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A syndrome most often characterized by

depression, delusions and thoughts
by the mother of harming either the
infant or herself

A. Postpartum Depression
B. Postpartum Blues
C. Postpartum Psychosis

________ is the most common form of
postpartum thrombophlebitis. It is
characterized by pain and tenderness in
the lower extremities. Physical
examination may reveal warmth, redness
and enlarged, hardened vein over site of

After childbirth, the uterus of the mother did
not go back to its normal size. What is the
name of this condition?

A. Recoil failure
B. Subinvolution
C. Involution arrest
D. Uterine Atony

Give 2 most common causes
of failure of the uterus to return to a
nonpregnant state?
What type of milk is present in the mothers
breasts 7 to 10 days postpartum?

A. Colostrum
B. Hind milk
C. Mature milk
D. Transitional milk

On which of the postpartum days can the
client expect lochia serosa?

A. days 3 and 4 post partum
B. Days 4 to 10 post partum
C. days 10 - 14 post partum
D. days 14 - 42 post partum

Which of the following complications is
most likely responsible for a delayed
postpartum hemorrhage?

A. Cervical laceration
B. Clotting deficiency
C. Perineal laceration
D. Uterine subinvolution


Chloasma of pregnancy usually disappears
at the end of pregnancy.
A nurse is assessing four postpartum
clients with vaginal births. Which are at
risk for uterine atony? Select all that

A. The client who received magnesium
B. The client who had an oxytocin induction
C. The client who had a precipitous labor
D. The client who had a cerclage
A nurse is caring for a client who is 4 hours
postpartum with postpartum hemorrhage.
Which nursing diagnosis has the highest

A. Fluid Volume Deficit, related to blood loss
secondary to uterine atony
B. Fatigue, related to anemia from postpartum
C. Activity Intolerance, related to enforced bed rest
to control postpartum bleeding
D. Knowledge Deficit, related to lack of information
about signs of postpartum hemorrhage

As part of the postpartum assessment,
the nurse examines the breasts of a
primiparous breastfeeding woman who
is one day postpartum. An expected
finding would be:

A. Soft, non-tender; colostrum is present
B. Leakage of milk at let down
C. Swollen, warm, and tender upon
D. A few blisters and a bruise on each

A primiparous woman is in the taking-in
stage of psychosocial recovery and
adjustment following birth. The nurse,
recognizing the needs of women during
this stage, should:

A. Foster an active role in the babys care
B. Provide time for the mother to reflect on the
events of and her behavior during childbirth
C. Recognize the womans limited attention
span by giving her written materials to read
when she gets home rather than doing a
teaching session now
D. Promote maternal independence by
encouraging her to meet her own hygiene
and comfort needs

A nurse is preparing to assess the uterine fundus
of a client in the immediate postpartum period.
When the nurse locates the fundus, she notes that
the uterus feels soft and boggy. Which of the
following nursing interventions would be most
appropriate initially?

A. Massage the fundus until it is firm
B. Elevate the mothers legs
C. Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots
D. Encourage the mother to void
A nurse is preparing to perform a fundal
assessment on a postpartum client. The
initial nursing action in performing this
assessment is which of the following?

A. Ask the client to turn on her side
B. Ask the client to lie flat on her back with
the knees and legs flat and straight.
C. Ask the mother to urinate and empty her
D. Massage the fundus gently before
determining the level of the fundus.

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