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Describing the logical structure of the database

Creating tablespaces
Changing the size of tablespaces using different methods
Changing the status and storage settings of tablespaces
Relocating tablespaces
Preparing necessary tablespaces
The database architecture includes the logical and physical
structures that make up the database
The physical structure consists of control files, online redo
log files, and data files
The logical database structure includes tablespaces, segments,
extents, and data blocks
The separation of logical and physical structure provides a
fine grained control of disk space management. When logical
storage structures are created, space is allocated in the database
according to predefined parameters. The database administrator
has the ability to override or configure these parameters. To
use space efficiently and effectively it is important to
understand the logical database structure
Logical Database Structure
Database Structure
O/S block
A tablespace can belong to only one database
Each tablespace consists of one or more operating system files
Tablespaces can be brought online while the database is running
Except for the SYSTEM tablespace or a tablespace with an active
rollback segment, tablespaces can be taken offline, leaving the
database running
Tablespaces can be switched between read-write and read-only
Tablespace Uses
Controlling space allocation
Assigning space quotas to users
Controlling availability of data by taking individual tablespaces
online or offline
Distributing data storage across devices to improve I/O
performance and to reduce I/O contention against a single disk
Performing partial backup and partial recovery operations
Keeping large amounts of static data on read only devices

Data Files
Each tablespace in an Oracle database consists of one or more
files called data files. These are physical structures that conform
with the operating system on which the Oracle server is running.

A data file can belong to only one tablespace
An Oracle server creates a data file for a tablespace by allocating
the specified amount of disk space plus a small overhead
The database administrator can change the size of the data file
after its creation or can specify that a data file should
dynamically grow as objects in the tablespace grow.
A segment is the space allocated for a specific type of logical
storage structure within a tablespace. The following are examples
of segments:

Table segment
Index segment
Temporary segment
Rollback segment

Note: A segment such as a data segment may span multiple files that
belong to the same tablespace.
The next level of logical database space is called an extent. An
extent is a set of contiguous number of blocks. Each type of
segment is made up of one or more extents. An extent may not
span a data file, but must exist in one data file.
Data Blocks
At the finest level of granularity, the data in the Oracle database
is stored in data blocks. One data block corresponds to one or
more physical file blocks allocated from an existing data file.

Data block size is specified for each Oracle database by the
initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE when the database is
created. A database block is the smallest unit of input-output.
Types of Tablespaces
A database consists of at least one tablespace: the SYSTEM
tablespace. Create additional tablespaces in the database for
increased control and long term ease of maintenance.

Essentially, the Oracle server perceives two types of tablespaces:
SYSTEM and others that are not the SYSTEM tablespace.
System and Non-system
The SYSTEM tablespace is

Required in all databases for database operation
Contains data dictionary information, definitions of stored
procedures, packages, and database triggers
Contains the SYSTEM rollback segment
Should not contain user data although it is allowed

The non- SYSTEM tablespaces

Enable more flexibility in database administration
Can store rollback segments, temporary segments, application
data, and application indexes
Creating Tablespaces
SQL> create tablespace app_data
datafile /DISK4/app01.dbf size 100m
minimum extent 500k
default storage(initial 500k next 500k maxextents 500
pctincrease 0);

Datafile specifies the data file or files that make up the
Default Storage specifies the default storage parameters for
all objects created in the tablespace
Minimum Extent ensures that every used extent size in the
tablespace is a multiple of the integer value
Storage Parameters
The following parameters influence the segment storage allocation:


Note: The amount of space used by a segment is determined by the
storage clause. These parameters are determined at the creation of
the segment. If no specific storage parameters are given in the
Create commands of the segment such as Create table then
the segment will use the default storage parameters for the tablespace
in which it is stored.
Storage Parameters
INITIAL defines the size of the first extent. The minimum size
of the first extent is two blocks, that is (2*DB_BLOCK_SIZE)
The default size is five blocks, that is (5*DB_BLOCK_SIZE)
NEXT refers to the size of the second extent. The minimum size
of the next extent is one block. The default size is five blocks,
that is (5*DB_BLOCK_SIZE)
MINEXTENTS is the number of extents allocated when the
segment is created The minimum and default is 1
PCTINCREASE is the percent by which the extent size grows.
The size of an extent is calculated using the following formula:
Size(n) = NEXT * (1 + PCTINCREASE/100)

Where size(n) is the size of the nth extent
Storage Parameters
For example, if NEXT is set to 200k, and PCTINCREASE is 50
the second extent would be 200k in size, the third extent would
be 300k (50% more than the second extent), the fourth extent
would be 450k (50% more than the third extent), and so on. The
minimum value is 0, and the default value is 50. Also, the
calculated value is rounded up to next data block which is a
multiple of 5*DB_BLOCK_SIZE
Storage Parameters
MAXEXTENTS determines the maximum number of extents
that a segment can have. The minimum value is 1. The default
maximum value depends on the data block size. The maximum size
can also be specified by the keyword UNLIMITED, which is
equivalent to a value of 2147483645.
Temporary Tablespace
Used for sort operations
Cannot contain any permanent data

SQL> create tablespace sort
datafile /DISK2/sort01.dbf size 50m
minimum extent 1m
default storage(initial 2m next 2m maxextents 500
pctincrease 0)

Note: Existing tablespaces can be altered so that they become
temporary as long as they do not have any permanent
objects in them
Changing the Size of Tablespaces
You can enlarge a tablespace in two ways:

Add a data file to a tablespace
Change the size of a data file
Adding Data Files to a tablespace
SQL> alter tablespace app_data
add datafile DISK5/app02.dbf size 200m;

The tablespace app_data now consists of two data files: app01.dbf
and app02.dbf
Enabling Automatic Extension of
Data Files
You can alter the size of a data file in one of two ways:
Automatically using the AUTOEXTEND option
Manually using the ALTER DATABASE command
The Autoextend Clause
You can use the autoextend option when adding a datafile:

SQL> alter tablespace app_data
add datafile /DISK6/app03.dbf size 200m
autoextend on next 10m
maxsize 500m;

You can also autoextend an existing datafile:

SQL> alter database
datafile /DISK6/app02.dbf
autoextend on;
Changing the Size of Data Files
Instead of adding space to the database by adding data files, the
database administrator can change the size of a data file. The database
administrator can correct errors in estimates of space requirements
and reclaim unused space in the database. Use the following
ALTER DATABASE command to manually increase or decrease the
size of the data file:

SQL> alter database
datafile /DISK5/app02.dbf resize 100m;

Note: The absolute size of the resulting data file is now 100m

Changing the Storage Settings
Use the following ALTER TABLESPACE command to alter
the default storage default storage definition of a tablespace:

SQL> alter tablespace app_data
minimum extent 2m;

SQL> alter tablespace app_data
default storage(initial 2m next 2m maxextents 999);
Users can access a tablespace only if it is online. The database
administrator might take a tablespace offline to make:
A portion of the database unavailable, while allowing normal
access to the remainder of the database
Tables or an application unavailable while relocating data files
The tablespace that is offline is not available for data access
The SYSTEM tablespace and any tablespace with active rollback
segments cannot be taken offline

SQL> alter tablespace app_data offline;

SQL> alter tablespace app_data online;
The Read-only Tablespace Status
Making tablespaces read-only prevents write operations on the
data files. The purpose of read-only tablespaces is to ensure that
no changes are made and to eliminate the need to perform backup
and recovery of large static portions of the database.

SQL> alter tablespace app_data read only;

SQL> alter tablespace app_data read write;
Making Tablespace Read-only
The tablespace must be online
No active transactions are allowed
The tablespace must not contain active rollback segments
The tablespace must not currently be involved in an online backup
Moving Data Files:ALTER
Depending on the type of tablespace, the database administrator
can move data files. There are two methods for doing this. The first
method uses the alter tablespace command:

1. Take the tablespace offline
2. Use an operating system command to move or copy files
3. Execute the alter tablespace rename datafile command
4. Bring the tablespace online
5. Use an operating system command to delete the file if necessary

Note: For this method to succeed the target data files must exist
Moving Data Files: ALTER
Use the following process to rename files in tablespaces that
Cannot be taken offline:

1. Shut down the database
2. Use an operating system command to move the data files
3. Mount the database
4. Execute the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command
5. Open the database

Dropping the Tablespace
SQL> drop tablespace app_data;

A read-only tablespace can also be dropped
You should take the tablespace offline before dropping it

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