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Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station

1:40 am on Apr.26,1986,the No.4 Reactor of

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station exploded, and
caused the biggest ever nuclear leakage in history
31 persons died ,130000 persons injured in the accident due
to super-strong radioactivity !2,400,000 people were affected .

Physical test of people who were exposed to the
excessive radioactivity showed a dramatic decrease
of white blood cell, with a decease of immunity as
well as ability to reproduce blood. Doctors had no
way to control!
One Japanese NGO came and donated Spirulina for the affectees.
Remarkable results was observed after using the Spirulina--- white blood
cell increased ,immunity improved,and blood reproduction restarted.
Price of Spirulina increased and exceeded the price of heroin! Spirulina
became a hotcake!
Residence around the Chenghai lake in Shenghai County,Yunnan Province has the
tradition to eat the alga/spirulina from the lake for extra body energy
Spirulina is a greenish algae with 3.5billion years history. With a
microscope, the algae cells take the form of spiral. It is an amazing
creature in between animal and plant.
Spirulina is a god-blessed super nutrient for human beings, it
contains almost all the nutrients, trace elements, minerals
needed by human body.
In 1492,the European explorer Columbus found spirulina in Mexico and
witnessed its amazing results. But his discovery was not heeded.
In 1940,another European expeditor rediscovered spirulina in Lake Chad in
Africa, and was amazing by the stronger and tougher natives who took
spirualina as their diet. Spirulina brought a green revolution in food industry.
It again caused a new wave of researches worldwide after the 1986 Nuclear
disaster in Ukrain.

Spirulina is being used in different formats to make dietary
supplements ,and personal care commodities
-a unique dietary supplement
Nutrients in 100g of Spirulina:
Water-saleable protein 65-70g Inose 60100 mg
carbohydrate1520 g folic acid0.02-0.05 mg
fat36 g biotin 0.050.1 mg
fiber12 g amylose20004000 mg
chlorophyl15002000 mg linolenic acid 10002000 mg
Carotene 400800 mg V B134 mg
albumen912 g V A200300 mg
Calcium 400600 mg V B6100200 mg
Fe80150 mg V B32030 mg
Ma200500 mg V B120.10.5 mg
Zinc515 mg V C2080 mg
Pantothenic acid cal12 mg V E1020 mg
SOD400000800000 unit V B2515 mg

1g Spirulina contains same amount of nutriments as in 1000g of vegetables
Nutrients contain in Spirulina meet the most ideal
nutrition requirements designed by Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Therefore Spirulina is the only natural & most
balanced diet discovered by man so far!
8g Spirulina enable a man
to survive 40days
1g Spirulina contains same amount of nutriments as in 1000g of vegetables
FAOSpirulina= Most ideal diet in 21 century
UNESCOSpirulina= Best food in future
FAO Conference: Spirulina=Super food
WHO: Spirulina=Best source of nutrients in new century
US FDA: Spirulina=Mans best source of protein
China Ministry of Health: Spirulina=new source of nutrition
Major Functions of Spirulina
Boost immunity,
increase the capability of the body against infectious diseases
Enhance the body for prevention of
radio activities
Major Functions of Spirulina
Increase the body of a diabetic for:
secretion(Ratobat) of insulin
Activation of pancreas(Lablaba) cells
Supply nutrition to body

Major Functions of Spirulina

Reduce cholesterol ,Clean the waste in the
blood system of patient of cardiovascular disease
Major Functions of Spirulina
Spirulina and slimming+beautification

Slimming: 2 or 4 capsules of spirulina before meals
Beautification: Green Mask

Major Functions of Spirulina
Spirulina and Child
Nutrient substances(Ghazai Ajza) are essential for child growth.
Lack of nutrients cause malnutrition(Ghazai kami) which will
negatively affect the future life of a child.
Spirulina contains rich and complete nutrients for body
development of a child .It is easy for absorption. Therefore
Spirulina creates a shortcut for supply of nutrient substances for
the growth of a child

Major Functions of Spirulina
is weak with low immunity, and easily becomes ill
Is excessively using computer, mobile ,and devices with microwave
Feels tiredness easily
Does not take meals on regular hours ,or skip meals
Is a fast-food lover
Has problems with stomach or intestines ,with poor digestion system
Is choosy with foods, especially for children in growing stage
Is taking radioactive or thermal treatment as a cancer patients
Is fasting ,or undergoing slimming or fitness
has poor liver function
is diabetic

Good for those who
3 --- 6 capsules ,3 times a day

For those who has difficulty to swallow:
open the capsules and mix into water

The More pure, the better
How to select Spirulina

Technology to dry Spirulina is very important
Price factor


More nutrient when colour is darker


Colour in water

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