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3D stress

Mostly from Ragan and Schultz,

Note sign convention change
Tractions from stress
Tractions from stress
Traction normal and shear
sigma=dot(T,N) (MATLAB)
Traction normal and shear
S = [-50 -20 10; -20 -30 -15; 10 -15 -120]

[l,m,n] =plunge_trend_to_dir_cosines(30,290);


T=S*N; %equation 13.11
T_mag = sqrt(sum(T.^2));

%normalize components of T to get its direction
lt=T(1)./T_mag; mt = T(2)./T_mag; nt =

%plot traction vector
[plunge, trend] =
dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(lt, mt, nt);

%we know the orientation of the normal
traction, but what is its magnitude?
sigma = dot(T,N);%equation 13.13

%Now for the shear traction; use the
McKenzie construction
B = cross(T,N); %vector normal to the
plane containing T and N
B_mag = sqrt(B(1)^2 + B(2)^2 + B(3)^2);
lb = B(1)./B_mag;
mb = B(2)./B_mag;
nb = B(3)./B_mag;

Ts = cross(N,B); %shear traction direction
Ts_mag = sqrt(Ts(1)^2 + Ts(2)^2 +
Ts(1) = Ts(1)./Ts_mag;
Ts(2) = Ts(2)./Ts_mag;
Ts(3) = Ts(3)./Ts_mag;

%let's check that the normal and shear are
components of the traction
testmag = sqrt(sum(sigma.^2 + Ts_mag.^2));
traction vector components are 6.4660 10.9900 -44.8311
traction magnitude 46.6091
traction vector direction cosines 0.1387 0.2358 -0.9619
traction plunge = 74.1 trend = 239.5
normal traction mag -29.44 shear traction mag 36.13
check that components make same length as traction:
46.6091 =?= 46.6091

N, sigma
Traction from principal stresses
Traction from principal stresses
alpha1 = 45; alpha2 = 60;

S = [120 0 0; 0 80 0; 0 0 20]
l = cosd(alpha1);
m = cosd(alpha2);
n = sqrt(1 - l.^2 - m.^2);
N =[l;m;n];
[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend(l, m,
n);%pole to plane

ld = -l; md = -m; nd = cosd(asind(n));
[dip, dipdir] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend(ld, md,
nd);%plane itself

T=S*N; %equation 13.11

T_mag = sqrt(sum(T.^2));

%normalize components of T to get its direction
lt=T(1)./T_mag; mt = T(2)./T_mag; nt = T(3)./T_mag;

%plot traction vector
[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(lt,
mt, nt);
%we know the orientation of the normal
traction, but what is its magnitude?
sigma = dot(T,N);%equation 13.13

%Now for the shear traction use; the
McKenzie construction
B = cross(T,N); %vector normal to the plane
containing T and N
B_mag = sqrt(B(1)^2 + B(2)^2 + B(3)^2);
lb = B(1)./B_mag;
mb = B(2)./B_mag;
nb = B(3)./B_mag;

Ts = cross(N,B); %shear traction direction
Ts_mag = sqrt(Ts(1)^2 + Ts(2)^2 + Ts(3)^2);
Ts(1) = Ts(1)./Ts_mag;
Ts(2) = Ts(2)./Ts_mag;
Ts(3) = Ts(3)./Ts_mag;

S =
120 0 0
0 80 0
0 0 20
P l = 0.7071 m = 0.5000 n = 0.5000
traction vector components are 84.8528 40.0000 10.0000
traction magnitude 94.3398
traction vector direction cosines 0.8994 0.4240 0.1060
traction plunge = 6.1 trend = 25.2
normal traction mag 85.00 shear traction mag 40.93
check that components make same length as traction: 94.3398 =?= 94.3398
N, sigma
-O. Zielke
Full stress tensor rotation example
Given S =

-100 0 0
0 -50 0
0 0 -10
With s
oriented 020, s
oriented 110 and s
S =
0 0
0 s
0 0 s

xprime l = 0.9397 m = 0.3420 n = 0.0000
yprime l = -0.3420 m = 0.9397 n = 0.0000
zprime l = -0.0000 m = -0.0000 n = 1.0000
checks for orthogonality:
xy 0.0000 xz 0.0000 yz 0.0000

R =

0.9397 -0.3420 0
0.3420 0.9397 0
0 0 1.0000

rotatedS =

-94.1511 16.0697 0
16.0697 -55.8489 0
0 0 -10.0000
%MATLAB main script
%buildrotationmatrix2(xprimetrend, xprimeplunge, yprimetrend,yprimeplunge,zprimetrend,zprimeplunge, talkandplot)
R = buildrotationmatrix2( 20, 0, 110, 0, 0, 90, 1)

S = [-100 0 0; 0 -50 0; 0 0 -10]

rotatedS = R'*S*R

function [R] = buildrotationmatrix2(xprimetrend, xprimeplunge,
yprimetrend,yprimeplunge,zprimetrend,zprimeplunge, talkandplot)
%This takes the orientation of the original coordinate system as trends and
%plunges and
%computes the direction cosines of the final coordinate system and then
%provides the rotation matrix of the form:
% l l' l''
% R = m m' m''
% n n' n"
%assumes the angles are in degrees
%assume that you want to rotate to north south
X = [1 0 0];
Y = [0 1 0];
Z = [0 0 1];

[xprime(1), xprime(2) xprime(3)] =plunge_trend_to_dir_cosines(xprimeplunge,xprimetrend);
[yprime(1), yprime(2) yprime(3)] =plunge_trend_to_dir_cosines(yprimeplunge,yprimetrend);
[zprime(1), zprime(2) zprime(3)] =plunge_trend_to_dir_cosines(zprimeplunge,zprimetrend);
%check to make sure you put them in right and they are orthogonal:
checkxy = dot(xprime,yprime);
checkxz = dot(xprime,zprime);
checkyz = dot(yprime,zprime);

if talkandplot==1
fprintf(1,'xprime l = %3.4f m = %3.4f n = %3.4f\n', xprime(1), xprime(2), xprime(3))
fprintf(1,'yprime l = %3.4f m = %3.4f n = %3.4f\n', yprime(1), yprime(2), yprime(3))
fprintf(1,'zprime l = %3.4f m = %3.4f n = %3.4f\n', zprime(1), zprime(2), zprime(3))
fprintf(1,'checks for orthogonality: xy %3.4f xz %3.4f yz %3.4f\n', checkxy, checkxz, checkyz)

text(0,1, 'N', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom')
%plot final coordinate system
[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(X(1), X(2), X(3));
[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(Y(1), Y(2), Y(3));
[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(Z(1), Z(2), Z(3));

R(1,1) = X*xprime';
R(1,2) = X*yprime';
R(1,3) = X*zprime';
R(2,1) = Y*xprime';
R(2,2) = Y*yprime';
R(2,3) = Y*zprime';
R(3,1) = Z*xprime';
R(3,2) = Z*yprime';
R(3,3) = Z*zprime';

Example application to South
Mountains faults
%Set up Receiver Fault
%We are interested in a plane with P(75,225)
poletrend =225;

ld1 = -l; md1 = -m; nd1 = cosd(poleplunge);
[dip, dipdir] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend(ld1, md1,


dip is 45.0 and dip dir is 45.0
%Set up stress tensor
%assume that the principal stresses are appropriate for normal faulting
%conditions so maximum stress is the vertical stress
sv = -26.7.*12; %assume 26.5 MPa per km and 12 km depth
shmin = sv.*0.1; %assume the 1 direction is the minimum horizontal stress and is 10%
shmax = sv.*0.25; %assume the 2 direction is intermediate
S = [shmin 0 0;
0 shmax 0;
0 0 sv]
%buildrotationmatrix2(xprimetrend, xprimeplunge, yprimetrend,yprimeplunge,zprimetrend,zprimeplunge, talkandplot)
R = buildrotationmatrix2( 30, 0, 120, 0, 0, 90, 1)

rotatedS = R'*S*R

Example application to South
Mountains faults
S =

-32.0400 0 0
0 -80.1000 0
0 0 -320.4000

xprime l = 0.8660 m = 0.5000 n = 0.0000
yprime l = -0.5000 m = 0.8660 n = 0.0000
zprime l = -0.0000 m = -0.0000 n = 1.0000
checks for orthogonality: xy 0.0000 xz 0.0000 yz 0.0000

R =

0.8660 -0.5000 0
0.5000 0.8660 0
0 0 1.0000

rotatedS =

-44.0550 -20.8106 0
-20.8106 -68.0850 0
0 0 -320.4000
Example application to South
Mountains faults
%Now resolve the stresses
T=rotatedS*N; %equation 13.11

T_mag = sqrt(sum(T.^2));

%normalize components of T to get its direction cosines
lt=T(1)./T_mag; mt = T(2)./T_mag; nt = T(3)./T_mag;

%plot traction vector
[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(lt, mt, nt);

%we know the orientation of the normal traction,
%but what is its magnitude?
sigma = dot(T,N); %equation 13.13

traction vector components are 32.4328 44.4478 -226.5570
traction magnitude 233.1428
traction vector direction cosines 0.1391 0.1906 -0.9718
traction plunge = 76.3 trend = 233.9
normal traction mag -198.64

Example application to South
Mountains faults
%Now for the shear traction; use the McKenzie construction
B = cross(T,N); %vector normal to the plane containing T and N
B_mag = sqrt(B(1)^2 + B(2)^2 + B(3)^2);
lb = B(1)./B_mag;
mb = B(2)./B_mag;
nb = B(3)./B_mag;

[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(lb,mb,nb);

Ts = cross(N,B); %shear traction direction
Ts_mag = sqrt(Ts(1)^2 + Ts(2)^2 + Ts(3)^2);
Ts(1) = Ts(1)./Ts_mag;
Ts(2) = Ts(2)./Ts_mag;
Ts(3) = Ts(3)./Ts_mag;

[plunge, trend] = dir_cosines_to_plunge_trend2(Ts(1), Ts(2),

%let's check that the normal and shear are components of the
testmag = sqrt(sum(sigma.^2 + Ts_mag.^2));
shear traction mag 122.06
check that components make
same length as traction: 233.1428 =?= 233.1428
Angular misfit between resolved traction and observed slickenline = 4.7
%Haddad station 142

strike = 340;
measured_dip = 32;
slickenlinetrend = 075;
slickenlineplunge = 24;
Haddad station 142
Arrowsmith station 10
dip is 35.0 and dip dir is 325.0
Measured slickenline plunge = 35.0 and trend = 325.0
Intersection plunge = 35.0 and trend = 325.0
Angular difference = 0.0
normal traction mag -225.85 shear traction mag 135.18
check that components make same length as traction: 263.2159 =?= 263.2159
Angular misfit between resolved traction and observed slickenline = 2.7
Arrowsmith station 10

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