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Computer Fundamental & C Programming

Module:- II
Instructor:- A.K. Uttam
Assistant Professor
IIET-Invertis University
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Array is a derived data type

It is used to store similar data items in contiguous(in a
sequence) memory locations under a single name.

It holds a fixed number of equally sized data elements, of
the same data type.

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Example:- If an array of 5 integers elements is created, totally
10 contiguous bytes will be allocated in memory.
0 1 2 3 4 Index
Array elements
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Address of an element of an array
Individual memory location is referred by index. [index 0
refers first location , index 1 refers second location, etc.].

Address of an array element is calculated as below:-
Address of i
= base address + (size of the individual data element * index i )

Address of 0
element = 1000 + (2 * 0) = 1000
Address of 1
element = 1000 + (2 * 1) = 1002
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Array Declaration
Arrays are declared with appropriate data type and size.

Arrays can be of single dimension or of multi dimensions.

Array declaration reserves space in memory.

General Form:
datatype arrayname[size] ;

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int x[5];
Defines an integer array x of 5 integers, starting at x[0], and
ending at x[4].

char game[3] = {'S', 'R', 'D'};
Defines a character array, of 3 characters.

float sales_amt[10];
Defines a floating point array sales_amt of 10 floating point
numbers, starting at sales_amt[0] and ending at sales_amt[9].

int A[2][2];
Defines a 2*2 matrix (totally 4 elements) of integers.
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Accessing Array Elements
The array elements are accessed by specifying the subscript
/ index.

General Form:
arrayname[index or subscript]

x[0] to access the 1
element in array
x[4] to access the 5
element in array
str[2] to access the 3
character in the string (character array)
sales_amt [8] to access the 9
sales amount in the array
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Array Initialization
Array elements can be initialized during declaration or can be
initialized in the program.

When arrays are initialized during declaration, partial
initialization is allowed.

In partial initialization, the uninitialized array elements are
initialized to Zero or Null depending on the data type of the

Zero is initialized for numeric array and Null for character array.
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If initialized, array can be declared without specifying the
exact size. In such cases, size of the array equals the
number of elements initialized.

General Form:
datatype arrayname[size] = {value(s)};
datatype arrayname[ ] = {value(s)};
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int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
/*a[0] = 1, a[1] = 2 , a[2] = 3 , a[3] = 4 and a[4] = 5*/

int a[5]={0};
/*all the array elements are initialized to zero*/

int a[5]={1,2,3,4};
/*a[4] = 0*/

int a[ ] = {1,2,3,4};
/*a[0]=1, a[1]=2, a[2]=3, a[3]=4 (if size not specified, size depends upon
the number of values initialized. ) */
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Basic Operation on Arrays
Basic operations allowed on arrays are
and processing of array elements.
Insertion and deletion can be done by moving the array
elements to the appropriate places.
Example:- 3rd element can be deleted by moving 4

element to 3
location, 5
element to 4
location and so
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Getting the value for Arrays
Input statement is used to get the values for an array.
int a[3];
scanf(%d, &a[0]); /*gets value for 1
scanf(%d, &a[1]); /*gets value for 2
scanf(%d, &a[2]); /*gets value for 3

/* usually loop statement is used to get the array elements*/
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Printing out the array elements
int a[3];
printf(%d, a[0]); /*prints value of 1
printf(%d,a[1]); /*prints value of 2
printf(%d, a[2]); /*prints value of 3

printf(%d%d%d, a[0],a[1],a[2]); /* prints value of first 3

} /*loop statement is used to print the array elements */
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int arr[5],i;


printf("Value in array arr[0] : %d\n",arr[0]);
printf("Value in array arr[1] : %d\n",arr[1]);
printf("Value in array arr[2] : %d\n",arr[2]);
printf("Value in array arr[3] : %d\n",arr[3]);
printf("Value in array arr[4] : %d\n",arr[4]);

printf("Value in array arr[%d] : %d\n",i,arr[i]);

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Array name is a constant pointer (pointer is a variable
which holds address of another variable) to the base
address of the array.

Thus, the base address can not be changed.
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Multi-dimensional Array
The elements of an array can themselves be arrays.
Multidimensional arrays will also occupy the
contiguous memory locations.

Two dimensional arrays can be viewed as set of one
dimensional array (rows & columns) and 3
dimensional arrays can be viewed as set of two
dimensional arrays.

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Two-dimensional array Declaration
Two-dimensional arrays are defined in the same way
as one dimensional array, except that a separate pair of
square brackets is required for second dimension.

General Form:
datatype arrayname [row ][column]

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int a[2][2]; // creates 8 bytes of contiguous memory
locations. (2*2 = 4 elements).
Elements are stored in row major order.
Elements of 1
row are stored first and then the elements of
next row. It is necessary to specify the size of the column in
Assume that array starts at location 1000,
a[0][0] will be in location 1000 - row 0 & column 0
a[0][1] will be in location 1002 - row 0 & column 1
a[1][0] will be in location 1004 - row 1 & column 0
a[1][1] will be in location 1006 - row 1 & column 1
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Two-dimensional array Initialization
Two-dimensional arrays can also be initialized in the
declaration statement.
In partial initialization, the uninitialized array elements are
initialized to Zero.
int num[2][3] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
int num[2][3] = {1,2,3,4,5}; /*num[1][2] = 0*/
int num[2][3] = {{1,2,3},{1,2,3}};
/*row elements are initialized separately*/
int num[2][3] = {{1,2},{4}};
/*num[0][2] = 0 num[1][1]=num[1][2]=0*/
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Simple and easy to use
Stored in Contiguous locations
Fast retrieval because of its indexed nature
No need to worry about the allocation(memory) and de-
allocation of arrays.

Conventional arrays are static in nature(fixed in size).
Memory is allocated in the beginning of the execution. If m
elements are needed, out of n locations defined, n-m
locations are unnecessarily wasted

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int value [3] [3], i, j; // Declaring an Array
for (j = 0; j<3; j++)
for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
printf("Enter the elements of array\t");
scanf("%d", &value[j][i]);

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Program Continue
Program to insert the elements in a two dimensional array:-
Displaying the Array
for (j = 0; j<3; j++)
for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
printf("The array is\n");
printf ("\t%d",value [j] [i]); //

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Summation of Two-Dimensional array
for (j = 0; j<3; j++)
for (i = 0; i<3; i++)

c[i][j] = a[i][j]+ b[i][j];

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Multiplication Of two array
for(i=0; i<row1; i++)
for(j=0; j<col2; j++)
for(k=0; k < row2 ; k++)
c[i][j] = c[i][j] + (a[i][k]*b[k][j]);

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Strings are sequence of characters.
In C, there is no built-in data type for strings.
String can be represented as a one-dimensional array
of characters.
A character string is stored in an array of character
String should always have a NULL character (\0) at
the end, to represent the end of string.

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String constants are always enclosed within double quotes
Character constants are enclosed within single quotes
(1) char c[4]={s, u, m, \0);
(2) char str[16]="qwerty"; /*Creates a string. The value at str[5] is
the character y. The value at str[6] is the null character. The values from
str[7] to str[15] are undefined.*/
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main( )
char name[5];
name[0] = G;
name[1] = O;
name[2] = O;
name[3] = D;
name[4] = \0;
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char name[6] = INDIA

/* Strings are terminated by the null character, it is preferred
to allocate one extra space to store null terminator */
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Array of Strings
Two dimensional character arrays are used to represent
array of strings.

General Form:
char arrayname [no. of strings] [max no. of chars in strings];
char studname[50][15];
/* 50 student names each with 15 characters at the maximum
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General Form:
char arrayname [ r ] [ c ]={values};

char name[3][5] = {bata ,cat ,at}
char name[3][5] = { {b,a,t,a,\0}, {c,a,t,\0}, {a,t,\0} }

7/14/2014 30
char A[3][3]={"AB","CD","GH"};
printf("\n%c",A[0][0]); //A
printf("\n%c",A[0][1]); //B
printf("\n%c",A[0][2]); //null
printf("\n%c",A[1][0]); //C
printf("\n%c",A[1][1]); //D
printf("\n%c",A[1][2]); //null
printf("\n%c",A[2][0]); //G
printf("\n%c",A[2][1]); //H
printf("\n%c",A[2][2]); //null
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Reading/Input a string
String can be read either character-by-character or as an entire
string (using %s format specifier).

Array name itself specifies the base address and %s is a format
specifier which will read a string until a white space character
is encountered.

[Note: no need to use & operator while reading string using
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main( )
char name[ ] = COMPUTER" ;
printf ( "%s", name ) ;

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strcpy(s1, s2)
#include <string.h>
main( )
char string1[] = "Hello, world!";
char string2[20];
strcpy(string2, string1); //this function will copy string1 into string2
printf("%s\n", string2); // Hello, world!
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strcmp(string3, string4)
char string3[] = "this is";
char string4[] = "a test";
if( strcmp(string3, string4) == 0)
printf("strings are equal\n");
printf("strings are different\n");
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strcat(string5, string6)
char string5[20] = "Hello, ";
char string6[] = "world!";
printf("%s\n", string5); // Hello,
strcat(string5, string6); //concatenate two strings
printf("%s\n", string5); // Hello, world!
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char string7[ ] = "abc defg";
int len = strlen(string7);
printf("%d\n", len); // 8

// it gives the number of characters in it, not including
the \0.
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Various Function of strings
strlwr(string); Converting Uppercase Strings to Lowercase
strrev(string); Reversing the Order of a String
strupr(string); Converting Lowercase Strings to Uppercase
strcmp(string1, string2); Compare Two Strings
strlen(string); Length of a String
strcat(string1, string2); Concatenation of Strings
strcpy(string1, string2); Copy String2 into string1
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