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(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

O Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
O Symptoms : fever, large tender lymph nodes,
throat inflammation, a rash, headache, sores of
the mouth , genitals, weight loss, gastrointestinal
problems and muscle pains .
O Transmission : sexual contact , breastfeeding ,
pregnancy , other transmission unless there are
contaminated with blood .

O protozoan parasites from the Plasmodium
O Symptoms : fever , headache , chills,
sweats, muscle aches , vomiting,
diarrhoea, coughing, and yellowing
(jaundice) of the skin and eyes.
O female Anopheles mosquito
O Bacterium (vibrio cholera)
O Symptoms : profuse ,diarrhea ,vomiting
O Transmission : by drinking water or eating
food that has been combined by feces of
an infected person

O Mycobacterium tuberculosis
O Symptoms : fever, chills, night sweats,
loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue ,
chest pain and a prolonged cough
producing sputum
O Transmission : cough, sneeze, speak,
sing, or spit
O Bacterial pneumonia, Viral pneumonia ,
Fungal pneumonia, Parasitic pneumonia,
O Symptoms : cough, chest pain, fever, and
difficulty breathing
O Transmission : breathing in toxic smoke
off fires .
Hepatitis A B C
O hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV),
hepatitis C virus (HCV)
O Symptoms :Fatigue , Fever, Abdominal pain ,
Nausea , Appetite loss , Jaundice, a yellowing of
the skin or whites of the eyes due to
hyperbillirubinemia , Bile is removed from blood
stream and excreted in urine, giving it a dark
amber colour , Clay-coloured feces
O Transmission : fecal-oral route , sexual contact
,blood transfusions ,
Elephantiasis (Filariasis)
O parasitic worm Wuchereria bancrofti
O Symptoms : Fever,Pain in testicles,Pain
above testicles,Enlarged groin lymph
nodes, swollen legs, genitalia and
breasts,White urinary discharge,Swollen
liver,Swollen spleen
O mosquitoes , arthropods , black flies
(Severe acute respiratory syndrome)
O SARS coronavirus
O Symptoms : fever, myalgia, lethargy
symptoms, cough, sore throat
O Transmission :Fecal or airborne

Swin Flu
O Swine influenza virus (SIV) or swine-
origin influenza virus (S-OIV)
O Symptoms : fever, lethargy, sneezing,
coughing, difficulty breathing and
decreased appetite
O Transmission :Transmission between pigs
,Transmission to humans,
O bacterium called Leptospira
O Symptoms : high fever , severe headache,
chills, muscle aches , and vomiting ,
jaundice , red eyes , abdominal pain ,
diarrhoea , and rash .
O Transmission : by the urine of an infected
animal and is contagious as long as it is
still moist
O virus ,paramyxovirus
O Symptoms :cough, coryza (head cold),
conjunctivitis (red eyes), fever, anorexia,
and rashes
O Transmission :highly contagious illness by
coughing and sneezing
O Medication rubeola morbilli
O varicella zoster virus
O Symptoms :nausea, loss of appetite,
aching muscles, and headache
O direct contact with someone infected ,
coughing or sneezing contaminates the air
Rubella german measles
O rubella virus
O low grade fever, swollen glands ,joint
pains, headache and
conjunctivitis.(appear 14 to 21 days after
rubella transmission)
O Transmission :airborne transmission ,
people put their fingers in their mouth or
nose after touching an infected surface
O Corynebacterium diphtheriae
O fever of 38C or above, chills, fatigue,
bluish skin coloration, sore throat,
hoarseness, cough, headache, difficulty
swallowing, painful swallowing, difficulty
breathing, rapid breathing
O close contact with an infected person's
eyes, nose, throat or skin
O Poliovirus
O fever, sore throat, and nausea( 7 to 14
days after a person becomes infected with
the poliovirus) 95 percent of people who
are infected with poliovirus will have no
symptoms Transmission :highly
contagious via the oral-oral and fecal-oral

O tetanus bacterium Clostridium tetani
O Symptoms : excessive sweating, fever,
hand or foot spasms, irritability,
swallowing difficulty, uncontrolled urination
or defecation
O contaminated wounds(burns, deep
puncture wounds, crush wounds, otitis
media (ear infections), dental infection,
animal bites, abortion, and pregnancy.)

O Malassezia
O Sympthoms :Redness,White flakes on
shoulders of dark clothing,Itchy scalp,Dry
facial skin,Facial rash by eyebrows, nose,
and ears,Oily scalp and facial skin with
dry flakes,Eyebrow dandruff,Beard
dandruff,Chest rash with dry flakes and
red spots.

(Urinary tract infection)
O Bacteria bacilli
O Symptoms :flank pain, fever, or nausea
,vomiting burning with urination and
having to urinate frequently
O Transmission :bacteria from the bowels

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