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Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.

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4hapter &&
Metal%4a0ting /roce00e0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
MET39 43ST!#7 /R:4ESSES
&. Sand 4a0ting
.. :ther E;pendable Mold 4a0ting /roce00e0
'. /eranent Mold 4a0ting /roce00e0
(. Foundry /ractice
,. 4a0ting <uality
+. Metal0 for 4a0ting
5. /roduct =e0ign 4on0ideration0
:ther E;pendable Mold /roce00e0
> Shell Molding
> ?acuu Molding
> E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
> !nve0tent 4a0ting
> /la0ter Mold and 4eraic Mold 4a0ting
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
T@o 4ategorie0 of 4a0ting /roce00e0
&. E;pendable old proce00e0 % old i0 0acrificed to reove part
3dvantageB ore cople; 0hape0 po00ible
=i0advantageB production rate0 often liited by tie
to ake old rather than ca0ting it0elf
.. /eranent old proce00e0 % old i0 ade of etal and can be
u0ed to ake any ca0ting0
3dvantageB higher production rate0
=i0advantageB geoetrie0 liited by need to open
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
:vervie@ of Sand 4a0ting
Mo0t @idely u0ed ca0ting proce00, accounting for a
0ignificant ajority of total tonnage ca0t
#early all alloy0 can be 0and ca0ted, including etal0
@ith high elting teperature0, 0uch a0 0teel, nickel,
and titaniu
4a0ting0 range in 0iCe fro 0all to very large
/roduction Duantitie0 fro one to illion0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Figure &&.& 3 large 0and ca0ting @eighing over +)$ kg E&,$$ lbF
for an air copre00or frae Ephoto courte0y of Elkhart FoundryF.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Typical 4a0t /art0
Figure &&.& EaF Typical gray%iron ca0ting0 u0ed in autoobile0, including the tran0i00ion
valve body EleftF and the hub rotor @ith di0k%brake cylinder EfrontF. SourceB 4ourte0y of
4entral Foundry =ivi0ion of 7eneral Motor0 4orporation. EbF 3 ca0t tran0i00ion hou0ing.
EcF The /olaroid /=4%.$$$ digital caera @ith a 3G&*&= die%ca0t high%purity agne0iu
ca0e. EdF 3 t@o%piece /olaroid caera ca0e ade by the hot%chaber die%ca0ting proce00.
Source: 4ourte0y of /olaroid 4orporation and 4hicago 6hite Metal 4a0ting, !nc.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Step0 in Sand 4a0ting
&. /our the olten etal into 0and old
.. 3llo@ tie for etal to 0olidify
'. "reak up the old to reove ca0ting
(. 4lean and in0pect ca0ting
Separate gating and ri0er 0y0te
,. Heat treatent of ca0ting i0 0oetie0 reDuired to
iprove etallurgical propertie0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Making the Sand Mold
The cavity in the 0and old i0 fored by packing 0and
around a pattern, then 0eparating the old into t@o
halve0 and reoving the pattern
The old u0t al0o contain gating and ri0er 0y0te
!f ca0ting i0 to have internal 0urface0, a core u0t be
included in old
3 ne@ 0and old u0t be ade for each part produced
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Sand 4a0ting /roduction SeDuence
Figure &&.. Step0 in the production 0eDuence in 0and ca0ting.
The 0tep0 include not only the ca0ting operation but al0o
pattern aking and old aking.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
/roduction Step0 in Sand%4a0ting
Figure &&.. :utline of production 0tep0 in a typical 0and%ca0ting operation.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
SeDuence of
:peration0 for
Figure &&.) Scheatic illu0tration of the 0eDuence of operation0 for 0and ca0ting. EaF 3
echanical dra@ing of the part i0 u0ed to generate a de0ign for the pattern. 4on0ideration0 0uch
a0 part 0hrinkage and draft u0t be built into the dra@ing. Eb%cF /attern0 have been ounted on
plate0 eDuipped @ith pin0 for alignent. #ote the pre0ence of core print0 de0igned to hold the core
in place. Ed%eF 4ore bo;e0 produce core halve0, @hich are pa0ted together. The core0 @ill be u0ed
to produce the hollo@ area of the part 0ho@n in EaF. EfF The cope half of the old i0 a00ebled by
0ecuring the cope pattern plate to the fla0k @ith aligning pin0 and attaching in0ert0 to for the 0prue
and ri0er0. 4ontinued on ne;t 0lide.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
SeDuence of
:peration0 for
EgF The fla0k i0 raed @ith 0and and rthe plate and in0ert0 are reoved. EhF The drag half i0
produced in a 0iilar anner @ith the pattern in0erted. 3 botto board i0 placed belo@ the drag
and aligned @ith pin0. EiF The pattern , fla0k, and botto board are invertedJ and the pattern i0
@ithdra@n, leaving the appropriate iprint. EjF The core i0 0et in place @ithin the drag cavity. EkF
The old i0 clo0ed by placing the cope on top of the drag and 0ecuring the a00ebly @ith pin0.
The fla0k0 the are 0ubjected to pre00ure to counteract buoyant force0 in the liDuid, @hich ight lift
the cope. ElF 3fter the etal 0olidifie0, the ca0ting i0 reoved fro the old. EF The 0prue and
ri0er0 are cut off and recycled, and the ca0ting i0 cleaned, in0pected, and heat treated E@hen
nece00aryF. SourceB 4ourte0y of Steel FounderI0 Society of 3erica
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Sand Mold
Figure &&.' Scheatic illu0tration of a 0and old, 0ho@ing variou0 feature0.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
The /attern
3 full 0iCed odel of the part, 0lightly enlarged to account for 0hrinkage
and achining allo@ance0 in the ca0ting
> /attern aterial0B
6ood % coon aterial becau0e it i0 ea0y to @ork,
but it @arp0
Metal % ore e;pen0ive to ake, but la0t0 uch
/la0tic % coproi0e bet@een @ood and etal
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Type0 of /attern0
Figure &&.' Type0 of pattern0 u0ed in 0and ca0tingB
EaF 0olid pattern
EbF 0plit pattern
EcF atch plate pattern
EdF cope and drag pattern
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
EaF Solid /attern
The 0iple0t and ea0ie0t pattern to fabricate.
0ae geoetry a0 the ca0ting,
adju0ted in 0iCe for 0hrinkage and achining.
not the ea0ie0t to u0e in aking the 0and old.
=eterining the location of the parting line can be a
proble, and
incorporating the gating 0y0te and 0prue i0 left to the
judgent and 0kill of the foundry @orker.
generally liited to very lo@ production Duantitie0.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
EbF Split /attern0
con0i0t of t@o piece0
divide the part along a plane coinciding the parting line
appropriate forB
cople; part geoetrie0 and
oderate production Duantitie0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
EcF Match%/late /attern
EdF 4ope%and%drag pattern0
For higher production Duantitie0
0plit pattern are attached to

oppo0ite 0ide0 of a @ood or etal plate EcF

0ae tooling for cope and drag

t@o 0eparate plate0 EdF

cope and drag 0ection0 can be fabricated

Hole0 in the plate allo@ the top and botto 0ection0 to
be aligned accurately.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
/attern /late
Figure &&.( 3 typical etal atch%plate pattern u0ed in 0and ca0ting.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
=e0ign for Ea0e of Reoval fro Mold
Figure &&., Taper on pattern0 for ea0e of reoval fro the 0and old
Full 0cale odel of interior 0urface0 of part

!t i0 in0erted into the old cavity prior to pouring

The olten etal flo@0 and 0olidifie0 bet@een the old

cavity and the core to for the ca0tingK0 e;ternal and
internal 0urface0

May reDuire 0upport0 to hold it in po0ition in the old cavity

during pouring, called chaplet0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
4ore in Mold
Figure &&.( EaF 4ore held in place in the old cavity by
chaplet0, EbF po00ible chaplet de0ign, EcF ca0ting @ith
internal cavity.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Sand 4ore0
Figure &&.+ E;aple0 of 0and core0 0ho@ing core print0 and chaplet0 to 0upport core0.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Fla0kle00 Molding
3n alternative to traditional fla0k0 for each 0and old
u0e0 one a0ter fla0k in a echaniCed 0y0te of old
Each 0and old i0 produced u0ing the 0ae a0ter
Mold production rate0 up to +$$ per hour
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
?ertical Fla0kle00 Molding
Figure &&.5 ?ertical fla0kle00 olding. EaF Sand i0 0DueeCed bet@een t@o
halve0 of the pattern. EbF 300ebled old0 pa00 along an a00ebly line
for pouring. EcF 3 photograph of a vertical fla0kle00 olding line. SourceB
4ourte0y of 3erican Foundry Society.
=e0irable Mold /ropertie0
> Strength to aintain 0hape and re0i0t ero0ion
> /ereability to allo@ hot air and ga0e0 to pa00 through void0 in 0and

> Theral 0tability to re0i0t cracking and buckling on contact @ith
olten etal
> 4ollap0ibility ability to give @ay and allo@ ca0ting to 0hrink @ithout
cracking the ca0ting
> Reu0ability can 0and fro broken old be reu0ed to ake other
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Foundry Sand0
Silica ESi:
F or 0ilica i;ed @ith other ineral0
> 7ood refractory propertie0 capacity to endure high
> Sall grain 0iCe yield0 better 0urface fini0h on the ca0t part
> 9arge grain 0iCe i0 ore pereable, allo@ing ga0e0 to e0cape
during pouring
> !rregular grain 0hape0 0trengthen old0 due to interlocking,
copared to round grain0
=i0advantageB interlocking tend0 to reduce
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
"inder0 10ed @ith Foundry Sand0
> Sand i0 held together by a i;ture of @ater and bonding clay
Typical i;B *$M 0and, 'M @ater, and 5M clay
> :ther bonding agent0 al0o u0ed in 0and old0B
:rganic re0in0 Ee g , phenolic re0in0F
!norganic binder0 Ee g , 0odiu 0ilicate and pho0phateF
> 3dditive0 are 0oetie0 cobined @ith the i;ture to increa0e
0trength and8or pereability
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
The Making of Sand Molds

Fig ..( /rinciple0 of achine olding operation

3fter Manufacturing Science. "y 3. 7ho0h and 3.K. Mallik. &*)+ by E99!S H:R6::= 9!M!TE=. EFig F
Type0 of Sand Mold
> 7reen 0and old0 % i;ture of 0and, clay, and @aterJ
N7reenO ean0 old contain0 oi0ture at tie of
> =ry 0and old % organic binder0 rather than clay
3nd old i0 baked to iprove 0trength
> Skin dried old % drying old cavity 0urface of a green 0and old to a
depth of &$ to ., , u0ing torche0 or heating lap0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Green-Sand Casting
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Process: Sand, bonded with clay and water, is packed
around a wood or metal pattern. The pattern is
removed and molten metal is poured into the
cavity. When the metal has solidified, the mold
is broken and the casting is removed.
Advantages: Almost no limit on sie, shape, weight or
comple!ity" low cost" almost any metal can be
#imitations: Tolerances and surface finish are poorer than
in other casting process" some machining is
often re$uired" relatively slow production rate.
Green-Sand Casting
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
%ast iron, steel, stainless steel, and casting
alloys of aluminum, copper, magnesium, and
Sie limits: & o to '()) kg
As thin as '.* mm, with no ma!imum
).+ mm for first &,) mm, ).))+, mm for each
additional ', mm" additional increment for
dimensions across the parting line
-raft & . /
&)) . &))) in. rms
"uoyancy in Sand 4a0ting :peration
> =uring pouring, buoyancy of the olten etal tend0 to di0place the
core, @hich can cau0e ca0ting to be defective
> Force tending to lift core P @eight of di0placed liDuid le00 the @eight
of core it0elf

@here F
P buoyancy forceJ W
P @eight of olten etal di0placedJ
and W
P @eight of core

6eight0 are deterined a0 the volue of the core ultiplied by the

re0pective den0itie0 of the core aterial

The den0ity of a 0and core i0 appro;iately &.+ g8c

-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
:ther E;pendable Mold /roce00e0
> Shell Molding
> ?acuu Molding
> E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
> !nve0tent 4a0ting
> /la0ter Mold and 4eraic Mold 4a0ting
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Shell Molding
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Shell%Molding /roce00
Figure &&.* The 0hell%olding proce00, al0o called dump-box techniDue.
3dvantage0 and =i0advantage0
3dvantage0 of 0hell oldingB
Soother cavity 0urface perit0 ea0ier flo@ of olten
etal and better 0urface fini0h
7ood dien0ional accuracy % achining often not
Mold collap0ibility iniiCe0 crack0 in ca0ting
4an be echaniCed for a00 production
> =i0advantage0B
More e;pen0ive etal pattern
=ifficult to ju0tify for 0all Duantitie0
> E;aple0 of part0B
gear0, valve bodie0, bu0hing0, and ca0haft0.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Shell Molding
Sie limits: & o minimum" usually less than ', lb" mold area
usually less than ,)) in
0inimum range from &1&2 to 3 in., depending
on material
Appro!imately ).)), in.1in. 4).)+ to ).&/ mm5
3 6 7
,) . &,) in. rms 4'., m5
?acuu Molding E?%/roce00F
10e0 0and old held together by vacuu
pre00ure rather than by a cheical binder
The ter OvacuuO refer0 to old aking
rather than ca0ting operation it0elf
=eveloped in 2apan around &*5$
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
?acuu Molding
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Figure &&.&+ Scheatic illu0tration of the vacuu%ca0tin proce00. #ote that
the old ha0 a botto gate. EaF "efore and EbF after ier0ion of the old
into the olten etal. SourceB 3fter R. "lackburn.
3dvantage0 and =i0advantage0
3dvantage0 of vacuu oldingB
Ea0y recovery of the 0and, 0ince no binder0
Sand doe0 not reDuire echanical reconditioning done
@hen binder0 are u0ed
Since no @ater i0 i;ed @ith 0and, oi0ture related
defect0 are ab0ent
Slo@ proce00
#ot readily adaptable to echaniCation
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
10e0 a old of 0and packed around a
poly0tyrene foa pattern @hich vaporiCe0 @hen
olten etal i0 poured into old
:ther nae0B lo0t foa proce00, lo0t pattern
proce00, evaporative foa proce00, and
full old proce00
/oly0tyrene foa pattern include0 0prue, ri0er0,
gating 0y0te, and internal core0 Eif neededF
Mold doe0 not have to be opened into cope and
drag 0ection0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
Figure &&.5 E;panded poly0tyrene ca0ting proce00B E&F pattern of poly0tyrene
i0 coated @ith refractory copoundJ
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
Figure &&.5 E;panded poly0tyrene ca0ting proce00B E.F foa pattern i0 placed
in old bo;, and 0and i0 copacted around the patternJ
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
Figure &&.5 E;panded poly0tyrene ca0ting proce00B E'F olten
etal i0 poured into the portion of the pattern that for0 the
pouring cup and 0prue. 30 the etal enter0 the old, the
poly0tyrene foa i0 vaporiCed ahead of the advancing liDuid,
thu0 the re0ulting old cavity i0 filled.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
E;pandable%/attern 4a0ting /roce00
Figure &&.&& Scheatic illu0tration of the e;pandable%pattern ca0ting proce00, al0o
kno@n a0 lo0t%foa or evaporative ca0ting.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Figure &&.&. EaF Metal i0 poured into old for lo0t%foa ca0ting of a +$%hp. '%cylinder
arine engineJ EbF fini0hed engine block. SourceB 4ourte0y of Mercury Marine.
Evaporative /attern 4a0ting of an Engine "lock
3dvantage0 and =i0advantage0
> 3dvantage0 of e;panded poly0tyrene proce00B
/attern need not be reoved fro the old
Siplifie0 and 0peed0 old aking, becau0e t@o
old halve0 are not reDuired a0 in a conventional
green 0and old
> =i0advantage0B
3 ne@ pattern i0 needed for every ca0ting
Econoic ju0tification of the proce00 i0 highly
dependent on co0t of producing pattern0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
E;panded /oly0tyrene /roce00
Ma00 production of ca0ting0 for autoobile engine0
3utoated and integrated anufacturing 0y0te0
are u0ed to
&. Mold the poly0tyrene foa pattern0 and then
.. Feed the to the do@n0trea ca0ting operation
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!nve0tent 4a0ting E9o0t 6a; /roce00F
3 pattern ade of @a; i0 coated @ith a refractory
aterial to ake old, after @hich @a; i0 elted
a@ay prior to pouring olten etal
O!nve0tentO coe0 fro a le00 failiar definition of
Oinve0tO % Oto cover copletely,O @hich refer0 to
coating of refractory aterial around @a; pattern
!t i0 a preci0ion ca0ting proce00 % capable of
producing ca0ting0 of high accuracy and intricate
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!nve0tent 4a0ting
Figure &&.) Step0 in inve0tent ca0tingB E&F @a; pattern0 are produced,
E.F 0everal pattern0 are attached to a 0prue to for a pattern tree
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!nve0tent 4a0ting
Figure &&.) Step0 in inve0tent ca0tingB E'F the pattern tree i0 coated @ith a
thin layer of refractory aterial, E(F the full old i0 fored by covering the
coated tree @ith 0ufficient refractory aterial to ake it rigid
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!nve0tent 4a0ting
Figure &&.) Step0 in inve0tent ca0tingB E,F the old i0 held in an inverted
po0ition and heated to elt the @a; and perit it to drip out of the cavity,
E+F the old i0 preheated to a high teperature, the olten etal i0
poured, and it 0olidifie0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!nve0tent 4a0ting
Figure &&.) Step0 in inve0tent ca0tingB E5F the old i0 broken
a@ay fro the fini0hed ca0ting and the part0 are 0eparated
fro the 0prue
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
!nve0tent 4a0ting /roce00
Figure &&.&' Scheatic illu0tration of inve0tent ca0ting Elo0t%@a;F proce00.
4a0ting0 by thi0 ethod can be ade @ith very fine detail and fro a variety
of etal0. SourceB 4ourte0y of Steel FounderI0 Society of 3erica.
!nve0tent 4a0ting
Figure && * 3 one piece copre00or 0tator @ith &$) 0eparate
airfoil0 ade by inve0tent ca0ting Ephoto courte0y of Ho@et
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
!ntegrally 4a0t Rotor for a 7a0 Turbine
Figure &&.&( !nve0tent ca0ting of an integrally ca0t rotor for a ga0 turbine.
EaF 6a; pattern a00ebly. EbF 4eraic 0hell around @a; pattern. EcF 6a;
i0 elted out and the old i0 filled, under a vacuu, @ith olten 0uperalloy.
EdF The ca0t rotor, produced to net or near%net 0hape. SourceB 4ourte0y of
Ho@et 4orporation.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
4opari0on of !nve0tent%4a0t and
4onventionally 4a0t Rotor0
Figure &&.&, 4ro00%0ection and icro0tructure of t@o rotor0B EtopF
inve0tent%ca0tJ EbottoF conventionally ca0t. SourceB Advanced
Materials and Processes, :ctober &**$, /. .,. 3SM !nternational.
3dvantage0 and =i0advantage0
3dvantage0 of inve0tent ca0tingB
/art0 of great cople;ity and intricacy can be ca0t
4lo0e dien0ional control and good 0urface fini0h
6a; can u0ually be recovered for reu0e
3dditional achining i0 not norally reDuired thi0 i0
a net 0hape proce00
Many proce00ing 0tep0 are reDuired
Relatively e;pen0ive proce00
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!nve0tent 4a0ting
Process: A refractory slurry is formed around a wa! or plastic
pattern and allowed to harden. The pattern is then
melted out and the mold is baked. 0olten metal is
poured into the mold and solidifies. The mold is then
broken away from the casting.
Advantages: 8!cellent surface finish" high dimensional accuracy"
almost unlimited intricacy" almost any metal can be
cast" no flash or parting line concerns" great
comple!ity of cast parts.
#imitations: %ostly patterns and molds" labor cost can be high"
limited sie
Aluminum, copper, and steel dominate" also
performed with stainless steel, nickel, magnesium, and
the precious metals.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!nve0tent 4a0ting
Sie limits: As small as &1&) o but usually less than &) lb 4up to
(, lb5
As thin as ).)', in., but less than /.) in.
Precision process" ).)), in. for the first inch and
).))' in. for each additional inch. 4 ).)(2 mm are
9one re$uired
,) to &', in. rms
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/la0ter Mold 4a0ting

Siilar to 0and ca0ting e;cept old i0 ade of

pla0ter of /ari0 Egyp0u 4aS:

!n old%aking, pla0ter and @ater i;ture i0

poured over pla0tic or etal pattern and allo@ed to
6ood pattern0 not generally u0ed due to e;tended
contact @ith @ater

/la0ter i;ture readily flo@0 around pattern,

capturing it0 fine detail0 and good 0urface fini0h
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/la0ter Mold 4a0ting
Process: A slurry of plaster, water, and various additives is
poured over a pattern and allowed to set 4&, min5.
The pattern is removed and the mold is baked to
remove e!cess water. 0old preheat &')
% for &2
hours. After pouring and solidification, the mold is
broken and the casting is removed.
Advantages: :igh dimensional accuracy and smooth surface finish"
can reproduce thin sections and intricate detail to make
net6 or near6net6shaped parts.
#ower6temperature nonferrous metals only" long molding
time restricts production volume or re$uires multiple
patterns" mold material is not reusable" ma!imum sie is
limited" low permeability . pouring in a vacuum or under
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/la0ter Mold 4a0ting
Primary aluminum and copper
Sie limits: As small as & o but usually less than &, lb
Section thickness as small as ).)', in.
Precision casting" ).)), in. on first ' in., ).))'
in. per additional inch
7 6 &
,) . &', in. rms
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
3dvantage0 and =i0advantage0
3dvantage0 of pla0ter old ca0tingB

7ood accuracy and 0urface fini0h

4apability to ake thin cro00 0ection0


Mold u0t be baked to reove oi0ture, @hich can

cau0e proble0 in ca0ting

Mold 0trength i0 lo0t if over%baked EdehydratedF

=oe0 not 0uit a00 production due to curing tie

/la0ter old0 cannot 0tand high teperature0, 0o

liited to lo@er elting point alloy0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
3dvantage0 and =i0advantage0 EcontinuedF

pla0ter old i0 not pereable, thu0 liiting e0cape of

ga0e0 fro the old cavity.
Thi0 proble can be re0olved in a nuber of @ay0B
&. evacuating air fro the old cavity before pouringJ
.. aerating the pla0ter 0lurry prior to old aking 0o
that the re0ulting hard pla0ter contain0 finely
di0per0ed void0J and
'. u0ing a 0pecial old copo0ition and treatent
kno@n a0 the Antioch process.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
3ntioch /roce00

!nvolve0 i;ing of about ,$M 0and @ith pla0ter,

heating the old in an autoclave Ean oven that u0e0

0uperheated 0tea under pre00ureF, and

then drying.
The re0ulting old ha0 con0iderably greater pereability
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
4eraic Mold 4a0ting

Siilar to pla0ter old ca0ting e;cept that old i0

ade of refractory ceraic aterial that can
@ith0tand higher teperature0 than pla0ter

4an be u0ed to ca0t 0teel0, ca0t iron0, and other

high teperature alloy0

3pplication0 0iilar to tho0e of pla0ter old

ca0ting e;cept for the etal0 ca0t

3dvantage0 Egood accuracy and fini0hF al0o 0iilar

-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/ERM3#E#T M:9= 43ST!#7 /R:4ESS
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/eranent Mold 4a0ting /roce00e0

Econoic di0advantage of e;pendable old ca0tingB a

ne@ old i0 reDuired for every ca0ting

!n peranent old ca0ting, the old i0 reu0ed any

The proce00e0 includeB

"a0ic peranent old ca0ting

=ie ca0ting

4entrifugal ca0ting
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
The "a0ic /eranent Mold /roce00

10e0 a etal old con0tructed of t@o 0ection0

de0igned for ea0y, preci0e opening and clo0ing

Mold0 u0ed for ca0ting lo@er elting point alloy0 are

coonly ade of 0teel or ca0t iron

Mold0 u0ed for ca0ting 0teel u0t be ade of

refractory aterial, due to the very high pouring

4ore0 can be ade of etal, but either

their 0hape u0t allo@ for reoval, or

they u0t be echanically collap0ible to perit


For etal core difficult or ipo00ible to reove, 0and

core0 can be u0ed, E0eiperanent%old ca0tingF.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/eranent Mold 4a0ting
Figure &&.&$ Step0 in peranent old ca0tingB E&F old i0 preheated and
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/eranent Mold 4a0ting
Figure &&.&$ Step0 in peranent old ca0tingB E.F core0 Eif u0edF are
in0erted and old i0 clo0ed, E'F olten etal i0 poured into the old,
@here it 0olidifie0.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
/eranent Mold 4a0ting
Figure &&.&$ Step0 in peranent old ca0tingB E(F old i0 opened. Fini0hed
part i0 0ho@n in E,F.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
3dvantage0 and 9iitation0
3dvantage0 of peranent old ca0tingB
7ood dien0ional control and 0urface fini0h
More rapid 0olidification cau0ed by the cold etal
old re0ult0 in a finer grain 0tructure, 0o ca0ting0 are
7enerally liited to etal0 of lo@er elting point
Sipler part geoetrie0 copared to 0and ca0ting
becau0e of need to open the old
High co0t of old
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
3pplication0 of /eranent Mold 4a0ting
=ue to high old co0t, proce00 i0 be0t 0uited to
high volue production and can be autoated
Typical part0B autootive pi0ton0, pup bodie0,
and certain ca0ting0 for aircraft and i00ile0
Metal0 coonly ca0tB aluinu, agne0iu,
copper ba0e alloy0, and ca0t iron
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Permanent Mold Casting
Process: Mold cavities are machined into mating metal die blocks,
which are then preheated and clamped together. Molten
metal is then poured into the mold and enters the cavity by
gravity flow. After solidification, the mold is opened and
casting is removed.
Advantages: ood surface finish and dimensional accuracy! metal mold
gives rapid cooling and fine"grain structure! multiple"use
molds #up to $%,&&& uses'
(imitations: )igh initial mold cost! shape, si*e, and comple+ity are
limited! yield rate rarely e+ceeds ,&-, but runners and
risers can be directly recycled! mold life is very limited
with high"melting"point metals such as steel.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Permanent Mold Casting
.ommon metals: Alloys of aluminum, magnesium and copper are most fre/uently
cast! irons and steel can be cast into graphite molds! alloys of lead,
thin, and *inc are also cast.
0i*e limits: 0everal ounces to about 1%& lb
2hickness limits: Minimum depends on material but generally greater than 134 in.!
ma+imum thickness about $.& in.
&.&1% in. for the first inch and &.&&$ in. for each additional inch!
&.&1 in. added if the dimension crosses a parting line
5raft allowance: $"6
0urface finish: 1&& to $%& #in. rms
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Variations of Permanent Mold Casting
1.Slush Castin
!."o#-Pressure Castin
$.%acuum Permanent-Mold Castin
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
1- Slush Casting
a peranent old proce00
a hollo@ ca0ting i0 fored by inverting the old after
partial freeCing to drain out the liDuid etal in the center.
Thickne00 of the 0hell i0 controlled by the tie allo@ed
before draining.
u0ed to ake 0tatue0, lap pede0tal0, and toy0
@here the e;terior appearance i0 iportant, but
the 0trength and interior geoetry are inor
Made out of lo@%elting%point etal0 0uch a0 Cinc and
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
2- o!-Pressure Casting
the liDuid etal i0 forced into the cavity under lo@
pre00ure rather than under gravity Eappro;iately $.&
Molten etal i0 filled fro beneath 0o that the flo@ i0
clean olten etal fro the center of the ladle i0
introduced into the old, rather than etal that ha0 been
e;po0ed to air.
7a0 poro0ity and o;idation defect0 are thereby
iniiCed, and
Mechanical propertie0 are iproved
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Low-pressure Casting (or pressure pouring) ("ressure
a""ro#imatel$ %&1 MPa)
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
2- o!-Pressure Casting
'- Vacuum Permanent-Mold Casting
E#ot to be confu0ed @ith vacuu oldingF
3 variation of lo@%pre00ure ca0ting

vacuu i0 u0ed to dra@ the olten etal into the

old cavity.

the general configuration i0 0iilar.

Reduced air pre00ure fro the vacuu in the old i0
u0ed to dra@ the liDuid etal into the cavity, rather than
forcing it by po0itive air pre00ure fro belo@.
air poro0ity and related defect0 are reduced, and
greater 0trength i0 given to the ca0t product.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
(ie Casting
A permanent mold casting process in which molten
metal is injected into mold cavity under high
/re00ure i0 aintained during 0olidification, then old i0
opened and part i0 reoved
Mold0 in thi0 ca0ting operation are called diesJ hence the
nae die ca0ting
10e of high pre00ure to force etal into die cavity i0
@hat di0tingui0he0 thi0 fro other peranent old
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Fig &&.&. 7eneral configuration of a Ecold%chaberF die
ca0ting achine
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
=ie 4a0ting Machine0
=e0igned to hold and accurately clo0e t@o old halve0 and keep the clo0ed
@hile liDuid etal i0 forced into cavity
T@o ain type0B
&. Hot chaber achine
.. 4old chaber achine
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Hot%4haber =ie 4a0ting
Metal i0 elted in a container, and a pi0ton inject0 liDuid
etal under high pre00ure into the die
High production rate0 % ,$$ part0 per hour not
3pplication0 liited to lo@ elting point etal0 that do
not cheically attack plunger and other echanical
4a0ting etal0B Cinc, tin, lead, and agne0iu
Typical injection pre00ure 5 to ', M/a
/roduction rate0 up to ,$$ part0 per hour are not
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Hot%4haber =ie 4a0ting
Figure &&.&' 4ycle in hot chaber ca0tingB E&F @ith die clo0ed and
plunger @ithdra@n, olten etal flo@0 into the chaber
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Hot%4haber =ie 4a0ting
Figure &&.&' 4ycle in hot chaber ca0tingB E.F plunger force0
etal in chaber to flo@ into die, aintaining pre00ure during
cooling and 0olidification.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Hot%4haber =ie 4a0ting
Figure &&.&' 4ycle in hot chaber ca0ting E'F plunger i0 @ithdra@n, die
i0 opened, and 0olidified part i0 ejected. Fini0hed part i0 0ho@n in E(F.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Hot%4haber =ie%4a0ting
Figure &&.&5 Scheatic illu0tration of the hot%chaber die%ca0ting proce00.
4old 4haber =ie 4a0ting Machine
Molten etal i0 poured into unheated chaber fro
e;ternal elting container, and a pi0ton inject0 etal
under high pre00ure into die cavity
High production but not u0ually a0 fa0t a0 hot chaber
achine0 becau0e of pouring 0tep
4a0ting etal0B aluinu, bra00, and agne0iu alloy0
3dvantage0 of hot chaber proce00 favor it0 u0e on lo@
elting point alloy0 ECinc, tin, leadF
Typical injection pre00ure &( to &($ M/a
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
4old 4haber =ie 4a0ting
Figure &&.&( 4ycle in cold chaber ca0tingB E&F @ith die clo0ed
and ra @ithdra@n, olten etal i0 poured into the chaber
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
4old 4haber =ie 4a0ting
Figure &&.&( 4ycle in cold chaber ca0tingB E.F ra force0 etal to flo@ into
die, aintaining pre00ure during cooling and 0olidification.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
4old 4haber =ie 4a0ting
Figure &&.&( 4ycle in cold chaber ca0tingB E'F ra i0 @ithdra@n, die i0
opened, and part i0 ejected. E7ating 0y0te i0 0iplified.F.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
4old%4haber =ie%4a0ting
Figure &&.&) Scheatic illu0tration of the cold%chaber die%ca0ting proce00.
The0e achine0 are large copared to the 0iCe of the ca0ting, becau0e high
force0 are reDuired to keep the t@o halve0 of the die0 clo0ed under pre00ure.
Mold0 for =ie 4a0ting
10ually ade of tool 0teel, old 0teel, or araging 0teel
Tung0ten and olybdenu Egood refractory Dualitie0F
u0ed to die ca0t 0teel and ca0t iron
Ejector pin0 reDuired to reove part fro die @hen it
9ubricant0 u0t be 0prayed into cavitie0 to prevent
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Mold0 for =ie 4a0ting
"ecau0e the die have no natural poro0ity, venting hole0
and pa00age@ay0 u0t be built at the parting line to
evacuate the air and ga0e0.
The vent0 are Duite 0allJ yet they fill @ith etal during
injection, @hich u0t be tried later on.
Fla0h foration i0 al0o coon,
liDuid etal under high pre00ure 0DueeCe0 into the
0all 0pace bet@een the die halve0 at the parting line
or into the clearance0 around the core0 and ejector
!t u0t be tried fro the ca0ting.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
3dvantage0 and 9iitation0
3dvantage0 of die ca0tingB
High production rate0 po00ible
Econoical for large production Duantitie0
7ood accuracy and 0urface fini0h
thin 0ection0 are po00ible, do@n to about $.,
Rapid cooling provide0 0all grain 0iCe and good
0trength to ca0ting
7enerally liited to etal0 @ith lo@ etal point0
/art geoetry u0t allo@ reoval fro die
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
(ie Casting
Process: Molten metal is in7ected into closed metal dies under pressures
ranging from 1& to 6%& MPa. Pressure is maintained during
solidification, after which the dies separate and the casting is e7ected
along with its attached sprues and runners. .ores must be simple and
retractable and take the form of moving metal segments
Advantages: 8+tremely smooth surface and e+cellent dimensional accuracy! rapid
production rate! rapid cooling which provides small grain si*e and
good strength to the casting.
(imitations: )igh initial die cost! limited to high"fluidity nonferrous metals! part
si*e is limited! porosity may be a problem! some scrap in sprues,
runners, and flash, but this can be directly recycled! high production
rate are possible!
(ie Casting
.ommon metals: Alloys of aluminum, *inc, magnesium, and lead! also possible with
alloys of copper and tin
0i*e limits: (ess than 1 o* up through about $& lb most common #6 o* #9& g' to
%% lb #$% kg''! up to ,&& mm
2hickness limits As thin as &.&6 in. #&.&$ in &.% mm', but generally less than : in.
;aries with metal being cast! typically &.&&% in. for the first inch
and &.&&$ in. for each additional inch. &.&<, mm
0urface finish:
=&"1&& in. rms.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
/ropertie0 and 3pplication0 of =ie%4a0ting 3lloy0
S<1EEGE 43ST!#7
T@o proce00e0 often a00ociated @ith die ca0ting.
!t i0 a cobination of ca0ting and forging
olten etal i0 poured into a preheated lo@er die,
the upper die i0 clo0ed to create the old cavity after
0olidification begin0.
:@ing to the hybrid nature of the proce00, it i0 al0o
kno@n a0 li&uid'metal (orin.
The pre00ure applied by the upper die cau0e0 the etal
to copletely fill the cavity
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Figure &&... SeDuence of operation0 in the 0DueeCe%ca0ting proce00.
Thi0 proce00 cobine0 the advantage0 of ca0ting and forging.
S<1EEGE 43ST!#7
good 0urface fini0h and lo@ 0hrinkage.
pre00ure0 are 0ignificantly le00 than in forging
uch fine 0urface detail can be iparted than in forging.
can be u0ed for both ferrou0 and non%ferrou0 alloy0,
aluinu and agne0iu alloy0 are the o0t
coon due to their lo@er elting teperature0.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Sei%0olid etal ca0ting
a faily of net%0hape and near net%0hape proce00e0
perfored on etal alloy0 at teperature0 bet@een the
liDuidu0 and 0olidu0.
The alloy i0 a i;ture of 0olid and olten etal0 like a
0lurryJ it i0 in the u0hy 0tate.
For proper flo@, the i;ture u0t con0i0t of 0olid etal
globule0 in a liDuid.
achieved by forcefully 0tirring the 0lurry to prevent
dendrite foration,
reduce0 the vi0co0ity of the @ork etal.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Sei%0olid etal ca0ting
&.cople; part geoetrie0,
..thin @all0 in part0,
'.clo0e tolerance0,
(.Cero or lo@ poro0ity, re0ulting in high 0trength of the
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Thi;oca0ting and Rheoca0ting
The0e are 0everal for0 of 0ei0olid aluinu ca0ting.
)hixocastin: The prefi; i0 derived fro thi;otropy,
it refer0 to the decrea0e in vi0co0ity of 0oe fluid%like
aterial0 @hen agitated.
the 0tarting aterial i0 a preca0t billet that ha0 a
nondendritic icro0tructureJ
thi0 i0 heated into the 0ei0olid teperature range
injected into a old cavity u0ing die ca0ting
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Thi;oca0ting and Rheoca0ting
The prefi; coe0 fro rheology,
the 0cience that relate0 deforation and flo@ of
a 0ei0olid 0lurry i0 injected into the old cavity by a die
ca0ting achine,
very uch like conventional die ca0ting.
The difference i0 that the teperature i0 bet@een the
0olidu0 and liDuidu0 rather than above the liDuidu0. and
the u0hy i;ture i0 agitated to prevent dendrite
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
6hen applied to agne0iu, the ter i0 thi;oolding,
utiliCe0 eDuipent 0iilar to an injection%olding
alloy granule0 are fed into a barrel
heated into the 0ei0olid teperature range.
propelled for@ard by a rotating 0cre@
injected into the old cavity
The globular for of the 0olid pha0e i0 accopli0hed by
the i;ing action of the rotating 0cre@.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
4entrifugal 4a0ting
3 faily of ca0ting proce00e0 in @hich the old i0 rotated
at high 0peed 0o centrifugal force di0tribute0 olten
etal to outer region0 of die cavity
The group include0B
True centrifugal ca0ting
Seicentrifugal ca0ting
4entrifuge ca0ting
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
True 4entrifugal 4a0ting
Molten etal i0 poured into rotating old to produce a
tubular part
!n 0oe operation0, old rotation coence0 after
pouring rather than before
/art0B pipe0, tube0, bu0hing0, and ring0
:ut0ide 0hape of ca0ting can be round, octagonal,
he;agonal, etc , but in0ide 0hape i0 EtheoreticallyF
perfectly round, due to radially 0yetric force0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
True 4entrifugal 4a0ting
Figure &&.&, Setup for true centrifugal ca0ting.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
4entrifugal%4a0ting /roce00
Figure &&..$ EaF Scheatic illu0tration of the centrifugal%ca0ting proce00. /ipe0,
cylinder liner0, and 0iilarly 0haped part0 can be ca0t @ith thi0 proce00. EbF Side
vie@ of the achine.
True 4entrifugal 4a0ting
4entrifugal force
@here F P force, #J P a00, EkgFJ v P velocity E80FJ R P
in0ide radiu0 of the old EF.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
True 4entrifugal 4a0ting
The 7%factor
where N = rotational speed, rev/min
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
True 4entrifugal 4a0ting
The 7%factor
where D = inside diameter of the mold, (m).
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
True 4entrifugal 4a0ting
!f the 7%factor i0 too lo@,
the liDuid etal @ill not reain forced again0t the
old @all during the upper half of the circular path
but @ill RRrainII in0ide the cavity.
Slipping occur0 bet@een the olten etal and the old
rotational 0peed of the etal i0 le00 than that of the
:n an epirical ba0i0, value0 of 7F P +$ to )$ are
appropriate for horiContal centrifugal ca0ting.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Vertical centrifugal casting
The gravity effect cau0e0 the ca0ting @all to be thicker at
the ba0e than at the top.
The in0ide profile of the ca0ting @all take0 on a parabolic
The difference in in0ide radiu0 bet@een top and botto
i0 related to 0peed of rotation a0 follo@0B
where L = vertical length of the casting, (m); Rt = inside radius at the
top of the casting, (m); and R = inside radius at the ottom of the
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Vertical centrifugal casting
> !t can be 0een that for R
to eDual R

# @ould be infinite, @hich i0 ipo00ible.

30 a practical atter, part length0 are u0ually no ore
than about t@ice their diaeter0.
4a0ting0 are characteriCed by high den0ity,

e0pecially in the outer region0 @here F i0 greate0t.

Solidification 0hrinkage at the e;terior of the ca0t tube i0
not a factor,

becau0e the centrifugal force continually reallocate0

olten etal to@ard the old @all.
3ny ipuritie0 in the ca0ting tend to be on the inner @all
and can be reoved by achining if nece00ary.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Vertical Centrifugal Casting Machine
3fter 7. 7hry00olouri0. Manufacturing Sy0te0. Theory and /ractice. A Springler%?erlag #e@ Sork,
!nc., &**.. A (&* p.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Semicentrifugal Casting
centrifugal force i0 u0ed to produce 0olid ca0ting0 rather
than tubular part0, 7F &,
Mold0 are de0igned @ith ri0er0 at center to 0upply feed
=en0ity of etal in final ca0ting i0 greater in outer
0ection0 than at center of rotation
:ften u0ed on part0 in @hich center of ca0ting i0
achined a@ay, thu0 eliinating the portion @here
Duality i0 lo@e0t
E;aple0B @heel0 and pulley0 and can be reoved by
achining if nece00ary.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc.
M / 7roover, Fundamentals
of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Semicentrifugal Casting
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc.
M / 7roover, Fundamentals
of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Centrifugal Casting
Process: Molten metal is introduced into a rotating sand, metal, or
graphite mold, and held against the mold wall by centrifugal
force until it is solidified
Advantages: .an produce a wide range of cylindrical parts, including
ones of large si*e! good dimensional accuracy, soundness,
and cleanliness
(imitations: 0hape is limited! spinning e/uipment can be e+pensive
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc.
M / 7roover, Fundamentals
of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Centrifugal Casting
.ommon metals: >ron, steel, stainless steel, and alloys of aluminum,
copper, and nickel
0i*e limits: ?p to 1& ft diameter and %& ft in length. @rom 16 mm to 6
m #1& ft' in diameter and 1, #%& ft' long.
2hickness limits: Aall thickness &.1"% in. #, to 1$% mm'
2ypical tolerances: B.5. to within &.1in.! >.5. to about &.1% in.
5raft allowance: 134 in.3ft.
0urface finish:
1&&"%&& in. rms.
Centrifuge Casting
Mold i0 de0igned @ith part cavitie0 located a@ay fro
a;i0 of rotation, 0o that olten etal poured into old i0
di0tributed to the0e cavitie0 by centrifugal force
10ed for 0aller part0
Radial 0yetry of part i0 not reDuired a0 in other
centrifugal ca0ting ethod0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Seicentrifugal 4a0ting and 4a0ting by 4entrifuging
Figure &&..& EaF Scheatic illu0tration of the 0eicentrifugal ca0ting proce00. 6heel0
@ith 0poke0 can be ca0t by thi0 proce00. EbF Scheatic illu0tration of ca0ting by
centrifuging. The old0 are placed at the periphery of the achine, and the olten
etal i0 forced into the old0 by centrifugal force.
4a0ting <uality
!f the 7%factor i0 too lo@,
the liDuid etal @ill not reain forced again0t the
old @all during the upper half of the circular path
but @ill RRrainII in0ide the cavity.
Slipping occur0 bet@een the olten etal and the old
rotational 0peed of the etal i0 le00 than that of the
:n an epirical ba0i0, value0 of 7F P +$ to )$ are
appropriate for horiContal centrifugal ca0ting.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
There are nuerou0 opportunitie0 for thing0 to go
@rong, re0ulting in Duality defect0 in the ca0t product.
ca0ting0 that 0olidify before copletely filling the old
cavity. Typical cau0e0 include
E&F fluidity of the olten etal i0 in0ufficient,
E.F pouring teperature i0 too lo@,
E'F pouring i0 done too 0lo@ly, and8or
E(F cro00%0ection of the old cavity i0 too thin.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+b, Cold Shuts-
@hen t@o portion0 of the etal flo@ together but there i0
a lack of fu0ion bet@een the due to preature
!t0 cau0e0 are 0iilar to tho0e of a i0run.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+c, Cold shots-
re0ult fro 0plattering during pouring, cau0ing the
foration of 0olid globule0 of etal that becoe
entrapped in the ca0ting.
/ouring procedure0 and gating 0y0te de0ign0 that
avoid 0plattering can prevent thi0 defect.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+d, cavity
depre00ion in the 0urface or an internal void,
cau0ed by 0olidification 0hrinkage that re0trict0 the
aount of olten etal available in the la0t region to
often occur0 near the top of the ca0ting, Ereferred to a0 a
can be 0olved by proper ri0er de0ign.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+e, Microporosity
con0i0t0 of a net@ork of 0all void0 di0tributed
throughout the ca0ting
cau0ed by localiCed 0olidification 0hrinkage of the final
olten etal in the dendritic 0tructure.
u0ually a00ociated @ith alloy0, becau0e of the protracted
anner in @hich freeCing occur0 in the0e etal0.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+(, /ot tearin +hot,-
occur0 @hen the ca0ting i0 re0trained fro contraction by
an unyielding old
during the final 0tage0 of 0olidification or early 0tage0 of
cooling after 0olidification.
The defect i0 anife0ted a0 a 0eparation of the etal
Etearing and crackingF at a point of high ten0ile 0tre00
cau0ed by the etalI0 inability to 0hrink naturally.
!n 0and ca0ting and other e;pendable%old proce00e0, it i0
prevented by copounding the old to be collap0ible.
!n peranent%old proce00e0, it i0 reduced by reoving
the part fro the old iediately after 0olidification.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
Soe defect0 are related to the u0e of 0and old0
Ee;pendable%old proce00e0F, and therefore they occur
only in 0and ca0ting0.
+a,Sand blo#
defect con0i0ting of a balloon%0haped ga0 cavity cau0ed
by relea0e of old ga0e0 during pouring.
!t occur0 at or belo@ the ca0ting 0urface near the top of
the ca0ting.
&. 9o@ pereability,
.. poor venting, and
'. high oi0ture content of the 0and old
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+b, Pinholes-
al0o cau0ed by relea0e of ga0e0 during pouring,
con0i0t of any 0all ga0 cavitie0 fored at or 0lightly
belo@ the 0urface of the ca0ting.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+c, Sand #ash-
an irregularity in the 0urface of the ca0ting that re0ult0
fro ero0ion of the 0and old during pouring,
the contour of the ero0ion i0 fored in the 0urface of the
final ca0t part.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+d, Scabs
rough area0 on the 0urface of the ca0ting due to
encru0tation0 of 0and and etal.
cau0ed by portion0 of the old 0urface flaking off during
0olidification and becoing ibedded in the ca0ting
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+e, Penetration
a 0urface defect that occur0 @hen the fluidity of the
liDuid etal i0 high, and it penetrate0 into the 0and old
or 0and core.
1pon freeCing, the ca0ting 0urface con0i0t0 of a i;ture
of 0and grain0 and etal.
Harder packing of the 0and old help0 to alleviate thi0
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+(, Mold shi(t
cau0ed by a 0ide@i0e di0placeent of the old cope
relative to the drag,
the re0ult i0 a 0tep in the ca0t product at the parting line.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+, Core shi(t
0iilar to old 0hift, but it i0 the core that i0 di0placed,
and the di0placeent i0 u0ually vertical.
4ore 0hift and old 0hift are cau0ed by buoyancy of the
olten etal.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
43ST!#7 <139!TS
+h, Mold crac.
occur0 @hen old 0trength i0 in0ufficient, and a crack
develop0, into @hich liDuid etal can 0eep to for a RRfinII
on the final ca0ting.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
!n0pection Method0
Foundry in0pection procedure0 include
&. vi0ual in0pection to detect obviou0 defect0 0uch a0
i0run0, cold 0hut0, and 0evere 0urface fla@0J
.. dien0ional ea0ureent0 to en0ure that tolerance0
have been etJ and
'. etallurgical, cheical, phy0ical, and other te0t0
concerned @ith the inherent Duality of the ca0t etal.
aF pre00ure te0tingTto locate leak0 in the ca0tingJ
bF radiographic ethod0, agnetic particle te0t0, the
u0e of fluore0cent penetrant0, and 0uper0onic
te0tingTto detect either 0urface or internal defect0
in the ca0tingJ and
cF echanical te0ting to deterine propertie0 0uch a0
ten0ile 0trength and hardne00.
-.$$5 2ohn 6iley & Son0, !nc. M / 7roover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing '8e
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
Suary of 4a0ting /roce00e0
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schid.
!S"# $%&'%&()*+,%). - .$$+ /ear0on Education, !nc., 1pper Saddle River, #2. 3ll right0 re0erved.
4haracteri0tic0 of 4a0ting

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