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When you help children build healthy eating habits early,

they will approach eating with a positive attitude—that food
is something to enjoy, help them grow, and give them

By: Cassondra Weber

Child Behavior Student Fall 2009
Breast Feeding Vs .

 Choosing whether to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is one of the

first decisions expectant parents will make. The American Academy
of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding as the best for
babies. Breastfeeding helps defend against infections, prevent
allergies, and protect against a number of chronic conditions.

 The AAP says babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6
months. Beyond that, the AAP encourages breastfeeding until at
least 12 months, and longer if both the mother and baby are willing.

 For mothers who are unable to breastfeed or who decide not to, infant
formula is a good alternative. But if you feed your baby with a
commercially prepared formula, be assured that your baby's
nutritional needs will be met. And you'll still bond with your baby
just fine.

Feeding Your ~Newborn~

 Your baby will get all of his nutrition from

breast milk or an iron fortified infant
formula until he is four to six months old .
There is no need to supplement with water ,
juice or cereal at this time .

 In most cases , breast milk is the most
perfect food for your baby . Breast fed babies
are also less likely to have colic , upper
respiratory infections , ear infections ,
constipation , asthma or allergies .

~ One To Three Months ~
During your baby's first 3 months, breast milk or formula will provide all
the nutrition needed.

You can be reassured that

your breastfed infant
probably is eating enough
if he or she :
ØSeems alert , content , and
ØIs steadily gaining
weight , growing , and
ØFeeds six to eight times
per day
~ Four To Seven Months ~
How can you tell if your baby is ready for solids?

Here are a few hints:

 Is your baby's tongue-thrust reflex gone or diminished?

This reflex, which prevents infants from choking on
foreign objects, also causes them to push food out of
their mouths.

 Can your baby support his or her own head? To eat solid
food, an infant needs good head and neck control and
should be able to sit up.

 Is your baby interested in food? A 6-month-old baby who
stares and grabs at your food at dinnertime is clearly
ready for some variety in the food department

~ Eight To Twelve Months ~
in g t h e iron-
a re p r o s at hand that have been
l d , m o s t babies bles and fruits r formula.
t 8 m o n th s o u r e e d v eget a r e a st milk o
b o u n d p i t h b
By a n t cereals a eir diet along w a trial
i e d i n f a f th f o o d s
fortif c e d as part o t o g ive new ns. Do not
o d u n u e
i nt r
y 's p a la te, conti allergic reactio (including
n d y o u r b ab l o o k fo r an y a f o od, nuts
x p a ) t o n d s e
As you e days to a week rus fruits, fish a r honey.
w it o
run (a fe ttle one eggs, c peanut butter),
e e d y o u r li e an u t s and s u a ll y have the
f p u b
o n t h s old, they finger and thum
a re a r o und 9 m d between fore ers. (You may
t h e t im e babies tion to take foo with their fing
i t y a n d coordina ding themselve spoon as well.)
dexter e y c an try fee ide a safe baby mul a t o
t h a t t h p ro v m f o r
so want to r e a d y to go fro r you may
b i e s u s ually are can continue o
a u
fi r st b irthday, b reastfeeding, yo w.
By the ilk. If you're b
c i d e t o s t op no
cow's m de
15 to 18 Months
☼You may now give your baby homogenized whole cow's milk. Do not use
2%, low fat, or skim milk until your child is 2-3 years old.

☼Your child should want to feed himself with his fingers and a spoon or fork
and should be able to drink out of a cup. He should have given up the bottle
by now

☼Feeding practices to avoid are giving large amounts of sweet desserts,
soft drinks, fruit-flavored drinks, sugarcoated cereals, chips or candy, as
they have little nutritional value.

☼Also avoid giving foods that your child can choke on, such as raw carrots,
peanuts, whole grapes, tough meats, popcorn, chewing gum or hard candy.
~ Two To Three Years ~
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Information On
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~Helpful Healthy
Make sure your child eats breakfast. Breakfast provides children with the energy
they need to listen and learn in school.

Offer your child a wide variety of foods, such as grains, vegetables and fruits,
low-fat dairy products, and lean meat or beans.

Talk with your health care provider if you are concerned about your child's eating
habits or weight.

Cook with less fat — bake, roast, or poach foods instead of frying.

Limit the amount of added sugar in your child's diet. Serve water or low-fat milk
more often than sugar-sweetened sodas and fruit-flavored drinks.

Involve your child in planning and preparing meals. Children may be more willing
to eat the dishes they help fix.

Be a role model for your children. If they see you being physically active and
having fun, they are more likely to be active and stay active throughout their
lives. Encourage your child to be active everyday.
Works Cited :
http ://
www . plasticfreebottles . com / productimages / foogo_sippyfamily_45

http :// www . ruthgwily . com / images / illus / food % 20allergies . jpg

http ://
www . minortroubles . com / wp - content / uploads / 2008 / 10 / foodallergy . jp

http :// www . pamf . org / children / common / nutrition/

http :// www . keepkidshealthy . com / toddler / toddlernutrition . html

http :// www . prwatch . org / files / images / food_pyramid . jpg

http :// kidshealth . org /

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