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Attitude which represent ones belief, feeling

and ideas ,action,tedency towards object and


When a person feels about something ,about a
place, commodity and a situation or an idea is
called attitude.

Nature of Attitude

Attitude are learned

It is the feeling ,Beliefs of individual and

These feelings and beliefs are defined ones
Predispositions towards given aspects of the

It is not permanent it changed
Components of Attitude
Cognitive Components- The Belief , Information, Knowledge and

Eg-If a Person does not like or negative attitude about the nuclear
bomb ,In interview if he asked about the nuclear bomb he give
negative points only means he does not like the nuclear bomb that
means his belief and information is negative for that.

Affective Components- Feelings, Sentiments and moods of emotions
towards a particular object

Eg-Wanted to go for a night shift job rather that a General Shift Job

Behavioral Components-Way of thinking ,Behaving and feelings

Eg-If some one like the Principal of the college his attitude is made by
feelings and behavioral aspects
Model of Attitude
Tendency to behave
Attitude Objects
Functions of attitude-

1.Attitude is a determine function-Attitude determine the meaning of what is seen in the
environment may be good or bad means favorable attitude has good meaning and unfavorable
attitudes are bad meaning.

2.Attitude is a contradictions means some time they give two meaning words and diplomatic
opinions about the same things.

3.Attitude is a adjustment function-Attitude is provides a function to adjust in the proper
environment to adjust themselves in that environment. Treated them badly negative attitude
and treated them good a positive attitude.

4.Ego Defense Function- Employees in organization want to protect their own image and some
negative attitude for the new comers and they have ego defencsive function when may not be

5.Expressive Function-
It provides someone values and self identity of a person
A Manager is belief in ethics so his attitude shows the voice of a quality of work.

6.Attitude is a knowledge function- Maintain stable ,Organized and meaningful structure of a
person not bluff anything.

Family and Peers
Family and peer group-If the parents has a positive attitude or
negative attitude for a object the children's will follow the same

Neighborhood-The Cultural Facilities,Relegious group possible ethnic
which is affect the attitude.

Economical Status-The economical status of an individual change the
attitude and belief towards the Trade Unions and Workers and
Manager is different.

Mass Communication-The Medias like TV,Radio,News Paper from
which they got the information's can changed the attitude.

Classical Conditions- When we belief that the condition of the
environment is good rather is bad but we belief that it is good.

Eg- Sale a Sachines bat with Rs.2000000000 But is has no meaning only
Sachine use it that is the condition
Attitude and Job Satisfaction
Lockes Model of Job satisfaction and Positive attitude
Organizational Factor for Positive attitude

Employees satisfaction-Provide them right salary
right Beahaviour.

Promotion and Fringe Benefits-Provide them benefits
for particular situation ,Incentives, Allowances

Welfare-Provide them education, Good working
Condition to make a good belief.

HRD-Provide them Training and development and
Rights .

Flexible working Condition-Working culture ,Job
Profile must be good for make a positive attitude
Group factor-

Size of the Group-Make Minimum member to avoid conflict and
maximize the positive attitude for the organization

Supervision-The head of the group must good administrative
skills and adequate behaviour is most important.

Individual Factor-

Self-esteem-Means treat them as partner do not as workers and
their attitude is definitely positive.

Morale Improvement by giving them status no only Salary.

Make them interest in job to perform and a good positive
Cause dissatisfaction and Negative

1.No Promotion and security of job
2.Less Salary and Unfair reduction.
3.Working Condition is poor.
4.Behavioural aspects are bad .
5.No Support from Management.
6.No welfare in Organization

Which Cause a Dissatisfaction and a Negative
attitude for the Organization

Leaving the Organization
Suggestion to Improve the Condition
Waiting for the improvement of the
Go Slow and Negative attitude towards
Channing attitude of self-

1.Employee has to make positive attitude (Belief, Proper
Information and Ego)
2.Think about yourself and develop your own attitude.
3.Listen others and develop the positive attitude.
4.Get in to continuous development and communication
5.Build a self esteem and prestige
6.Stay away from negative influences.
Changing the attitude of Employees

1. Give feedback-Employees are told about their negative attitude
and if it is harmful and manager needs to offer alternative attitude.

2. Good Working Condition to work in the culture.

3. Positive Role Model means if the Manager is the positive attitude
and the role model the workers provides the positive attitude.

4. Providing new information's means updated information and do
not ignore the information's.

5. Use of fear to change some unethical negative attitude.

6. Providing coopering some situations to change their attitude .

7. Degree of commitment on target means morale development.
Function of Positive attitude

1.Maximize the Productivity.
2.Team Work.
3.Self Management and Problem Solving.
4.Improve quality.
5.Reduce Stress.
6.Loayl to Organizations
Barriers to Changing an Attitude
Cognitive Dissonance- When a person behaves in a
fashion that is inconsistent with his or her attitude,
Means he or she knows it is wrong but steal continue
to inconsistency .

Prior Commitment-Means the belief is unchanged
and unwilling to change.

Insufficient Information-Two Way Communication
is not possible from TOP Management and Workers
which creates a negative attitude.
Some time Norms are pressuring to change
the attitude, Some times norms are forcing for
negative and positive attitude because the
norms change the perception towards the
Belief about the
Behaviour & Outcome
May be +ve if belief on
Behaviour and outcome
-ve if belief on
Belief about the Group
,Family, Society
Mahajan belief to take Fish for good
health but fear about his norms of his

Values & Attitude & Norms
These are stable and long lasting which can be changed but not so easily
and its influence life

Values are divided in to two types

Terminal Value- Comfirt,Wisdom,Excellent are the terminal value

Instrumental Value-It is the steps to achieving the terminal Value Like ambition,
courage etc.

Some other values are

Theoretical Values-Discover of truth, Rational Approach to Problems.

Economical Values-The Standard of Living

Aesthetic-Value of Grace

Social-Value of Loving People

Political-Value of Power and Position

Relegious-Value to the Universe.
Measurement of attitude
Thurstone Scale-In this method the first data collected from the respondent and the Next
data Collected from the Others and Compare the whole process to find out the attitude .

Likert scale-It is provide 5 parameters for the attitude measurement
Strongly Approved
Strongly Disapproved.
To measure the Attitude very clearly.
Guattams Scale-In this scale the employee of the organization give 6 number of
dissatisfaction that to higher degree to understand and develop the attitude by satisfy
Bogardus Scale-Seven Point Scale raising from Most Favorable Picture.

Opinion Survey-By Give Questionnaires to individual and groups to find out the result
and measure the attitude accordingly.

Interview-By asking him yes and no questions about a particular objective to understand
the attitude.

Projective Survey-Provide him a particular situation and handle it alone to understand
the attitude

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