards,
Measurements,Sports Journalism, Sports Media, Sports
Medicines, Sports Infrastructure ,Machinery,Consultancy and
So on should be developed.
Recruit Proven Chinese Advisers /Consultants if Required.
Involve Private Schools across the Country On Developing
Sporting Excellence in Atleast one Item under any Discipline
upto to the Olympic Level.
Improve Support and Rewards For
Support/ Even Individual Contestants Among the Well To Do
Creating Olympic Spirit In
Workmanship in Production/Service

Instituting Village/ District/ State/
National/International Standards For
Labour Excellence.
Creating Audio Visual Content For Labour
for Skill Upgradation in Error Proofing
,Safety and Technology Assimilation.
Creating Quality- Certified Work Personnel
Institute Village/District/ State/National/
International Awards For Labour
Productivity & Excellence

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